Chapter 138

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I could hear everything. I heard her scream my name and run over. Then Hagrid spoke. I heard her cries, her sobs. It broke me but I couldn't do it yet. When she hugged me, and wrapped her arms around my body, I slipped the resurrection stone into the pocket of her dress. I needed to know she'd be safe. And I'm glad I did. Because when she told Voldemort she killed Nathan and then refused to bow to him, I knew he was going to kill her. And if it wasn't now, I knew he'd do it eventually. I had to protect her, and the resurrection stone can do it.

"They're still with us, in here." Neville said. I fought back a smile. "So's Fred, Remus, Tonks, Cam, all of them. They didn't die in vain." he said. Then he turned to Voldemort. "But you will! Because you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us, for all of us, and it's not over!" he yelled. Then he pulled the Sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting hat and I jumped out of Hagrid's arms. I locked eyes with Voldemort and his face dropped. "You shouldn't have killed my parents and Camilla and destroyed my home!" I yelled. Then I started to fire curses at the snake. He fired back and I ran into the castle. I found Hermione and Ron. "I'll lure him into the castle, we have to kill the snake." I said. They nodded. Then I ran over to Ginny, Luna and Neville. "Harry, you're alive! How-" she started. "Camilla's not dead." I said. "What?" they exclaimed. "Go get her body, bring her somewhere safe. She should wake up." I said. "He killed her, Harry. He used the deadly spell." Neville said. "I know! Just trust me, I'll explain it all later. Please just take care of her." I said. They nodded and ran off. It was time to finish this, once and for all.


"There's no way she isn't dead, we all watched her die." Neville said. We ran through the crowd as the buildings collapsed and we dodged curses. "I trust Harry, don't you?" I said. "Yes, but it's also possible he is just too scared to admit she's really gone," Neville said. "What if she isn't gone?" Luna said. "Luna's right, we better go check." I said. They nodded and we kept running. We got to the rubble and I saw her body. It was still, laying on the concrete. I ran over and dropped to my knees next to her. "Camilla!" I said. Nothing. "Cam, please wake up!" Neville said. Still nothing. "Let's just bring her inside," Neville said as he picked up her body. We carried her inside and into an empty classroom. I moved everything off the desk and he laid her down on it. "What do we do?" Neville asked. "We wait," Luna said. And we did. We waited for what felt like forever. "It's been 25 minutes." Neville said. "I don't want it to be true either but I think she might be gone," Luna said. About a minute of dead quiet passed, and then all of the sudden, she shot up gasping for air. "Cam, slow down! Calm down!" I said. I held her body and Neville tried to push back down. "Cam, lay down!" Neville said. "Harry!" she said. She fought our grip and tried to stand. "Harry, he's not dead. Harry!" she yelled. "We know! It's ok!" I said. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her against my body. "You're ok, Cam." I said gently. She stepped back and looked at me. "No, I'm not. I- I died." she said. We all exchanged glances. "You did, but you came back." Luna said quietly. "Where's Harry?" she asked. "He's- he's- um-" Neville stammered. "He's fighting my father, isn't he?" she asked. We nodded. Before anyone could tell her to rest, she took off running. "Come on!" I exclaimed and we chased after her.


I ran as fast as I could. As I did, I saw flashes of memories. Things I didn't remember. Things I wasn't sure were real or not. But I didn't care. I had to find Harry. I ran to the place I died and I froze. I saw the bright light of the connection of their wands. I remembered it from the graveyard, the night Cedric died. I remembered. Somehow I have that memory back. As I ran closer, I watched my father drop to his knees as he faded to dust. Harry stood there and watched too. There wasn't a look of anger or vengeance on his face. It was a look of content. Then as quickly as all this began, it was over. My father was gone. I walked up slowly behind Harry and spoke. "We won," I said. He whipped around and his eyes lit up. He hugged me as tightly as he could and tears streamed down my cheeks. "You're safe, I could barely breathe I was so worried," he said. "I'm fine. You did it, you killed him. It's over. It's finally over." I said. "We did it. All of us." he said. I kissed him and he smiled. "I died, Harry. But somehow I came back. And now, I have my memories." I said. He smiled and nodded. "I know," he said. "What?" I exclaimed. "When I saw Snape's memories in the pensieve, I found out I wasn't the only one who had to die." he said. My face dropped. "I was a horcrux. So I had to die for Voldemort to die. And for you, the only way to ever get your memories back was for you to die." he said. "But then, how did I come back?" I asked. He reached into my pocket and pulled out a small gray stone. "The resurrection stone brought us both back. I slipped it into your jacket when you hugged me." he said. I chuckled. "How did you know?" I asked. "I knew your father was going to try and kill you eventually. I hoped you would have the stone when he did." he said. I kissed him again. "You're amazing," I said. He smiled. "Let's go find our family," he said. I nodded.

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