Chapter 64

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"Imperio," Nathan said. The fog filled my head and my face relaxed."Here's the plan..." he said. I listened and obeyed. Whatever he told me to do, I did it. The next thing I knew, I was standing in the Room Of Requirement with Camilla, pointing my wand at her. She looked confused and scared. "Stun her," Nathan's voice said in my head. "Stupefy" I said. Her body hit the floor and her eyes closed. I just stood there. "Well done." Nathan said as he stepped out of the shadows. "So he's under the imperius curse?" Blaise asked as he walked over too. "Yes. I give him orders through legilimency so Camilla won't know. She'll think he's doing this all on his own." Nathan said. Blaise chuckled. "Brilliant." he said. He walked over and messed up my hair. "Not so tough now, huh?" he asked. I couldn't think straight and I couldn't think of an answer. My mind was just foggy. "Draco, I want you to tie Camilla up before she wakes up." Nathan said. "Ok." I said. I walked over and knelt down next to her. "Incarcerous" I said. I tied her wrists together and pulled her up. I attached the rope to a support beam and her arms were tied above her head. "One more thing." Blaise said with a smirk. He pulled off his tie and tied it in her mouth as a gag. "Very good Draco. Now let's go take our exams. Be sure not to talk to anyone besides me or Blaise. Understood?" he asked. "Yes." I said. Then we all left Camilla there and walked out.


Hermione, Ron and I were standing outside Umbridge's room waiting to take our exam and I still can't find Camilla. She left with Draco during lunch and never came back. "I'm sure she's fine. They're probably just snogging." Ron said. "Nice Ron." Hermione said. "I know, it's just not like Camilla to be late for exams." I said. Then I saw Draco, Nathan and Blaise walking over. "She's not with him." I said. "Mate, she's probably fine. You're overreacting." Ron said. "That's what I thought last time and I left her alone and went to a party. Remember what happened?" I asked. They both exchanged guilty looks. " Let's go." Hermione said. I nodded and we walked over to them. "Where's Camilla?" I demanded. Draco stared at me with a blank look and said nothing. "Malfoy? Where is she?" I asked. Nathan and Blaise were smirking. "What did you do?" I said glaring at him. "Nothing." Nathan said. "We don't believe you." Hermione said. "Too bad mudblood." Blaise spat. "Tell us where she is or I'm getting Dumbledore." I said. He smirked. "You can do that if you want. But it's useless for you. I don't know where my pathetic sister is. She probably got scared of failing her exams and ran for the hills." he said. I stared at him. "If I find out you did anything to her, I'll-" I started. "What? What will you do, Potter?" he taunted. The doors opened and they went inside. Ron, Hermione and I stayed there until the last second. I sighed as I sat down. "We'll find her after ok?" Ron said. I nodded. Umbridge gave us our exams and we began. Please be ok Camilla.


When I came to, it was dark. I tried to move but I was tied up. My wrists were bound to some wooden beam. I yanked on the ropes but it was no use. There was a thick gag in my mouth and it made it hard to breathe. "Draco!" I yelled. It was just gibberish. I looked around trying to see anything but I couldn't. Everyone was in their OWL's and even if they weren't I was in the Room of Requirement. Nobody could find me anyway. I don't know why Draco was doing this. There had to be an explanation.

I didn't know how much time had passed when the wall began to shift again. It felt like hours. I started to struggle to get free and try to escape. Then the room filled with light. I blinked rapidly as my eyes adjusted. Then I saw Draco. He was with Nathan and Blaise. My eyes watered and my heart raced. He was going to kill me. My father gave the order and now he was going to kill me.

