Chapter 66

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I don't know how long I've been here. It was Friday when Draco brought me here. It's hard to know because it's always dark. I stopped trying to get free. There's no point. I'm just sitting here, bruised, bloody, and shivering. But the worst part is my mind. Everything Draco said and everything that happened is just playing in my head on a loop. I wish I would just die already.

I was feeling dizzy and I thought I was hallucinating when the wall started to shift. I stayed quiet and didn't move. I thought it was Nathan or Blaise or Draco. I thought they were coming back to do more or to see if I was dead. Then I saw a crack of light and red hair. "What the bloody hell is this?" a voice said. "Where's all the boxes?" another voice said. "Do you think Umbridge found them?" the voice asked. "No, there's no way. We put them in here so only we could get them." the voice said. "Why is it so dark?" the voice asked. "Lumos" the room filled with light and I saw them. Fred and George. "Camilla?" Fred exclaimed. "What the fuck?" George asked. I squinted as I looked at them. Then the room filled with light. They stared at me in horror. "Fred? George? Is that really you?" I asked. My voice was scratchy and hoarse. They dropped down next to me. "It's us." George said. "What happened?" Fred asked. "We've been looking everywhere for you." George added. I shook my head. "Cam, you have to go to Madam Pomfrey. You look- you look dead." Fred said. "That was his plan." I said quietly. They exchanged sad, confused looks. "I'm going to untie you ok?" George said. I nodded. Fred took off his jacket and transfigured it into a blanket. Then he wrapped it around me since I was basically naked. "Can you stand?" Fred asked. I nodded. I tried to stand and my entire body collapsed but George caught me. "Ok, woah. It's ok. I got you." he said. He picked me up and started to walk. "Who did this to you Cam?" Fred asked. "I can't tell you." I said softly. "You have to. Was it Nathan?" Fred asked. "No." I lied. "I don't believe you." he said. "Fred, it's ok. Let's just get her to the hospital. Then she can talk to Harry." he said. Fred nodded and George looked at me. "You will talk to Harry right?" he asked. I nodded. But that was a lie. I was never going to tell anyone who did it or what they did. I know what Draco did was horrible but this wasn't him. He's been corrupted by Nathan. That's not his fault. George carried me through the halls and luckily there weren't many people. I felt tired and it was hard to keep my eyes open. "Cam, you got to stay awake. You have a head injury and if you fall asleep, you might not wake up." he said. How do I tell him that's what I want? I just nodded. "Fred!" We stopped and turned around. Ginny was running over, followed by Harry, Ron and Hermione. "George, who is that?" Harry asked. Then he caught up to us and looked at me. "Cam? Where have you-" he started. Then he saw me. "What the fuck happened?" he asked. "She won't tell us." George said and he kept walking. "Camilla, tell me what happened right now." Harry said. "Harry, she could be in shock. Give her a second." Hermione said softly. Finally, we arrived at Madam Pomfrey. She started asking questions and talking. Then everyone was talking. I just laid on the cot and it all went dark.

I hope I don't wake up.


I looked over and Camilla had passed out on the cot. "Can one of you please tell me what happened to her?" Madam Pomfrey asked. "We don't know Ma'am." Ron said. "Who found her?" she asked. "We did." Fred and George said. "We keep the Weasley products in the Room of Requirement. That way only we can get them." Fred started. "Today, we went to get the rest of them to pack to bring home. But, when we went inside the ROR, it wasn't the usual room." George continued. "It was a dark room and Camilla was there. She was tied up and barely conscious. There was blood on the floor and she was beaten within an inch of her life." Fred said. "She won't tell us or anyone who did it or what they did but we can take a guess." George said. "Nathan," I said. "She said it wasn't him." Ginny said. "She's terrified of him. Of course she would lie." I said. "He knew she wouldn't be found. He did this and left her in the ROR to die." Hermione said. "He assumed she wouldn't be found, lucky for us, she was." Ginny said. "It makes sense. The Room of Requirement wanted Camilla to be found. That's why it showed Fred and George her, and not their Weasley Products." Hermione said. The twins nodded. "I'm still going to kill him." I said. "I'm angry too Mr. Potter but we need to hear Camilla's story before we jump to any conclusions." Madam Pomfrey said. I just nodded. I sat down on a chair and watched over her. I looked at her and my eyes watered. Her eye was swollen and black, she had bruises and cuts all over her face. There were dark red ligature marks from being tied up too. There were also fresh cigarette burns, and these deep red lash marks like from a belt. The hickeys all over her skin and bite marks were fresh and her lips were swollen. Then there was the dried blood and bruises on her inner thighs that confirmed my worst nightmare.

She was raped, again. I dug my nails into my palms and forced away tears. Then I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Hermione. "It's not your fault." she said. I scoffed. "It is." I said. "Harry, you can't blame yourself for this." she said. "Yes, I can. I always screw up. I let Voldemort in and it was a lie. Sirius was never at the Ministry and he never would have had to come if not for me. I got him killed. And if we stayed here, we would have realized Camilla was missing and none of this would have happened." I said. "That's not true. You have to know that. None of this is on you." she said. I stared at Camilla. "Harry, I know you think you have to protect us but you don't. It's not on you to save us from the world." she said. "She doesn't deserve this. She never hurt anyone. But people hurt her all the time." I said. "She's survived so much. She'll survive this too. She's strong." Hermione said. "She shouldn't have to be strong, she should be safe!" I yelled. Then I heard footsteps behind us and I drew my wand.

"Malfoy?" I said. His eyes were red and puffy and I saw the guilt. "It was real," he said to himself.

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