Chapter 20

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After I had cried all the tears I had in me, I picked myself up and headed for my dorms. I snuck into our dorm and Ginny was asleep but Hermione wasn't. She was using her wand for light and readying. I could see dried tears on her face and her eyes were red and puffy. "Cam? Where have you been?" she asked. I just walked in and changed into my pajamas silently. I laid on my bed and I felt Hermione sit next to me. I knew I was going to have to tell her eventually. I just don't know how I'm going to explain it. "Rough night?" she asked. I nodded. "Seems like I'm not the only one." I said. She nodded too. "Ron?" I asked. "He had the audacity to tell me I shouldn't have gone with Krum. I didn't even want to. I wanted to go with... nevermind." she said. "You wanted to go with him." I said. She looked at me sadly. "Yeah, I wanted him to ask me." she said. I hugged her. "He likes you Hermione. I can tell. I just don't think he realizes he likes you more than a friend yet." I said. She nodded. "What happened to you? I thought things were good with Cedric." she asked. I shook my head. "Hermione, I'm going to tell you what happened. The truth. But just you. If Harry finds out, he'll just make it worse than it seems. Please just keep this between us." I said. She looked concerned but nodded. "Nathan found out. He got mad. He made me end things with us." I said. Hermione gasped. "No! He can't. Can't you guys just keep going out in secret?" she suggested. I shook my head. "No. It's not safe for Cedric. I can't tell you everything that happened but I- I made him forget." I said choking back tears. Her head snapped up with a startled look on her face. "What?" she exclaimed. "I obliviated him. I erased our memories from his mind." I said. "Camilla, you could get in serious trouble for that. And why couldn't you just tell him not to say anything-" she started. "Please Hermione, try to understand. You don't know Nathan. It's just...I can't. It's better this way." I said. I laid down facing away from Hermione. She sighed. "Harry was right. You are scared of him." she said. I stayed silent. "Cam, what did he do?" she asked. "We should go to sleep. It's quidditch tomorrow." I said. She sighed again and got up. She laid down and we both went to bed. I really hope I didn't make a huge mistake tonight. I tossed and turned all night but all I could think of were Cedrics screams. And Draco. Him kissing me kept popping up in my head. Did he like me? Or was this just a plan Nathan set up? It has to be. Just Nathan's way of controlling more of my life. There's no way Draco actually likes me. I don't think he even likes himself. I keep thinking about how I should hate him. I should, I really should. It's his fault I lost Cedric. But everytime I tell myself I hate him, I picture the kiss. I can't hate him. What's wrong with me?

"Cam, wake up" I felt two gentle hands shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Ginny. She smiled at me sadly. "Hey Cam, Hermione told me what happened. I'm so sorry." she said. I sat up quickly. "What did she tell you?" I asked. "Just that you and Cedric broke up and you didn't want to talk about why." she said. I nodded. Hermione walked out of the bathroom and I nodded at her. She smiled at me. "Do you want me to rough him up? If he hurt you I will" she said jumping with her fists up. "No!" I exclaimed. "Ginny, I told you. It was mutual. Her and Cedric's business is just that, their business. It's only going to be more painful if we pry. Don't talk to him about it at all." Hermione said. "Fine, let me know if you change your mind." she said and she walked into the bathroom. "Thanks Mione." I said. I got up and showered and used a spell to dry my hair. Then I changed. I put on some jeans and a long sleeve blouse. I put on a little bit of makeup and Hermione braided my hair. Then I put on my converse and coat. I tucked my wand in the pocket and we all walked down to breakfast. I was dreading it so much. I walked in the Great Hall and was hit by a wave of guilt as I looked at the Hufflepuff table. I saw Cedric sitting there. He didn't look at me and smiled that gorgeous smile like always. He didn't even look at me let alone recognize me. Then I looked over at the Slytherin table. I saw Draco, Nathan and Blaise looking at me. Nathan looked smug as he saw the pain on my face. Draco just looked back down with an empty look on his face. "Cam," Ginny said, nudging my shoulder. I snapped back to reality and we walked over to Gryffindor table. Fred, George, Harry and Ron already sat there. "Hello boys!" Ginny said cheerfully. "Shhhhh," Fred said. "Headache" George added. "Hungover" they both said. Ginny rolled her eyes. "Cam, Hermione seemed to have fun with Krum. How was your night with Cedric?" Ron asked. I looked down at my food that I wasn't eating. Ginny kicked him under the table. "Ow!" he exclaimed. "Ronald, you are such an arse." Hermione said. "What happened?" Harry asked. I stayed silent. "They broke up." Ginny said. "Ginny!" Hermione scolded. "It's fine, they're gonna find out eventually." I mumbled. "Why? What happened?" Harry asked. "That's none of your business Harry. Leave her alone." Mione said. "Was it Nathan?" he asked. I looked up at him sharply. I gave him a death stare and his cheeks burned. "Bloody hell Harry! I told you to drop you stupid theories about me and my brother. Can't you just shut up and leave it alone. God, for the chosen one, you're pretty stupid!" I yelled. I stood up and stormed off. I heard them talking as I left. "What?" Harry said. "She just got her heart broken, all you did was make things worse Harry. You are going to apologize later, got it?" Hermione said. I walked away going to the abandoned bathroom. I walked in and slumped against the wall. I buried my face in my knees and squeezed my eyes shut. Then I heard footsteps.

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