Chapter 78

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"Get up!" someone shouted. I woke to the sound of the cage door rattling. I opened my eyes and Nathan stood there, backed by 2 death eaters. I was curled up in the corner and I stayed there. "Get over here, Camilla." Nathan said. "Go to hell!" I snapped. He just laughed. "Grab her," he said to the death eaters. They came into my cell and tried to grab me. "Get away from me!" I yelled. I kicked one of them in the shin and he stumbled back. "You little bitch!" he yelled. I felt the other's boot connect with my rib and I cried out. They grabbed my wrists and Nathan put the chains back on. I was pulled to my feet and Nathan started to try and drag me out of the cell. "Let me go!" I yelled. I tried to plant my feet in the ground but he was strong. I tried to resist but the death eater shoved me forward. Nathan yanked my chain and I faced him. "Stop fighting," he said, gritting his teeth. "No." I said. He had a blank face. "The more you fight, the more you will suffer," he said. "I'm never going to help him." I said. He just rolled his eyes. "Potter isn't coming to save you this time. Do you get that?" he asked. I looked at him. "Father will break you and if he truly can't, he'll kill you instead." he said. "Isn't that what you want?" I asked him. "Yes. But it's not fair that father is going to waste the next 3 months trying to fix you when he could be training me." he spat. "Then why don't you just get it over with?" I said. Nathan glared at me and turned around. We started to walk. "Why don't you just kill me? Then you can have all of fathers attention." I said. "Because those aren't my orders." he stated. "So? Just kill me and then make something up. Say I got loose or something. Say it was me or you and you were defending yourself." I said. "Shut up." he spat. "Kill me." I repeated. "Fathers not stupid. He won't fall for it. Now I said be quiet." he said. I just sighed and continued walking. The floor was cold on my feet and I was shivering. My dress and sweater were stained with blood and I could feel it drying on my face. We got to the drawing room and Nathan forced me down to my knees. "Watch her," he said to the death eaters. Then he walked down the hall and disappeared around the corner.

A few minutes later, Nathan returned. He was followed in by my father and 4 other death eaters. My father looked at me but I refused to look at him. "Let's get started." my father said. My heart started to race and I looked around frantically. "What are you doing?" I asked. The death eaters picked me up and sat me down in a chair. They held me down as I fought and yelled. My arms were strapped down and my ankles were tied to each leg. I struggled against the bonds but it was no use. My father walked over and I finally looked at him. "You won't break me." I said. He chuckled and ran his fingers through my hair. I pulled away as he stroked my face. "We'll see about that," he said. Then he drew his wand and pointed it at me. "On my cue," he said. Nathan and the rest of the death eaters drew their wands and nodded. I was terrified. I had no idea what was coming.  "Legilimens" he said. I felt him pierce my mind and dig through my memories. The second he selected a memory, I felt pain. I screamed as the memory of Cedric teaching me how to play quidditch played in my head. Then the pain stopped. My father dug through more and selected a different memory. It was the first time I went to Hogsmeade with my friends. Then the pain started again. They did this over and over with every good memory I had. Soon, my mind was fuzzy and all I could remember was pain. The spell broke and it was over. My head hung heavy in front of me and coughed blood. I could feel the thick warm blood as it dripped down my chin. There was sweat dripping down the back of my neck and my hands shook. I could barely open my eyes. A woman I didn't recognize walked over and she ran a diagnostic. Then they started talking. "Her pupils are dilated, pulse is racing and it appears to be working. As long as you condition this for at least another month, her mind should condition itself to associate any memories you choose with pain." she said. My heart stopped. "Excellent. Thank you Vera." my father said. My eyes watered. I wanted to scream at him and fight. But I was too tired. My throat hurt and my entire body was limp. My father walked over and grabbed my chin. "By the time I'm finished with you, I will be your God, not Potter." he spat.

"You all did well, she is your reward. Just keep her alive." my father said to the death eaters. Then he left. Nathan walked off too. I felt the bonds around my wrists and ankles disappear. They ripped me from the chair and tossed me to the floor. Despite the pain, I tried to crawl back. "How pathetic, she's trying to escape," one said. Tears fell to my cheeks and I shook my head. "Please" I said. It was all I could think to say. My mind felt lost after the torture and legilimency. What happened next was a blur. I remember someone grabbing my ankles and pulling me towards them. I remember a hand clamped over my mouth. I remember my sweater being ripped from my body. I remember the tight pressure around my wrists from somebody holding them down. Then I remember more pain. I screamed with every thrust. I remember 6 men taking their turn with me. Then they held my body down and I saw a knife. I screamed as they carved something into my ribs. As they finished, I remember it getting dark. I couldn't keep my eyes open. So eventually, I just...didn't. Then it went black.

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