Chapter 128

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My hands were shaking and I felt tears fall to my cheeks. Harry and Draco  looked at me with concern. "Tell me what my father did." Draco said. "What happened in that room?" Harry asked.

"Nathan didn't believe us. He didn't believe that you raped me like he thought you would." I said. Draco's head whipped to face Harry. "What the hell is she talking about?" he yelled. Harry glared at him. "It was either me or the snatchers. I took her into the study and pretended to rape her so that Nathan would be satisfied. It was the only way to protect her and convince him that I wasn't me." Harry said. "You're sick." Draco spat. "I'm sick?! Aren't you forgetting that you are the one who actually raped her?! At least I just pretended!" Harry yelled. "I was being controlled, you know that!" Draco said. "Do we?" Harry sneered. "Enough!" I yelled. They both stopped and looked at me. "I'm sorry, Cam." Harry said. Draco looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. "You know I didn't want to do that, you have to know that," he said. "I know." I said quietly. He just nodded. "Tell us what happened next," Harry said. I looked down. "Lucius took me into the study and- he- he checked." I said. They both exchanged confused looks. "What do you mean, he checked?" Draco asked. "He- put his hand in my knickers- he put his fingers-his fingers inside of me and checked for Harry's-you know." I said as I choked back a sob. "Fucking hell," Draco muttered. Draco just walked away. As fast as he could. Harry stepped closer and I stepped back. "Please- don't touch me-" I said. His face fell. "I'm sorry, Harry." I said. He looked at me. "It's not your fault," he said. I shook my head. "Why don't you care?" I asked. "What?" he asked. "Why do you want me? I've been passed around like a whore for longer than I can remember. I'm used. Damaged goods. You're Harry Potter, the chosen one. You could have anyone you want. Why me? Why do you want me?" I asked. Then I saw tears fall to his cheeks. "I love you." he said. "Why?" I asked. "Because I do!" he yelled. "You shouldn't." I said. "I love how you always fight for good and you never give up. I love how you always bake a cake whenever a Gryffindor has a birthday. I love how you twirl your wand when you study. I love how you dress. I love how you hum to yourself. I love how you smell. I love all your scars because it makes me feel less alone. And what I love most is that you love me." he said. I just smiled. "How'd you know about the cake thing? I made sure it was a secret because people don't like to accept things from a Riddle." I said. He chuckled. "I saw you leave the Patil Twins a cake on their desk before potions," he said. "Oh," I said. He nodded. "I really am sorry, Harry. I wanted so badly for you to be the last person who touched me." I said. "I will be," he said. Then he held out his hand. "Let's go inside, Fleur needs to run a diagnostic on you." he said. I took his hand and we went in.

When we got inside, everyone was talking. I looked around and Draco wasn't there. "Where did Draco go?" I whispered to Harry. He looked around. "Give him some time. After what his father did, he needs space," he said. I just nodded. "Hi Camilla, I see you made it after all." I turned around and Bill was smiling at me. "Yeah, thanks for letting us stay here." I said. He nodded. "Fleur, would you mind taking a look at Camilla?" Harry asked. "Of course not, let's go upstairs." she said. We walked upstairs and into a room. Harry stood in the doorway and looked at me. "Do you want me to go?" he asked. I shook my head. "Don't leave me," I said. He smiled. "Ok." he said. I laid down on the bed and he held my hand. Then Fleur ran a diagnostic. As she read it, her face fell. "Oh dear," she said quietly. "What? What's wrong?" I asked. She forced a smile. "Harry, can I speak to you for a moment?" she asked. He nodded and stood up. Then they walked out and shut the door. I stood up and pressed my ear to the door and listened.


"Harry, can I speak to you for a moment?" Fleur asked. I nodded and we went into the hall. "Is she alright?" I asked. "I don't know how to say this, but-" she started. "Just tell me," I said. "She's dying." Fleur said. My heart stopped. "What?" I exclaimed. "Due to the consistent beatings, her ribs were broken and healed multiple times. But they healed incorrectly. It's putting pressure on her internal organs and filling her chest cavity with blood and fluid." she said. "How do we fix it? There has to be a way to save her." I said. "I'm not sure- I mean- I'm not a healer and this type of injury, it's severe." she said. "So what are you saying?" I asked. "If we don't find someone who knows what to do, she could drown in her own blood." Fluer said. And just then, the floorboards creaked and we both turned around. Standing in the doorway, with a fear struck face, was Camilla. She stared at me as her eyes filled with tears. "I'm going to die?" she asked.

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