Chapter 10

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When I opened my eyes to see I was in Draco's dorm, I was surprised. I tried to sit up but my whole body was still aching. My mind was fuzzy and my vision was still blurred but I remembered everything. My brother wasn't my brother. He was a death eater. He was evil. He tortured me for fun. "Oh good, you're up," Draco said, walking in from the bathroom. "Yeah, I'm sorry you had to deal with this." I said trying to stand up but my legs gave out and I immediately hit the floor. "Slow down Camilla" he said running over. He helped me back into his bed and pulled out a small vial. "Drink this," he said, handing it to me. "What is it?" I asked. "Strength potion" he said. I took the vial and drank it but I didn't feel stronger. "Good, now first question. What is your name?" he asked. "Camilla Mary Riddle." I said. The answer slipped out before I could stop myself. "Good it's working" he said with a smirk. "What?" I asked. "Veritaserum or truth serum." he said. "What!?! You can't do that!" I exclaimed. "True but you and I both know that if I ask you what happened without it you won't tell me the truth so here we are" he said plainly. "Now, what happened to you?" he asked. "My brother caught me and Cedric kissing in the library. Then he told me that our whole life he was pretending to be the good guy and care about me. He is actually a real death eater and wants to serve my father. He is crazy. He used the cruciatus curse on me." I said blinking back tears. "I knew it! I knew something didn't add up. The way he tortured my mother and acted in death eater meetings and the way he acted around you are too different." he said. "Well whoop de doo for you" I spat. "Wait, you kissed Cedric?" he asked. He seemed upset, almost jealous.  "Yes." I said. I sat up and this time I didn't fall. "A Hufflepuff. Seriously? And here I was thinking you were some innocent little virgin. But the second you get here you go for the first boy in sight" he scoffed. My veins iced. My mind filled with all the flashbacks of the times the death eaters raped me. The times I fought back and the times I didn't. I felt the tears fall and it snapped me back to reality. "You know nothing about me," I said and I tried to walk. I stumbled at first and Draco grabbed my waist to steady me. "Don't touch me" I snapped and I walked out. I ran all the way to Gryffindor tower. I needed to find Harry. I have to stop him from competing. There has to be a way. I ran to our Common Room to find Hermione and Ron sitting together with no sign of Harry. "Hey Camilla! How did it go with Cedric?" Hermione asked. "Good, I'll tell you all about it later but right now i need to talk to Harry. Have any of you seen him?" I asked. "I don't know. Harry doesn't tell us anything. Not even his best mate. Can you believe it? He didn't tell-" Ron started. "Not now Ron" Hermione snapped. "Sorry, he is in our room." Ron said. "Thank you," I said and I ran to the boys' dorms. Ron and Harry share a dorm with Neville but luckily he was at the lake. I knocked on the door and Harry answered. He looked rather surprised to see me. "Oh um hi Camilla" he said awkwardly. "Hi Harry, we need to talk," I said. He nodded and opened the door and I walked in. He sat on the bed and I sat next to him. "Ok Harry, I need you to trust me for a second , ok?" I asked. He looked concerned but nodded. "I can't tell you why but you can't compete in the triwizard tournament," I said. He just looked confused. "I have to. It's not exactly optional." he said. "You don't understand Harry, you have to refuse." I said. "Camilla, if this is about the dragons-" he started. "It's not," I said. "Camilla, now I really need an explanation from you. You leave at night all the time and come back beaten and bloody, somehow your brother knew about the dragons, you are telling me I won't survive this tournament, and the other night, I can't stop thinking about what you said. You said Please know I didn't want any of this. You need to tell me what is going on" he asked. "I really wish I could." I said blinking back tears. "Fine, you can tell me or you can tell Dumbledore." he said. "No, Harry, please" I pleaded. "Camilla, tell me and I can help you," he said. I drew my wand to obliviate him. I pointed it at him and started the spell but he was too quick. "Expellirmus" he yelled. My wand flew into his hand and he pointed his wand at me. "I'm so sorry Camilla but we have to tell Dumbledore." he said. "Harry, please forget what I said. You don't understand what will happen. Please." I begged. "Let's go," he said. We casually walked past the common room and luckily nobody noticed Harry had his wand pressed into my back. The entire walk over I begged Harry to stop but he just apologized. We arrived at Dumbledore's office and knocked on the door. It opened and Harry and I walked in. "Harry, Camilla, what's going on?" he asked. "Camilla, tell him or I will" Harry said. I shook my head at Harry begging him to change his mind but he didn't. "Sir, I believe Camilla may be in danger." Harry said. "Why is that?" Dumbledore asked. "On the first night back to school, she left for a period of time at night. When she came back, she had cuts and bruises and a broken wrist. I healed them and promised to keep her secret. That wasn't the last time she left at night. I realize now I shouldn't have kept it a secret. And there's also the" he started but looked over at me. I gave me a pleading look. "That's it. I'm sorry for not telling you before." he said. I let out a small sigh of relief. I was still screwed but at least the plan wasn't. "Thank you for telling me Harry. You can go back to your dorm, I need to speak to Camilla." Dumbledore said. Harry nodded and walked out. "Please have a seat Miss, would you prefer Carter or-" he started. "Camilla, Camilla is fine." I said as I sat down. "Very well Camilla, would you like to explain what happened?" he asked. "Sir I appreciate the concern but it really wasn't a big deal." I said. "Camilla, I told you I would keep you and your brothers secret and I will. But I also want to keep you safe." he said. "Everyone in my family, well except me, can all send each other messages through our minds. When I was sorted into Gryffindor, my father found out and as you can imagine was not very pleased. Nate can apparate so he got us to Riddle Manor. My father used the cruciatus curse and the death eaters did the beating. Then I came back and Harry was in the common room so he saw. He healed me and I was fine." I said. "I'm very sorry that happened to you Camilla," Dumbledore said. "It's ok, I'm used to it. I'm sorry for getting Harry involved, he already has enough going on" I said. "Ah yes, the triwizard tournament. Are you excited?" he asked. "Not really. I'm worried for Harry and Cedric" I said. "Yes, it will be difficult but it is for eternal glory" he said. "Sir, what do you know about the last task?" I asked. "Nothing I can reveal," he said. "Oh" I sighed. "Camilla, I'm going to give you an opportunity right now, your brother is nowhere around. He can't hear us as there is a spell cast on this room. If there is anything you want to tell me, now would be the time." he said. My heart was beating out of my chest. I could tell him. Right here, right now, I could tell him everything. But how fast could he get to the Malfoys. How fast could Nate get to Draco? I can't take away Draco's parents, I can't risk Draco being in danger. So I said what I could. "If there is any way to get Harry out of the tournament, do it. Please just do it." I said. Dumbledore gave me a nod as if he understood I couldn't say more. I really hope they get Harry out. If they don't, he is going to die and Voldemort is going to come back.

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