"Hello Camilla." Nathan said darkly. He walked over and pulled the gag from my mouth. "Draco, why? Why are you helping him? You told me- you said- I thought you didn't want to be like him." I said. Draco looked at Nathan and he nodded. "I never loved you Camilla. Why would I? The only thing you're good for is entertainment for the death eaters." he said. My heart shattered into a million pieces as he spoke. "So it was all a lie?" I asked. "Yes," he said. "Why?" I asked. "Why not? You were easy. A slut who was so desperate for someone after you got Diggory killed." he said. Tears fell to my cheeks and could feel my heart ache. Nathan looked smug. "Are you going to kill me now?" I asked. They laughed. "Not yet," he said. "Then what do you want from me?" I asked. "Do you want to know what's happening right now?" he asked. I stayed silent. "Right now, father has once again invaded Potter's mind. He showed him torturing his Godfather, Sirius Black. It's all fake of course but Potter is to stupid to figure that out. It's a set up. Potter is on his way to London to retrieve the Prophecy for our father. Then we can kill him." Nathan said. My eyes widened. No, no, no. This was it. This was the thing Nathan was telling us about. The thing he knew we wouldn't figure out. "We needed you out of the way and Blaise and Draco want to have some fun with you. I'd say he's earned it after pretending to like you for all this time. It's a two birds, one stone sort of situation." he said. "No, I don't believe you." I said. I looked at Draco. "Draco please. Please, I know you. You wouldn't do this. You wouldn't let this happen. Please, whatever he's promising you, it's a lie." I said. Draco just stared with an empty look on his face. "Draco, please." I begged. He walked over and I thought he was going to free me. "Draco, you don't-" I started. Then he did it. His fist connected with my face and my head whipped to the side. My eyes swelled up and I stared at him in horror. Nathan walked to the back of the room and sat in a chair. Then he started to read a book. "What are you doing? Please just let me go!" I begged. Blaise walked over and pointed his wand at me. "Incindio," he said. My white button up and skirt fell to the floor in ashes and I was left in my bra and underwear. "Draco, stop. Don't do this." I said. "Shut up," he said. He grabbed my bra and tore it from my body. I watched Blaise take off his belt and give me a cruel smile. "Blaise, please don't do this." I begged. Suddenly the belt whipped my stomach. The hard leather hit my skin with a crack and it broke the skin. There was a long thin line of blood dripping down my stomach. "Blaise, please stop!" I cried. He did it again. This time it hit my thigh. He did it over and over. 10 times. Then I saw Draco reach into a jacket pocket and pull out the cigarettes. "Draco, wait. Wait, just stop. Don't-" I started. He lit the cigarette and burned me. He burned me over and over and over. I was screaming and crying. Sweat covered my body and my hair was stuck to my face. Tears streamed down my cheeks and onto my chest. Blaise walked over and kissed me. I tried to pull away but Draco grabbed my hair and held me in place. Blaise kissed my jaw, my neck and my chest. He kissed my breasts and I fought as he left dark purple hickeys all over me. Blaise untied the ropes and I fell to the floor. His hands groped my whole body and he pulled my underwear down. "Blaise no! Please no!" I yelled. He slammed himself inside me and I screamed in pain. Draco clamped his hand over my mouth and just held my arms down while Blaise thrust himself into me. There was an empty look on his face as he stared at me. I just squeezed my eyes shut. The ropes were digging into my wrists and my entire body hurt. Blaise finished and pulled out. He pulled up his pants and stepped back. "You still feel so good." he said as he gently wiped away a tear. I jerked my head away and he rolled his eyes. "Draco, your turn." Blaise said. Draco stood there for a second. "Draco." Nathan snapped. Draco looked tense. But he walked over. "Draco please, this isn't you. Please, don't do this!" I begged. He pulled down his trousers and forced himself inside of me. Blaise grabbed my throat and continued to kiss me while I cried. He finished and stepped away. "See, that's all you're good for." Draco said. I choked back a sob as I crawled away. I curled up in a ball in the corner and Nathan walked over. "Please just let me go." I said weakly. "I never got to properly punish you," he said. "For what?" I asked as I cried. "For being born." he spat. He grabbed me by the back of my neck and dragged me away from the wall. His fist hit the side of my face and my head slammed into the ground. I felt my skull crack and blood seep from the wound. Then they all just started beating on me. Laughing with every kick or punch. I was sobbing and trying to cover my head. But all I could think about was Draco. I couldn't believe he was doing this. Nathan stomped on my wrist and I screamed. Blaise kicked me really hard in the stomach and I coughed some blood. The thick blood dripped on my face and the floor. Eventually, they stopped. I laid on my floor and my hands were shaking. I was curled up and crying. I tried to cover my breasts but it didn't really matter. My body was covered in lashes from the belt, burns, cuts, bruises. Nathan kneeled next to me and grabbed my chin to face him. "Father said I couldn't kill you. But he never said I couldn't leave you here to die, There's a difference, don't you think guys?" he asked. "Yes." Draco said. "Definitely," Blaise replied. "Tie her up again, just in case," he added. Blaise dragged me over to the support beam and sat me up against it. Draco walked over and pointed his wand at me. "Incarcerous" he said. He tied my wrists together, behind my back, behind the wood. "I wonder if she'll die from the blood loss or starvation first?" Nathan taunted. "Have fun dying." Blaise said. Then they left. I just let my head hang limp in front of me. I didn't care anymore. I wanted to die.

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