Chapter 80

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"Stand tall but don't make eye contact. Speak when spoken to and address him as My Lord." my mother said as he fixed my tie. I gently grabbed her shaky hands. "Mother, it's ok." I said softly. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and forced a smile. "Everything will be ok." she said. I just nodded. We walked out and I shut the front door. I took my mothers hand and we apparated to Riddle Manor. It was just as big as I remember. She looked at me once more with sorrow. "I'm sorry Draco, it shouldn't be you." she said. I just nodded. Then we went inside.

We were led to a large sitting room and it had 8 death eaters sitting throughout. Then I saw Nathan and The Dark Lord. No Camilla. "Ah, The Malfoys. How kind of you to join us." he said. I nodded. We walked closer and I bowed to him. "I don't want to waste any time, do you know why you are here?" he asked. I ignored Nathan's smirk. "Yes My Lord." I said. He nodded. "Are you honored to be taking this mark?" he asked. "Yes, My Lord." I said. "Really?" he questioned. I looked at him. "Because my son seems to think otherwise. He says you care far more for my daughter than for loyalty to me." he said. I glared at Nathan. "Is that true?" he asked. I started to speak when he cut me off. "Be careful how you answer because I can look into your mind in an instant and know if it's the truth," he said. I nodded. "My Lord, there is some truth to that. Yes, I care very deeply for Camilla, I won't bother denying it. But it is my time to take the mark, I intend to do so and serve you in any way you choose and with undying loyalty." I said. The Dark Lord gave me a cruel grin. "He's lying." Nathan said. "I'm not!" I exclaimed. "Yes, he is. Watch, I guarantee if you bring Camilla up here and she finds out he's about to take the mark, he'll try and back out." Nathan said. "Shut up!" I yelled. "Draco!" my mother whispered. The Dark Lord stared at us. "Get Camilla." he said to 2 death eaters. "My Lord, that isn't necessary. I will take the mark." I said. He didn't say anything. I heard the sound of footsteps and then I saw her...

Her wrists were in metal chains and Nathan was dragging her along. She could barely stay standing. She had bags under her sunken, bloodshot eyes and there was so much blood. Her dress was ripped down the back so it barely stayed on. Her hair was messy and her feet were dirty. She was so thin, it looked like she hadn't eaten in months. I felt sick. The worst part about it was that look in her eyes. She looked... blank, numb. Like there wasn't even a person inside that shell of a body. When she looked at me, I saw the girl I loved. But she looked like she didn't even know who I was. I was in shock, I could barely breathe. I felt frozen, I just stared.

"Draco, don't-" my mother started. The sound of her voice jump started my brain. I immediately ran towards Camilla, pushing Nathan out of the way. I stood in front of her and she looked up at me. I pulled on the chains but they wouldn't come off. "Camilla?" I said. She looked scared. "Camilla, it's Draco." I said. I took her hands in mine and they were ice cold. "Camilla, say something." I said quietly. "Camilla, leave him." The Dark Lord said. She pulled her hands away. Then she simply walked away and stood next to Nathan. He had the most smug grin on his face. I felt like I struck with a thousand blows to the chest and I lost all the air in my system. I stared at Nathan. "What did you do to her?" I asked. He just smirked. "What did you do?" I screamed. I shoved him against the wall and was about to punch him when I felt the tip of a wand in between my shoulderblades. I turned around and it was my mother. "Let him go." she said softly. I glared at Nathan. "Why? She didn't do anything." I asked him. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, let him go." my mother repeated. She pulled me away and I let her. "Why doesn't she know who I am?" I asked. "In the process of psychological conditioning, her mind was fractured. Everything from memories to people got mixed up." The Dark Lord said. "Basically her mind is wrecked." Nathan said with a laugh. I exhaled a shaky breath. "Can it be healed?" I asked. The Dark Lord just drew his wand. "That's not your concern." he stated. I just stared at Camilla. "Come here, you will take the mark now," he said. I mindlessly walked over and knelt in front of him. He grabbed my arm and pressed his wand to my skin. I gritted my teeth to keep from screaming as it burned. Then he talked and I listened. He explained my task and everything I have to do. Then, just like that it was over. My mother started to leave and I stopped. "I'll meet you outside." I said. "Draco, no. You can't-" she started. "I need to see her." I said. My voice was pleading. She just nodded. I went back inside and walked up to Nathan. "What do I have to do to get 5 minutes with her?" I asked. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "She's practically a vegetable, it's pointless," he said. "Then you won't mind if I see her." I said. He scoffed. "You know what, I don't care. But if you think you can rescue her, just know there are wards all over the place. There are spells that will kill you both if she gets too far." he said. I sighed and nodded. Then I went down to her cell.

She was sitting in the back corner curled up in a ball and just staring at the wall. I walked up to the gate and shook it. "Alohomora," I whispered. The gate unlocked and I went inside. I knelt in front of her and she looked at me. "Please say my name. Please say you didn't forget me." I pleaded. She stared at me. "Draco." she stated. I smiled. "Yes. I'm Draco. Do you remember me? Do you remember us?" I asked. "It hurt." she said. "What did?" she asked. "All of it." she said. "What did they do to you?" I asked. "My mind. I don't remember who is who and what is what." she said. "What about Potter? Do you remember him?" I asked. Her eyes widened with fear. "He tried to kill me. You can't tell him where I am, he hates me. He wants me dead." she said. I froze. "No, no, no. Camilla. Potter is a good guy. I mean, he's a self righteous prat sometimes but he helps you. He's your friend." I said. She looked so lost and confused. "Who's Professor Snape?" she asked. I sighed. "He is our teacher. He takes-" I started. Then I heard the cage door. "5 minutes are up," Nathan said. "Please, just a little longer." I said. "You can see her in 2 weeks, when school goes back," he said. I nodded and let go of Camilla's hand. "Goodbye" I whispered. Then I started to leave when Nathan spoke...

"If she's still alive," he said smugly.

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