Chapter 3

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Finally the train ride came to a stop. Nate and I waited for everyone to exit the train then we got off. The second I saw the castle, my heart stopped. It was beautiful. The lake was gorgeous, there was a huge forest and the castle had multiple giant towers. I stopped to admire it. "Come on Camilla" Nate whined. I grabbed his hand stopping him in his tracks. "Just look at it. Forget everything for a second and look at it. It's amazing." I said. He stared at the castle with a smile. "It is. Now we have to go" he said and pulled me to the carriages. We were walking in when I heard our names being called. "Camilla and Nathan Carter" a loud voice boomed. I turned and saw an old man standing at the bottom of some stairs. "That's Albus Dumbledore, he is the Headmaster" he whispered. I nodded and we walked over. I felt nauseous and my heart was racing. Every part of me was saying tell him, warn him, save Harry Potter. But I couldn't, not without endangering my own brother. We approached the man and he smiled. "Would you two please join me in my office before the sorting?" he asked and we followed him to a large room. He sat at a desk and we sat in front of him. There was an awkward silence before he spoke. "I knew your father, how is he?" he asked calmly. I looked at Nate and he answered. "Sir, our father is dead. He was killed last year by death eaters." Nate said. He started to fidget with his rings so I took his hand. "Nate, Camilla, I know that's not true. Your father is Tom Riddle and your mother is Bellatrix Lestrange. This is the magical world, there is no way we wouldn't find out." he said with a small smile. I froze. Father is going to kill us. Not even one day in and they already know. "Sir, I'm not sure what you are talking about." Nate said his voice was less confident. "Nate, Camilla. I understand your fear. I also understand why you were given a false name. I will allow you to keep it and attend classes. Don't worry." he said. "Thank you Sir" I said softly. Nate just nodded. "However, I do have one question. Why is it that you are just attending Hogwarts now? You two were sent letters your first year but you only just accepted. May I ask why?" he asked. Dumbledore gave us a smile. It was kind though, not threatening. Cam, I know what you are thinking, don't do it. My mind was shot a message and the pain filled my head. I winced grabbing my temples. My brother can send messages to me in my mind but it's painful. He only does it when absolutely necessary. "Miss Riddle, are you alright?" Dumbledore asked. "Yes, I'm fine. Just a headache. As for your question" I said and looked at Nate. He shook his head slightly giving me such an intense look I thought it would burn my skull. "As for your question, Sir our father didn't say why we were allowed this year. As you can imagine, he doesn't explain himself much." Nate answered. "When he said we could go, I didn't question it. He's not exactly father of the year." I said. Dumbledore nodded. "Ok. I will keep your identity a secret. The staff already knows, but they would never tell anyone. To the students, you are the Carters, Half Bloods. Now, let's get to the feast. You need to get sorted and there is an announcement." he said with a smile. "Thank you Sir," I said. "Thank You Sir" Nate also said. And we left.

