Chapter 32

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"Camilla! Nathan! Supper's ready." Diana called. I put The Great Gatsby in the drawer of my nightstand and went downstairs. Nathan followed me and we walked into the dining room. Snape sat in a chair reading the daily prophet. He closed it and put it to the side. I sat down in a chair and Nathan sat across from me. Diana set bowls of soup in front of us and fresh bread. She poured some water into a cup in front of me and then she sat down next to me. "Thank you, this looks amazing." I said. "It's wonderful Diana." Snape said. He smiled at her. I think it's the first time I've ever seen him smile. I kicked Nathan under the table and he looked up at me sharply and rolled his eyes. "Thanks" he mumbled. We started to eat and it was delicious. "Are your rooms satisfactory?" Snape asked. "Yes Sir, it's perfect thank you." I said. He nodded. Nathan just ate silently. I wish he would be nicer to Snape. Or at least respectful. He didn't have to let us stay here. He is helping us and Nathan's being a jerk. "Sir, those books in my room, I know they're yours but I was wondering if it's alright if maybe I could read some of them?" I asked hopefully. He paused. "I suppose I don't see why not," he said plainly. I smiled. "Thank you, I'll be very careful with them, I promise." I said. "Kiss-ass" Nathan mumbled. I scoffed. "You're one to talk, father Please, father may I please get the dark mark" I mocked. "You should be honored he gave you that mark, I worked for years to earn it!" he snapped. "You are a literal psycho. Call me crazy for not wanting to be a death eater." I yelled. "Children!" Snape said sharply. "No offense," I said quietly. "Let's talk about something else. Like... oh I know. How was the school year?" Diana asked. Nathan and I were silent. "Severus, did you enjoy it?" she asked. "It was the same as always." he said plainly. "But what about that competition. The Triwizard Tournament." she said. Snape shook his head quickly. She nodded. "Is there anything you two would like to do this summer?" she asked. Nathan shook his head. "I'll probably just study. You can ask Professor Snape, I didn't do too hot in Potions last year." I said chuckling. "Indeed you did not." he said. "Well Severus, why don't you help her over the summer?" Diana suggested. "I'm sorry?" he said. "What? That's ok, I'm sure he's very busy." I said. 'Nonsense, Severus, you would love to wouldn't you." she said, raising her eyebrow at him. "If you would like, we can work on potions one day every week. That's all." he said. I smiled. "Thank you sir. I really appreciate it." I said. He nodded. "I'll get dessert," Diana said. She carried out a dark chocolate cake. She cut us all a piece and it was the best thing I ever ate. "This is bloody incredible" I said. "Diana has been making this cake for me since I was a boy." he said. I smiled. I helped Diana with the dishes while Nathan went straight to bed. "Thank you dear" she said as she put away the last dish. "Of course. It's the least I could." I said. "Alright, off to bed now. You've had a long day." she said. I smiled and nodded and walked up the stairs. Despite my brain telling me not to, my feet carried me to Nathan's door. I knocked and he didn't answer. "Go away Camilla," he said. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. I walked in and shut it. He was sitting on the bed writing on some parchment. "I told you to go away." he said. "Nathan, please. Why are you mad at me?" I asked. "It's your fault we're here. You and your big mouth." he snapped. "Is being here so bad? We have a bed, a nice teacher and woman who are taking care of us, there's no torture, no death-" I started. "No getting fucked by death eaters" he said sharply. "Please stop saying that." I said quietly. "What have you missed it? Dolohov, Carrow, Yaxley." he taunted. "Stop." I said. He got up and walked over to me. "To answer your question, yes being here is that bad. I finally got my mark.  I was supposed to serve father and work my way up the chain of command. I wanted to be his second. But you ruined it. Now we're stuck here. You think this is an escape? You think you're safe here? You aren't. You will never be safe. I will always be around and so will those death eaters. It's just a matter of time before you're under them again begging and screaming and crying and this time-" he started but the door opened. "Enough." I turned around to see Snape standing there. "That's enough Nathan. I don't want to hear another word from you." he said. Then he took my wrist and led me to my room. A tear fell down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly with shaky hands. He stood there and I knew he didn't know what to do. "I'm fine, that's just Nathan being Nathan." I said quietly. He nodded. "How much did you hear?" I asked sitting on my bed and staring at the floor. "Enough." he said calmly. I nodded. "Is Nathan telling the truth-" he started. "It doesn't matter. I'm fine." I said. He walked over to me and I looked up at him. "I'm sorry that happened. You are safe here. Diana and I will keep you safe." he said. I nodded. "Thank you sir. Good night." I said. He nodded and walked out. I took a quick shower and put on my pajamas. Then before I got into bed, I wrote Draco a letter.

Dear Draco,

I know I just saw you today but I wanted to make sure you got home ok. Snape's house is nice. My room is really cool. He has muggle and wizard books. I can read any of them I want. Diana is this really nice woman that works for Snape. She is going to help take care of us. Nathan is being a prat like always but otherwise things are good. Anyways, write back soon.


I addressed the letter and Diana gave it to Snape's owl named Titus. Then I went to bed. I tried to sleep but Nathan's words rang through my head. He was right. I was never really safe. Those death eaters, my father, Nathan, they would always be there. At least I had Draco.

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