Chapter 103

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"Come on, Camilla. It's time." Snape said. "But the train-" I started. "You aren't taking the train. We are going to take a port key. You'll arrive a few hours before everyone else so it will give you some time to gather yourself." he said. I nodded. "Where's your stuff, dear?" Diana asked. Snape gave her a sharp look. "It burned in the fire." I said plainly. Her face fell and I looked down. "When we get to the school, we can talk to McGonagall and get you some new robes," he said. "Severus, she needs clothes. And shoes. And personal belongings." Diana said. "It's fine, I can look in the lost and found." I said. "Absolutely not. We'll buy you new clothes." she said. "No, I can't-" I started. "That wasn't a question. We will buy new clothes, understand?" he said. I just nodded. Then we grabbed the portkey and spun to Hogwarts. We landed at the entrance and walked in. Dumbledore and McGonagall were standing there waiting for us. McGongall pulled me into a hug and I froze for a moment before hugging her back. "I was so worried." she said. "Severus, you didn't think it was important to tell us Camilla was with you and safe?" Dumbledore said. "Molly Weasley told us she left and we didn't know where she was for 3 days." McGonagall snapped. I looked at him quickly. "You didn't tell anyone I was with you?!" I exclaimed. He nodded. "Severus," Dumbledore said. "Forgive me, Albus. But when you all knew where she was, somehow her father found out. I wasn't about to risk that again." he said. They just nodded. "Camilla, I put new sets of robes in your room. And I had the house elves deliver some new clothes and shoes that should fit you." McGonagall said. "Thank you, that was very kind." I said. She nodded. "Severus, we need to talk." Dumbledore said. "Yes, we do," he replied sharply. "I'm going to go to my dorm. Thank you for all your help." I said. They nodded and I left.

I got to my dorm and sat on my bed with a sigh. I began to put away my new clothes and shoes. Then I tidied up and showered and changed. The train would be arriving soon so I headed downstairs. I needed to confront Nathan. It's not that I wasn't afraid of him. I was. But I was far more angry at this point. I was so tired of him destroying my life and the lives of people I care for. I know I'll probably never get a straight answer as to why he hates me so much but still. I waited at the entrance and students started to walk in. I gripped my wand tightly and I saw him coming. He walked in with Blaise and Draco at his side. I walked up to him and he smirked. "Come on, let's go." he said in a bored tone. I just followed him into an empty classroom. Blaise shut the door and Nathan turned to face me. And I did something that even surprised me. I smacked him across the face. "You bastard!" I yelled. His head whipped to the side and his eyes went dark. Draco ran up behind me and grabbed my waist to pull me back. "Why? Why did you do that? They were innocent! They didn't do anything!" I yelled. "Camilla, stop" Draco said as he struggled to hold me back. Nathan watched with a smirk and a split lip. "You want to hurt me, do it! I don't care! But you didn't have to destroy their home! It was cruel. You are cruel!" I yelled. "Are you done?" he asked. "No. One more thing, maybe I should tell the Ministry where Riddle Manor is. Then they can burn that place to the ground. How would father feel about that?" I spat. "I'll kill you before you do." he said. "Nathan, wait-" Draco started. "Shut up," he snapped. I pulled myself from Draco's arms and walked over to Nathan. "Why?" I asked. He just gave me a smug grin. "You know why," he said. Tears fell to my cheeks and I shoved him. "I hate you!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes. "No, you don't." he said in a bored voice. Then he drew his wand and pointed it at me. "Wait, just wait. You- you don't need to hurt her. Come on-" Draco said as he stepped in front of me. "Someone clearly lost their manners. She needs to know what happens when she fucking hits me." he said. I placed my hand on Draco's arm and moved him out of the way. "Camilla, don't-" he started. I locked eyes with Nathan and glared at him. "It's ok, Draco. It was worth it." I said. "Blaise, do me a favor and turn her around." Nathan said. "No, don't touch her." Draco said as he tried to protect me. "How very gallant. Immobulus" Nathan said. Draco went stiff and hit the floor. Then Blaise grabbed my arms and threw me on the desk. "Her shirt," Nathan said. Blaise pulled my sweater off and ripped my shirt open, down the back. Nathan pulled out a knife and my eyes filled with fear. "Hold her down," he said. Blaise held the back of my neck and my arms and I struggled as I felt the metal tip of the knife. Then I felt him start to slice into my back. I screamed as he made jagged cut after cut into my flesh. Then he finished. "Beautiful" he said sarcastically. Blaise let me go and I stood up as the blood dripped down my back. I touched my back and looked at the blood on my hands. I just wiped my tears and started to leave. "Did I say you could leave?" Nathan snapped. I turned around and looked at him. "Apologize," he said. I sighed. "I'm sorry" I said. He nodded. On my way out I performed the counter curse on Draco. He stood up and grabbed my wrist. "Wait, are you ok?" he asked. "I'm just fucking exhausted." I said quietly. Then I left.

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