Chapter 67

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Once Nathan broke the spell, all the memories came flooding in. Every order he gave, I obeyed it. Every word I said to her and everything I did. I told her I never loved her. I called her a slut. I broke her heart and then I broke her. I remember punching her across the face. I remember tearing the clothes off her body. I remember standing there and just watching as Blaise whipped her with a belt until she was gasping for air in between sobs. I remember burning her with cigarettes and I remember her screams. I remember holding her arms down while Blaise violated her. Then I remember the worst part. I raped her. I raped Camilla. The girl I love more than anything. I raped her while she cried and begged me to stop. Then I beat her. I remember hearing her bones crunch as Nathan stomped on her hand. I remember their laughter. I remember her tears. She curled up in a ball shaking in fear but they didn't care. We tied her up again and left. I left her there. To die. I could've killed her. I know I was under the imperius curse but that doesn't matter. I will never forgive myself for what I did.
And neither will she.

I couldn't believe this was real. It felt like a nightmare. Maybe Nathan was still in my head. Maybe he was using legilimency. Maybe none of that actually happened. Maybe I didn't really rape the girl I love more than anything. I had to check. I had to be sure. I had cried all my tears and was on my way to talk to Snape when I heard it. People were whispering about it. People had seen Fred and George bring her to the hospital wing. No, no, no. Maybe it was real. I ran faster than I ever had all the way there. I burst through the doors and ran to a section blocked by curtains. I walked in and Potter stood up and pointed his wand at me. "Malfoy?" he said. I was frozen. I stared at her as tears filled my eyes. Was she even breathing? "It was real," I whispered. Potter and Granger looked at me in confusion. "What are you talking about?" he asked. I couldn't speak. "Malfoy, do you know who did this to her?" Granger asked. "Malfoy?!" Potter exclaimed. "If you know something, tell us!" she yelled. "Who did this?" Potter yelled.

I looked at them as tears fell down my cheeks. I couldn't speak. I couldn't tell them it was me. I'd be expelled. Father would kill me. "I don't know." I said quietly. "How do you not know? How could you not know she was missing?" Potter yelled. "Harry, calm down. It's not-" Ron started. "She's your girlfriend. You are supposed to protect her." he yelled. "I know" I said as my voice cracked. "Look at her. Look!" he yelled. I stared at her and felt sick. She looked like corpse. I couldn't breathe. I was supposed to keep her safe from harm, not cause it. "I-I have to go." So stammered. "No. You need to stay. You need to be here when she wakes up." Potter said. "I can't. I- I have to- I can't be here." I said. Then I ran. I ran all the way back to my dorm and collapsed on the floor and sobbed. How could I do that to her?


"Prat" I mumbled. "Don't say that. He's just overwhelmed." Hermione said. "He's selfish. I feel awful just sitting here unable to help but I'm here. I won't leave her. He's selfish." I spat. "Maybe, maybe not. Let's just be quiet so Camilla can sleep." Ginny said. I nodded and sat back down. I took Camilla's hand and held it. "I'm sorry I wasn't here" I whispered to her. Then we waited.

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