"We have two new transfers this year. Please welcome Camilla and Nate Carter. They are to be sorted now." Professor McGonagall announced. We walked up to the front of the Great hall and there was a chair and a hat. I watched the students at the tables stare at us. There were 4 tables for the 4 houses. Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.  I already knew I would be Slytherin. I didn't necessarily want it, but if I didn't get Slytherin, Father would most certainly kill me. "Mr. Carter, please take a seat" she said. I squeezed his hand and smiled and then he let go and sat at the chair.She placed the old hat on his head and it began to talk. "Interesting.... Never would have thought he would have a child. You are definitely cunning, and I know you crave power. SLYTHERIN!" the hat yelled. The tables clapped and the Slytherin table cheered. Nate beamed at me and went to sit at the Slytherin table. When he sat down Malfoy nodded at him and he nodded back. He began whispering to the people at his table. I really hope he makes friends and gets to have fun. I hope he doesn't just focus on the stupid task. "Miss Carter, your turn" the kind woman said. I smiled and sat down on the chair and she placed the hat on my head. "Ahhh, yet another surprise. I didn't expect one child, let alone twins. But you, you are different. You are intelligent, yes. But very brave and courageous. You don't give up. You want to fight for good. GRYFFINDOR!" it yelled and I stopped breathing. He is going to kill me. I heard the cheers and I felt my body get up and sit down but I felt separate. He is actually going to kill me. I felt like I was in a different world. I sat down next to a girl with red hair. She smiled at me. "Hi, I'm Ginny" she whispered. I tried to look like I wasn't having a panic attack. "Hi, I'm Camilla" I whispered back. "Attention Students. I have news, very big news." Dumbledore said as he stood behind this fancy podium. "Great Dumbledore going to give a speech" another redhead said that sat across from me. "Get comfortable, we are going to be here a while," his redhead twin said. Ginny laughed and so did I. "Those are my brothers," she said. "I'm Fred," one said. "And I'm George, it's a pleasure" the other one said. "Nice to meet you," I said and smiled. "Students! It is my great pleasure to announce to you that this year Hogwarts will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament." Dumbledore said. Everyone went wild. People screamed and clapped and cheered. "Please welcome our other schools that will be joining us. First up, Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic and Madame Olympe Maxime " he said. The doors burst open and in walked girls in beautiful silk baby blue dresses. They had little butterflies surrounding them and a girl doing gymnastics. Behind them walked the tallest woman I have ever seen. "Wicked" I heard Ginny mumble. "Now welcome Durmstrang Institute and their Headmaster Igor Karkaroff" Dumbledore said. A group of men walked with these staff. They chanted and started doing flips and tricks, it was intense and insane. Once everyone settled, Dumbledore spoke again. There was a large goblet of fire where people could enter their name. Dumbledore spoke about the rules and eternal glory the whole time, I just kept my head down and my hands in my lap as they were shaking uncontrollably. Harry Potter was sitting only a few feet away from me, the boy I'm supposed to help kill. I wasn't even listening to Dumbledore until he said something that caught my ear just as much as everyone else. "The Ministry of Magic has decided that for their own safety no one under the age of 17 will be allowed to put forth their name into the Goblet Of Fire". Everyone went crazy. "That's Rubbish!" Fred and George yelled. I have never been happier. He didn't know that. My sick bastard of a father didn't know about the age rule. Now Harry can't enter and there is nothing Nate or I can do. I started laughing. For once, he doesn't get what he wants. I scanned the Slytherin table trying to catch Nate's eye but I couldn't. I'm sure he is just as happy as I am. We are free. We can just go to Hogwarts. Be kids, make friends, learn magic, not help father commit murder. I was so happy I didn't even listen to the rest of the speech by Dumbledore. The feast began and there was so much food I almost had a stroke. I just stared at it for a moment in shock. I have never had more than scraps to eat. I'm so skinny, that's why I bruise so easily.  "Camilla, are you ok?" Ginny asked and nudged me. I snapped back to reality. "Oh um yeah, it's just a lot of food. I don't know what to have." I said. "I'll help," she said with a chuckle. Ginny gave me a plate full of all her favorites. "Thanks," I said and I ate. It was amazing. I ate ham, bread, mashed potatoes, chicken and cookies, cake and pumpkin juice. "So Camilla-" Ginny started. "Cami-" Fred said. "Hmmm or maybe Cam," George said. "Which do you prefer?" They asked. "Oh um, I don't know? My brother calls me Cam, so you could call me that." I said. "Your brother, is he single?" Ginny asked with a smirk. Oh shit. I couldn't lie to her but I also don't want her to get involved with a soon to be death eater. "Um yes?" I said. "Ooooo" Fred and George mocked. "Shut up" Ginny snapped. I laughed. Maybe Hogwarts won't be so bad, especially now that the homicide aspect has been eliminated.

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