Chapter 11

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I sighed of relief as I walked out of Dumbledore's office. The plan wasn't blown. "How did it go?" Harry said, suddenly popping out of a corner. I jumped of a surprise but then just rolled my eyes and kept walking. "Are you mad?" he asked. "Gee I don't know Harry, you promised you wouldn't say anything and you lied. Why would I be mad?" I scoffed. "I didn't say anything about the tournament," he said hopefully. "That's because you don't know anything," I said. "And you do?" he asked. I stopped and turned to face him. "No, I don't. Earlier, I just meant that people die in these tasks. I don't want you to die. Sue me" I said and kept walking but he grabbed my wrist pulling me to look at him. "Camilla, I told Dumbledore because I was worried about you and I don't want you to die. Sue me" he said. I sighed. Harry had so much going on and yet he still cared more about me. "Thank you. I'm sorry. I should have said that long ago" I said squeezing his hand. "It's ok. I won't die if you don't. Deal?" he asked. "Deal." I said. But I wasn't lying. I meant it. I was going to keep Harry and everyone else I care about alive if it killed me. We went back to Gryffindor and when I walked into my dorm I was attacked by questions from Hermione and Ginny. "What happened?" Ginny asked. "What did he say?" Hermione asked. "Do you like him?" Ginny asked. "Does he like you?" Hermione asked. "Did you snog him?" Ginny asked. "Ginny!" Hermione gasped. She just rolled her eyes. "Well did you?" Ginny asked. "Calm down! What is this Jeopardy?" I asked. They looked confused. "It's an American Muggle TV show," I said. They nodded. "Tell us everything," Hermione said. I sat on the bed on the bed and they looked so eager. Is this what it's like to have real girl friends? "Well we talked in the library, mostly about the tournament and him not dying. Then we went to the back of the library and he asked if he could kiss me and I said yes. Then we kissed" I said blushing again. "Yeah! I knew it!" Ginny yelled. "Calm down, it's not a big deal." I said. "How was it?" Hermione asked. "Um, it was good. I think. It was my first kiss, so I don't have much experience" I said looking down. Not true, I have been kissed before. But this was the first time I wanted to be kissed and by a boy my age, someone I liked. "Do you like him?" Ginny asked. "She barely knows him!" Hermione exclaimed. "She knows him enough to snog him," Ginny teased. "No, Mione is right. I don't know him well enough to know if I like him, but i do think I might...maybe. I said. They cheered a little bit. "He is a good guy. You deserve a good guy Cam, I can feel it" Ginny said. I nodded. "Ok, well we should get to bed" Mione said and we all climbed into our beds. As I laid in bed trying to drift off to sleep, I couldn't help but think of Draco. I was trying to decide if I liked Cedric but his face kept popping in my head until I dozed off.

"Wake up Cam" Hermione yelled and a pillow hit my face. Ginny and I would probably always be late if not for Hermione. She always got us up on time. She always mothered us a bit. It was funny. I got up and ready and we headed to the Great Hall. I was nervous. I was nervous to see Cedric because I felt awful about what Nate said about him and how I had to leave. I was nervous to see Draco because of what he did and said and how I couldn't stop thinking about him. But I wasn't nervous to see Nate. I was terrified. As we sat down in the Great Hall, I scanned the room looking for Nate or Draco but the Slytherin table was rather empty. I did however see Cedric. I quickly ate some toast and drank some juice, just so I had some energy. "I'm going to go talk to Cedric" I whispered to my friends and they nodded. "See you in class," Ginny said. I walked over to the Hufflepuff table and my heart was beating fast. I could tell Cedric and his friends were talking about me. I just hope Nate didn't ruin things. I tapped Cedric on the shoulder and he turned to face me. His kind eyes looked sad. "Why is she here? I thought you were too good for Hufflepuffs Carter" a boy I didn't know said. "Shut up Evan," Cedric said, nudging him. "Can I talk to you?" I asked. He nodded and stood up. We started to walk but I stopped and faced the rest of his Hufflepuff friends. "I'm sorry for what my brother said about you guys. He has a... bad temper, but that's no excuse. After all, Cedric was the one brave enough to enter the tournament, not my brother" I said. They smiled at me and I walked away following Cedric into the hallway. He stood in the hallway with me and stared at the floor. "I'm so sorry Cedric. I don't know why he did that. I feel awful." I said. "It's ok Camilla. I forgive you." he said. He smiled at me and I felt a weight lifted. "Oh good I was worried because I think I might really like you" I said shly. He chuckled. "Am I that good of a kisser?" he joked. I laughed. "Maybe, I don't have anything to compare it to" I said, my cheeks turned red. "Camilla, I think I might really like you too," he said. His index finger lifted my chin and he leaned in to kiss me. I felt my body tense up but I melted into it at his touch. I ran my hands through his hair as his hands traveled down my back and to my waist. I felt so safe with him, but just for that moment. "Well, Well, Well, Looky what we have here" a voice spoke. We jumped apart, our moment yet again interrupted. My brother stood in front of us looking furious along with Draco, and Blaise. "I thought I told you not to slum it with Hufflepuffs." Nate spat. "I'll just go," Cedric said and they laughed. I was mad, why does he have to ruin everything? I grabbed Cedric's hand and interlaced it with mine. "No, please. Just wait" I asked and he nodded. "Pathetic" Draco scoffed. "Go away Nate. I like Cedric, he is kind and gentle. And he's not a coward like you." I spat. "How dare you speak to me like that? Do we need a recap of last night?" he asked. My breath hitched but I tried to stay calm. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Draco clench his fist at Nates threat. "Nate, do you really want to advertise that kind of behavior?" I threatened. Nate gave me a wicked grin. "Well if you and Cedric here are so well acquainted, you should make sure he knows what he is getting into with a slut like you." Nate said, stepping closer to us. "Nate, please" I begged knowing where he was going with this "All the guys she has been with, so many you've probably lost count, isn't that right Camilla?" Nate said. My eyes watered. He knew what he was doing, he knew what to say, what buttons to push. My brother was really gone, if he ever existed to begin with. "Nathan, we should get to class," Draco said. "Is that true?" Cedric asked, looking at me. "Cedric I-" I started but he walked away. It was too late, I lied to him. I told him he was my first kiss, but he wasn't. Not technically. I just wanted to pretend he was, to pretend I was normal. "I warned you Camilla. Have you learned your lesson? If not, I can tell every guy in the school about your past, good luck with a pathetic love story then" he spat. "I hate you" was all I could choke out. "Good. Oh and I'm sure you know Draco and Blaise. They have been filled in on our task. And now serve me in any way but remember what I said." he said and turned on his heel walking away. Blaise immediately followed but Draco just stared at me for a moment. "What?" I asked and he quickly followed after them. I ran to the abandoned bathroom and cried. The first boy I ever liked and Nate ruined it for me. I hate him, I hate him so much.

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