Chapter 35

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"Goodbye Father, thank you for coming" I said. My father nodded and then he and the death eaters apparated away. Snape glared at me. "Something wrong?" I asked. He stood up and started to leave. "You better hope your sister is ok" he said. I followed him down the hall and into the living room. She had stopped screaming a while ago. He opened the door and froze in his steps. She laid there on the floor with her eyes closed. Her shirt was torn open and she was in her underwear. Her wrists had dark handprints on them. There was blood on her legs and hickeys and bite marks all over her torso. A dark purple bruise covered her cheek. "Someone had fun" I mumbled. He glared at me. "Shut your mouth" he said sharply. I pushed past him and walked over to her. I nudged her with my foot and she winced. "She's not even dead." I said casually. "Diana!" he called out. He knelt next to Camilla and shook her gently. Diana quickly hurried into the room. She froze too. "Oh Merlin'' she gasped. "Go get my medical bag." he said. She disappeared out the door. "Camilla, Camilla, open your eyes." he said shaking her again. Diana came in with a medical bag and knelt down next to her as well. Camilla opened her eyes a little and Diana sighed. "You're going to be okay." she said. Her eyes closed again. Snape picked her up bridal style and carried her upstairs. He laid her down in her bed and Diana covered her with the covers. "You are all so dramatic. I used to just toss her down in the dungeons and she would just have to hope for the best." I said. Diana looked at me with disgust. Snape grabbed my collar. "I've had enough of you. Get out." he said. He dragged me to my room and shut my door. He muttered a spell and locked me inside. I rolled my eyes and laid on my bed. I told her she wasn't safe and I was right. She should've just been loyal and this all could have been avoided. But no, it's that pesky Gryffindor "Bravery".


"Is she going to be ok?" a voice spoke. It was Diana. "I hope so. I don't know how she is still alive. She lived with her father for 14 years. Merlin knows when this started." Snape replied. "10" I said weakly as I opened my eyes. I was laying in my bed in my room. The ache in my body had dulled a bit but was still there. They both turned around and Diana gave me a small smile. "The first time was when I was 10. When I first told my father I didn't want any part of his legacy." I said. They both looked shocked. "I'm so sorry Camilla." Diana said. I just nodded. "How are you feeling?" Professor Snape asked. "Fine." I said. He nodded. I looked around at the empty room. "Where's Nathan?" I asked. "I locked him in his room." Snape said. I nodded again. "Are you in any pain?" Diana asked. "No" I lied. I was, I was in pain but I knew there wasn't much they could do. Not without a time turner. "I'm sorry Camilla. I told you I would keep you safe and-" Snape started. "And you did your best. It's not your fault sir." I said. "I should've-" he started. "Stopped him? He would have killed you and done it anyway. I will never be safe from my father. Please don't blame yourself." I said. He just nodded. "We'll let you get cleaned up. I'll make dinner and call you when it's ready. Ok dear?" Diana said. I nodded. They both left the room and shut the door. I lifted the covers off my body and realized I was still in my underwear. I realized Snape must have seen me like this. I felt the shame cloud my head and I wiped a tear away. I stood from the bed and immediately my legs gave out and I hit the floor. I closed my eyes and tried to push out the images and memories from earlier. I got into the shower and scrubbed myself clean on them. Then I put on a sweater and pajama pants. I braided my hair and climbed back into bed. I laid down staring at the wall until dinner was ready. I walked down the stairs despite the pain in my body and sat down. Then Nathan came in. I stared at the table as he sat in front of me. Diana set out the food and we began eating. "You must have a huge appetite." Nathan said to me. I looked up at him with confusion. "I'm sorry?" I asked. "From getting fucked by those death eaters earlier." he said, smirking. A lump grew in my throat. Snape slammed his fist on the table. "I thought I told you to shut your mouth" Snape snapped. "Is that really how you want to talk to the Dark Lords son?" he asked smirking. "Go to your room Nathan." he said sharply. He stood up and walked by me leaning in. "I told you you would never be safe. You'll always be their fucktoy, better to accept it now." he whispered in my ear. A chill went down my spine and my eyes watered. "Now, Nathan," Snape said sternly. He strolled upstairs and I heard his door shut. "Are you-" Diana started. "I'm fine." I said quickly. They looked at eachother with concern. "I'm fine. Really." I said. I was convincing them but I was also trying to convince myself. But I wasn't ine. For some reason, I wanted Draco. I wanted him to hold me in his arms while he hums that song and strokes my hair. I wanted to smell the mint and citrus on his body. I want to hold his hand. I want him to lie to me and tell me it'll be ok. It's only a month and a half until school starts. Then I'll see him.

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