Chapter 139

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When we walked into the Great Hall, it was so peaceful. People were crying and the bodies of the ones we lost were there and it hurt. But, despite the mourning and the grief, everyone was at peace because we had won. Because it was over and we didn't have to fight anymore. Because we wouldn't lose anyone else. "Are you alright?" Harry asked. I nodded. He went to walk around and check on everyone and see our Professors but I didn't. I went to the very back of the Great Hall, to where nobody was. Laying on the ground were 2 bodies covered with a sheet. I took a deep breath and knelt down and lifted the sheet. My brother and Draco were there. Dead. They were really dead. I sat down in between them and hugged my knees. I just watched everyone from the back of the room. People cried, they shared hugs, they drank warm tea, they laughed, they could finally rest. Their nightmare was over. I suppose in a way, mine was just beginning. I have no family, no home, no life. Where do I go from here? How do I move on from this?

"I'm here, Cam." I looked up and Harry stood there. I smiled as he held out a mug with tea and I took it. Then he sat down with me and exhaled heavily. "I know you're scared, Cam. But I won't leave you. I'll never leave you." he said. I smiled and wiped my tears. "I know." I said. He glanced over at Nathan's body. "I know what you're thinking," I said. He looked at me. "Why am I sitting with him? Why do I still care? Right?" I asked. He nodded. "I don't forgive him for what he did to me, for the pain he caused. But despite everything he was still my brother. And I'd like to imagine our life together if our mother was never killed and obliviated from our minds. He would have been different, I know he would have." I said. Harry gave a small nod. "I understand," he said. Tears filled my eyes and I looked at Harry. "Do you know where Severus's body is?" I asked. He nodded. "I had them bring him straight to the Ministry. He's going to get a proper burial. And the whole wizarding world is going to know what he did. His sacrifices and how he helped me." he said. I smiled. "Thank you, Harry." I said. He nodded. "And Draco... I know you hated him-" I started. "I didn't. I didn't hate him." Harry said quickly. I looked at him. "I'll never forgive him for what he did to you but I didn't hate him. He protected you and cared for you when I couldn't. I'll always appreciate that." he said. "He did. I loved him, Harry. I think part of me always will." I said. He smiled and kissed me. "I know. It's ok." he said. I nodded and interlaced our fingers. "I have to help his family. Narcissa, at least." I said. Harry nodded. "I agree. She saved me. You know that?" he asked. I looked at him and my face dropped. "What? When?" I asked. "In the forest. When Voldemort's spell hit me, she checked my body to see if I was dead. She asked me if Draco was alive, I told her no. Then she asked if you were, I told her yes. She stood up and faced Voldemort and told him I was dead. She lied to his face to help me." he said. I smiled. "I need to be the one to tell her what happened." I said. He gave a nod of understanding. "I don't want you to feel guilty for what you did to Draco. You were right, he wouldn't have wanted that life." he said. "I know. I had to let him go. It was the right thing to do." I said. He nodded and we were quiet for a while. "I also want you to remember that even though you loved Draco and he helped you, he did bad things too. He may not have been guilty but he wasn't innocent either," Harry said. A memory flashed through my head during the 4th year during the Triwizard tournament. Draco and I stood in his dorm. I smiled to myself and looked at Harry. "Oh Harry, none of us are innocent." I said calmly. He smiled and I laid my head on his shoulder.

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