Chapter 125

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I watched her body hit the ground as she passed out and I jumped up and ran over. I knelt down next to her and pulled her into my arms. "Come on, Cam. Wake up. Open your eyes," I whispered. I looked up as Snape came over and drew his wand. "Let me heal her," he said. "No." The Dark Lord said sharply. We both looked at him and he stood up and walked over. "She chose this. Let her suffer." he spat. "Please, my lord. She could bleed out." Snape said. "Good thing you aren't her father because you don't have to care!" he yelled. Snape bowed his head. "Yes, My Lord." he said. I moved the hair from her face and held the wound on her chest. "My Lord, can we use her now?" a death eater asked. "Yes. But don't kill her." he said. Then he and Nathan left. I looked at the death eaters stalking towards her. "Don't touch her!" I yelled. "Are you disobeying the Dark Lord's orders?" one asked. "And why do you even care, Loverboy? She asked for this." another added. "No, she didn't. She doesn't want this. Just leave her alone." I pleaded. They scoffed. Then I felt two arms wrap around me and start to drag me away. "Stop it! Don't!" I yelled. I looked back and my father was pulling me away. "Father, please!" I begged. "She deserves what she gets," he said. Then he threw me in my room and locked the door. I banged against the wood and threw my body at it. "Please, let her go!" I yelled. There was a moment of dead silence, then I heard her. Her screams. The sound of their laughter. Her sobs. Them taunting her. I covered my ears and sunk down against the door. I tried to block it out. This went on for 3 hours. Eventually, she stopped screaming. Then it was quiet and I heard footsteps. I stood up and the door opened. They tossed her body inside and shut the door again. Her breathing was shallow and uneven and she was shaking. I picked her up and carried her to my bed. I laid her down and stared in horror. They burned her with cigarettes, they beat her, and they raped her. She opened her eyes and I held her trembling hands. "Draco-" she said weakly. I nodded. "I'm here, I'm here and I've got you." I whispered. "They made him watch." she said. "Who?" I asked. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "Snape," she said as she choked back a sob. My stomach sank. I climbed on the bed and sat down. Then I pulled her into my arms.
"I've got you," I said. Eventually, she cried herself to sleep.


I woke up with Draco's jacket draped over me. I opened my eyes and he was wrapping my wounds with gauze. He looked at me with sorrow. Then he finished wrapping the deep gash on my thigh. "Why did you do this?" he asked. I looked at the white gauze wrapped around my arms and legs. "He said to cut someone." I said. "So you should have picked me," he said. I shook my head. "He said pick someone. So I did." I said. He sighed. "Camilla, do you care if you live or die?" he asked. My face fell. Before I could answer, the door opened and Nathan stood there. "You can see your freakshow friend now," he said. I just nodded and stood up. I slipped an apple in my pocket and then I followed him down to the dungeons. He unlocked the door and I went inside. "You have 10 minutes." he said. I nodded and he shut the door. "Luna-" I said. It was dark and cold. But then I saw her. She stood up and looked at me. "Camilla?" she said. I hugged her and she hugged me back. "Did they get you too?" she asked. I nodded. "They haven't hurt you, right?" I asked. "No, not yet. But they might and you can't stop it. I don't want you to blame yourself and I know you will." she said. I looked down. She took my hand. "Camilla? What's wrong?" she asked. I looked at her. "I made a deal with my father." I said. "What deal?" she asked. "They get me, instead of you." I said quietly. Her face fell. "Camilla, no." she said. "It's ok. It's nothing that hasn't been done before." I said. She grazed her fingers over the gauze on my arm. It was bleeding through. "Did they do this?" she asked. I shook my head. "Camilla, you can't let them- let them do that to you for me." she said. "Yes, I can. You were there for me when nobody else was. And now my father has kidnapped you. So if I can do anything, it's this." I said. "Where's Harry? Why didn't he-" she started. "I left him." I said. Her face dropped. "I couldn't stay with him. It wasn't safe, because of my mark. So I said goodbye." I said. She hugged me again. "I'm sorry, Camilla." she said softly. "It's ok. Because I know that if I live, we'll find our way back to each other." I said. She smiled. "You will." she said with a nod. I heard Nathan coming so I quickly handed her the apple. "I'll try to come back," I said. She nodded. I hugged her one last time, then Nathan pulled me away.

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