Chapter 30

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It's been a few days. I've been staying with Draco. Dumbledore said it's fine. I guess he knows the Gryfindors don't want me there anymore. Nathan wrote to father and told him what Dumbledore said. Apparently all he wrote back was that, when he needs us, he will find us. Today is the assembly for Cedric. I want to go, but I know I shouldn't. I don't deserve to be there. But somehow as the clock hit noon, I found myself standing outside the Great Hall. I am hiding behind the doors but I can still hear Dumbledore. He talked about how Cedric was a great friend. I tried not to think about how I loved him. I wish we had more time together.I wish he had more time. But it truly is my fault. Maybe if my father never knew about us he would have spared him. My dark mark burns on my arm. I try to ignore the pain but it's like a constant reminder. Suddenly, I hear bodies moving. I snap out of my thoughts and see that people are starting to leave. I quickly run down the hall and hide in an abandoned classroom. I shut the door and try to catch my breath. A few minutes later it's quiet. I slip out and everyone's gone. I head to Dumbledore's office like he requested. When I got there, Nathan sat in a chair and Snape was there too. "Professor" I said, nodding at him. I sat down in the chair next to Nathan's. "Thank you for coming Camilla." he said. I nodded. "I understand you wrote to your father." he said to Nathan. Nathan looked at me sharply. "What? So you tell him everything now?" he said. "Shut up Nathan. Can't you just let him help us clean up the mess we made." I said. He rolled his eyes at me. "Yes. he said he'll find us when he needs us." Nathan said. Dumbledore nodded. "Very well. I found a place for you to stay over the summer." he said. We nodded hesitantly. "You two will stay with Professor Snape." he said. My jaw dropped. "What? I mean Thank you sir. That's very kind." I said. "He has agreed to let you stay at his home with him. It will keep you two safe." he said. Nathan laughed. "Nathan, stop." I said. "You are so dumb Camilla. He doesn't want to keep us safe, he wants to keep and eye on us. Probably fathers orders right Professor Snape?" he said looking at him smugly. "What?" I exclaimed. "He's a death eater too." Nathan said. I looked at Professor Snape's blank face. "Go on show us your arm if I'm wrong then" he said laughing. "Oh my, he's telling the truth." I said. "Camilla, I can assure you Professor Snape just wants to keep you safe. I would advise you to trust him." he said. I nodded hesitantly. If he is a death eater, maybe he can tell me how to make my mark not hurt. "Are you ok with this?" Dumbledore asked us. "Yes Sir thank you." I said. "Nathan?" he asked. "We don't really have a choice do we, especially if it is fathers orders." he said. "Can you not be a prat for one second?" I said to him. "Yes sir." he said gritting his teeth. "You are both free to go," Dumbledore said. We both walked out. The second we stepped out and shut the door, I was slammed against the wall. "What did I tell you about how you talk to me?" he said. I pulled away but he held tight. "Maybe I should punish you and then you will learn some respect," he said. "Mr. Riddle" a voice said we both turned around to see Snape. Nathan let go of me and stepped back. "While you two are under my care, you will not lay a hand on eachother. Understand?" he asked. We nodded. "Good. Now get to your dorms." he said. We both walked away. I hadn't seen Draco all day and I was starting to worry. Everytime I think he might be in danger, I imagine my father hurting him. Everyone was at dinner right now so I wanted to go there and check if he was there. I walked to the Great Hall and looked inside. I saw him sitting there and I sighed of relief. "You've got some nerve showing your face." I turned around and immediately recognized Evan from Cedric's friend group. 2 of them grabbed my arms and I struggled in their grip. "Please, let me go." I said quietly. "Why, are you busy scouting your next target? Or are you just going to try to kill Harry again?" he asked. I shook my head. "I'm sorry. I never meant for any of this-" I started. He grabbed my chin harshly forcing me to look at him. "You killed my best friend. I've known Cedric since I was 4 years old. He's dead because of you." he said. "I'm sorry." I said. "You should be. I'm not going to let you hurt anyone else in this school. Not again." he said. He nodded at his friends and they dragged me into the great hall. I was fighting them but they were stronger. They brought me to the front and threw me on the floor. My back hit the step and I heard a crack in my spine. "Cedric was my best friend. Riddle here, is why he's dead. This is for Cedric." he said. Then I felt the contact. The kicks and punches. I heard people cheering. "Let her go!" I opened my eyes and saw two of them holding back Draco. "Stop Draco. Let them do this." I said. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes but kept fighting. I could feel my ribs breaking. Then they picked me up. He held out my arm and ripped up my sleeve. I was in too much pain to stop them. People gasped and stared. "This is proof that she is just like her father." he said. "Let her go." I saw Nathan storm in with his wand drawn. "What? Are you going to kill me too?" Evan asked. "I might, if you don't let her go." he said. Their wands were both pointed at each other's necks. "What is the meaning of this?" Professor McGonagall said as she rushed in. "She needs to go to the hospital," Draco said, kneeling in front of me. "What she needs is to be punished." Evan said. "Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Riddle, please take Camilla to the hospital. You 5, come with me." she said sharply. Draco picked me up and I laid my head on his chest as we walked down the hall. "Why'd you let them do that?" he asked. I didn't say anything. "You can't keep punishing yourself" he said then it went dark.

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