Chapter 13

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Our classes went by quick today because everyone was excited for the task. It took place after school. I was leaving Potions and saw Harry talking to Nate. I immediately went over to see what they were saying. I hid behind a pillar and listened to their conversation. "But you can use a broom and from what I've heard you are really good" Nate said with a smile. That smile. It used to make me feel so safe. But now it just makes me scared. It makes me fear what is going on inside his head. "Thanks Nate, I appreciate your help," Harry said. "No problem Potter, Good Luck" Nate said and Harry walked off. I started to walk away but before I could go anywhere my collar was grabbed and I was yanked backwards into an empty classroom. I fell back and hit the floor. When I looked up, I saw Nate looking down at me with an evil look. "Eavesdropping are we now?" he said. I stood up to face him and brushed myself off. "I wanted to make sure you were actually helping Harry and your inner psycho hadn't taken over and you were trying to get him killed" I snapped. I felt the sting across my face as Nate smacked me, hard and my head whipped to the side. I grabbed my cheek and my eyes watered. "Do I need to remind you of the last time you disrespected me?" he asked. I just shook my head. "Good. Now what about that pathetic Hufflepuff, you have been staying away from him correct?" he asked. My heart raced as I thought of Cedric. "Yes." I said. "Good, because I don't think you want me to have to handle him." he said with a smug look. "I have stayed away from him, ask anybody" I said. "Good. Now get to the task. Not only do we need to keep an eye on Harry but if your little Hufflepuff crush does die I want you to be there to watch" he said laughing. Then he walked out. I wiped the tear that had fallen from my eyes and gathered myself, then I headed for the task.

I walked out of the castle and followed the students towards the stands. I saw that distinct red hair and sped up. "Ginny! Wait up!" I yelled. She stopped and I caught up to her, Fred and George. "Hey Cam!" she said. "Hey Gin, Boys" I said. "Hey Cam" they said at the same time. "How are you?" she asked. "I'm fine, why?" I said. "Well I know you told us that things didn't work out between you and Cedric but I'm sure you are still worried about him not to mention Harry." she said. "Oh yeah right. I'm really scared for them but I also think they can do it." I said. I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince her or myself. "Yeah, they'll be ok," Ginny said. My stomach was churning as we heard the dragons roaring. I couldn't bear it. I had to see him one more time before he did this stupid thing. "I'll be right back Ginny, save me a seat" I said and I ran towards the tent. I turned the corner and bumped into somebody. I looked up and saw Hermione. "What are you doing?" we both said at the same time. "I was checking on Harry, what about you?" she said. "Same" I lied. "Oh, he is inside," she said, giving me a small smile and walking off. I went to the tent and stuck my head in. Cedric was on the opposite side. Harry was closer. "Harry, Harry!" I whisper yelled. He walked over. "What's wrong? Is everything ok?" he asked. I gave him a hug. "I love that you are about to battle a dragon yet you ask if I'm ok" I said. We both chuckled. "I wanted to wish you good luck and be careful," I said. "Thanks but you also want to see Cedric right?" he said, smirking. I nodded. "Be right back," he said. I stood outside the tent and my hands shook. I was so nervous for him. "Camilla!" Cedric exclaimed. I kissed him and he wrapped his arms around me. I held him as tightly as I could and didn't want to let go. He pulled away from the kiss and looked into my eyes. "Camilla, I'll be ok. I know what I'm doing. I've spent weeks preparing, I'm ready." he said. "Ced, I don't want you to get hurt" I said. "NEXT UP THE HOGWARTS CHAMPION CEDRIC DIGGORY" a loud voice boomed. "I won't, I'll see you after, I promise." he said. I kissed him again and he walked away. I felt his hand fall from mine as he left. I turned the corner and froze. Standing in front of me was Ginny and Hermione. "Bloody Hell, you are shagging Cedric Diggory" Ginny yelled. "Shhhh" I said. "Why didn't you tell us?" Hermione asked. "Because it is supposed to be secret but more and more people seem to know as the day goes by." I sighed to myself. "Why is it a secret and how does Harry know?" Ginny asked. "My brother is a dick and doesn't approve of me dating a Hufflepuff, he will do anything to keep us apart. It's easier like this. Harry found out because he saw us this morning." I said. "Oh, Cam we won't say a word" Hermione said. "Yeah, we promise," Ginny said. "Thank you," I said. "Let's go watch my boyfriend fight a dragon," I said hesitantly. We walked to the stands and sat down. They were still wrangling the dragon into the arena. "Camilla, excited to see your crush get crushed" a voice said from behind me. It was Nate. I turned around to see Nate, Draco, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle. "Go to hell Nate" I spat. I felt him grab the back of my neck and yank my head back. His fingers dug into my flesh. "Watch your mouth" he spat back and snapped my head forward. Ginny and Hermione were in shock. "Cam, are you ok?" Hermione whispered. "I'm fine, he's just in a mood," I said.

"AT THE SOUND OF THE CANNON YOU MAY BEGIN" There was a loud bang and a cloud of smoke and I saw Cedric walk out. My heart stopped and I couldn't breathe. I closed my eyes and didn't open them until I heard the sound of applause. "Cam! Cam! He did it!" Hermione said. Ginny elbowed her and looked up at my brother and Hermione nodded acknowledging she understood. I wanted to get up and find him but we had to watch Harry. But the second he ended his task successfully, I got up to run to Cedric but Nate grabbed my arm. "What do you want Nate? Harry survived. " I asked. "Harry survived this task, now we have to get him through the next one." he said. I nodded and started to leave. "Shame your crush didn't die, that would have been funny" he said. I just ignored him and ran away. "Professor McGonagall, where are the champions?" I asked. "They were all taken to the hospital wing to be checked for injuries," she said. "Thank you" I said rushing off. I ran all the way there and ran inside. There were people crowded all around each person's bed. I couldn't go right up to Cedrics bed so I wrote him a note. Our spot, tonight, 12 I quickly folded it up and gave it to Ginny and she gave it to him. Then I went to Harry's bed. "Good Job Harry" I said. "Thanks" he said while Madame Pomfrey wrapped his arm. Harry was all fixed up so we left. Him and and I walked out and I managed to catch Cedric's eye as I left. He smiled at me and it left butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't wait for tonight. As Harry and I walked back we noticed students running in the same direction. "What's going on?" I asked. "Oh shoot, the party" he said. "What party?" I asked. "To celebrate the first task being over there's a party in the room of requirement. All the houses, do you want to go?" he asked. This might be a good chance to relax a little. "Yeah, sure why not?" I said. We headed for the room of requirement and we stepped inside the party and hit me like a load of bricks. The walls closed behind us and there were lights flashing, music blasting, smoke, booze, people dancing. It was crazy. "Wow" we said. "I'm going to go find Ron," he said and I nodded. I looked around and saw a group of Hufflepuffs that Cedric usually hangs out with. I walked by them to get to the drinks and all I saw was alcohol. I don't really drink so I just skipped it. Then I saw him walk in and my heart fluttered just like always. It's that smile.

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