Chapter 5

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"Cam! Get up! First Day of School" Hermione yelled. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the sunlight. It was strange waking up like this. There was light, I had a bed, blankets. It felt weird. "Hurry Up! We have to get to breakfast before Ron eats it all" Ginny said and we laughed. I got up and stretched. The second I stood up, the pain shot through my body and I fell to the ground. "Bloody Hell Cam! Are you ok?" Ginny asked, running over. "Yeah. Just jelly legs" I lied, the ache between my legs was horrible. My mind filled with flashes of everything that happened last night. I don't remember it all. The only thing I'm panicking about is Harry. What if he tells someone? I pulled on my Gryffindor uniform for the first time and I felt happy. It was a white button up with a tie and a grey vest. Then a grey skirt and black thigh high tights. I did my hair in braids and put on some makeup and I was ready. Then, I put on my robes and shoes and we left. "So Cam, are you excited?" Hermione asked. "Yes! I can't wait" I said. "Me too. I found out when quidditch-" Ginny started. "Cam!" a voice yelled. I stopped and saw Nate. "We'll save you a seat" Hermione said. "Thanks," I said as they left. "Hey I" I started but Nate grabbed and dragged me down the hall. "Ow, bloody hell! Take it easy will ya" I snapped once we reached an empty broom closet. "What was that for?" I spat. "Calm down. Did you heal yourself?" he asked. Technically Harry did, but he doesn't need to know that. "Yes, I'm fine," I said. He nodded. "Harry has been entered in the Goblet Of Fire. So tonight when they announce the names, you have to make sure you look just as shocked as everyone else." he said. "I know. I know the stupid plan, and the stupid rules, and the stupid threats. Ok?" I snapped. "Cam, I'm sorry we have to do this. Why don't you have fun while you can? Make friends, learn magic, stuff like that." he said with a small smile. "I would. But I know I will just have to betray them in the end. These are good people and they deserve better. I'm only talking to them now so Father won't torture and kill you." I sighed. "Cam, you deserve better." he said. "Maybe. But I don't get to be a kid. It's better if I just accept that now. I'm going to breakfast" I said and I left him there, alone.

I arrived at the Great Hall and scanned the Gryffindor table looking for Hermione and Ginny. I found them when Ginny waved her hand and called me over. Fred, George, Ron and Hermione sat on one side and Ginny and Harry sat on the other. They all greeted me when I arrived. Every smile and kind word just made me feel worse and worse. I couldn't even look at Harry. "Here Cam, you can sit next to me" Harry said. I couldn't say no so I nodded and sat next to him. Everyone went back to their conversations about classes and quidditch and stuff while I began to eat. "How are you?" Harry whispered. "I'm doing great. I'm super excited to start classes. What about you?" I said making sure to talk in a volume loud enough for everyone to hear. I thought us whispering would be suspicious. "Yeah, I'm good, but you know that's not what I meant." he whispered. I turned to face him and his eyes were full of concern. "Harry. I let you heal me and You promised that you won't tell anyone. Please just drop it. Ok?" I pleaded. Before he could answer Hermione spoke. "Guys, we should get to class." she said. We all began to pack up our stuff. Harry, Ron, Hermione, will be in all of my classes because we are the same year and house. Draco and Nate will be in a couple because we are the same year but not the same house. Fred and George are older so I won't have any classes with them, same with Ginny because she is younger. "What class do we have first?" Harry asked. "Looks like Defense Against the Dark Arts with Slytherin" Hermione answered. "The new teacher, Alastor Moody is something else. I hear he's called Mad-Eye Moody" Ron said. "Gee I wonder why, have you seen his eye. It's bloody scary" I said. They laughed as we walked in. The second Moody laid eyes on me a chill went down my spine. He looked as if he recognized me. I must be imagining things so I shook it off. The class was filled with students, Gryffindor and Slytherin. Finally Nate walked in with a group of boys, including Draco. I didn't know any of the others. He just nodded at me. I sat next to Hermione and we got out our things while waiting for the Professor. Finally he came in. "My name is Professor Alastor Moody, Ex-Auror and the new DADA teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked. Any questions" he said. The room was dead silent. We were all on the edge of our seats. He was strange but intriguing. "Now when it comes to Dark Arts, I believe in a practical approach. So, who can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" he asked. Hermione's hand went up. I could have answered. I knew them all. I have seen them all. I have experienced one. I thought at Hogwarts, I would be safe from these. But Moody proved otherwise. In class, he proceeded to show us all three curses. The second he began to use the crucio curse, my mind flashed back to the first time my father ever used it on me. I remember the pain, the fear. I remember I bit my lip so hard it bled. Finally Moody ended the lesson with the killing curse. I closed my eyes. I couldn't watch him kill the innocent animal. When I opened them I looked down at my hands. There were deep crescent moons in my palms and blood seeping through. I quickly raised my hand, being sure to keep my fist closed. "Professor, may I use the restroom?" I said. He nodded and I grabbed my things, practically running out of the room. I had no idea where to go so I kept walking until I found an empty bathroom. It looked abandoned, like nobody had been here in forever. It makes sense. Hogwarts is so big, there's no way every part could always be in use. I slipped inside and ran to the sink. I turned on the water trying to catch my breath as I watched the water mix with my blood. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and slowed my breathing. Suddenly, I heard the door open. I heard shoes clicking on the tile floor. I wiped the water from my face and crossed my arms, hiding my hands in my robes. "Who's there?" I called out. Nothing. I felt my heart rate increase and I drew my wand. Then my eyes met his stormy ones. Draco Malfoy. He stood there smirking at me and I don't blame him. He is taller than me and I'm not very intimidating. "Why don't you put the wand away? We both know you aren't going to use it." he said. It's like he read my mind. I kept it drawn and pointed at his chest. "How would you know? You don't know me at all." I said. "That's a good point. But I know where you come from. And compared to your family, you are weak and pathetic." he spat. He remembers. He knows who I am. "I don't know what you are talking about," I said and I tried to push past him. He grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the wall. I closed my eyes waiting for a punch or a slap or something but there was nothing. I opened my eyes and he stared at me. "See Riddle, you are scared. As you should be. " he snapped. "What do you want from me?" I choked out. I fought back tears because he was right. "I know why you are here. You have a task, correct?" he asked. I nodded. "I think you know your father would never harm dear Nathan. But you... I'm sure he wouldn't think twice about killing you." he teased. "It would be so unfortunate if people found out about who you are and this task and your fathers plan was derailed. Who knows what he might do? Who he might kill?" Draco said, smirking. "Malfoy, please don't. I'll do whatever you want just please don't tell anyone" I pleaded. "I like it when you beg," he laughed. I felt his eyes looking me up and down. "Come to the Slytherin dorms tonight at 10:00. Don't be late" he snapped. I nodded and he let go. We walked out and immediately bumped into Nate. "Cam, where were you? I looked everywhere for you" he said. He gave Malfoy a strange look. Malfoy gave me a death stare/ warning. "I'm fine, Malfoy was helping me find the bathroom" I lied. "Oh, ok" he shrugged. "I have class, I'll see you later" Nate said and walked off. "See you later Riddle" Draco whispered in my ear. Then he disappeared into the flow of students. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, Draco decides to blackmail me. I can't do this anymore. I wish it would end.

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