Chapter 129

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I exhaled a shaky breath as they turned to look at me. "I'm going to die?" I asked. Harry shook his head and stepped forward. "No. You are going to be fine. We'll fix this. We'll find a way, we always do." he said. Harry hugged me and I buried my face in his chest. "I'm scared." I whispered. "I know, love," he said. I sat down on the bed and Harry and Fleur continued talking. Then Bill came in and talked to them too. Everyone talked and talked trying to figure out how to save me. But maybe we can't. Maybe I'm going to die. Maybe we're just wasting time that could be spent destroying horcruxes and beating my father. Then Draco walked in...

"We need to take her to Snape," he said plainly. Everyone whipped their heads to look at him. "Are you mad?!" Harry exclaimed. "No." Draco said. "Are you trying to get her killed?" Harry snapped. "No, I'm trying to save her. And Snape can do it." he said. "No. Absolutely not." Harry said. "Snape brought me back from the dead. If anyone can help her, it's him." Draco said. "I guess it's a good point," I said. "No, it's not. You want to bring her to Hogwarts where there's death eaters for teachers and as headmaster?" Harry said. "In case you are forgetting, we are death eaters." Draco said, pulling up his sleeve and then mine. "That's different." Harry said. "Is it?" Draco said. Harry looked at him strangely. "Yes, Snape serves the Dark Lord. But he is far more loyal to Camilla than to her father." Draco said. "Still, what if he can't help her. Then we brought her into the most dangerous place possible for no reason. She could die there." Harry said. "She could die here too!" Draco yelled. "Enough!" I exclaimed. They both looked at me. "Draco is right. Snape can help me. We have no choice." I said. Harry's face dropped. "We can't go to Hogwarts. It's too dangerous." he said. "I know. That's why we aren't going.... I am." I said. "No. That's even worse!" He yelled. "You can't go by yourself." Draco added. "I'll be fine." I said. "No, you won't. You'll be dead before you step foot inside." Harry said. "No, I won't. They won't kill the Dark Lord's daughter. He still needs me." I said. "This is a bad idea," Draco said. "For once, I agree with you Malfoy." Harry said. "Oh get over yourselves. I can handle myself." I said. "Really? Because I let you go. I let you go off on your own because you asked me to and you got yourself kidnapped and raped...again! So don't tell me you can handle yourself because you obviously can't!" Harry yelled. My face dropped and so did his. "Wow," Draco muttered. "I didn't mean-" Harry started. "I survived 14 years. 14 years of beating after beating, rape after rape. I survived all of it. I didn't have you, Harry. Any of you. I was completely alone. I handled myself just fine. So don't act like I'm this helpless little fragile victim. I'm not." I snapped. Draco smirked. "She told you-" he chuckled. "Draco-" I said in a warning tone. He put his hands up and walked out. Harry looked at me with a smug grin. "You can handle yourself... huh?" he asked. I nodded. He stepped closer and closer until we were inches apart. "Words, Camilla," he said. I looked up at him. "Yes." I said quietly. He smirked. He leaned in and kissed me gently. I started to place my hands on his shoulders and he grabbed my wrists. He pulled away and spun me around. He pinned me to the wall and held my hands behind my back. I strained my neck to look at him. "That wasn't convincing," he said. I rolled my eyes. I stomped on his foot and he stumbled back then I grabbed my wand and pressed it to his chest. "I told you I can handle myself," I snapped. He chuckled. "Good girl," he said with a smirk. I smiled and put my wand away. I hugged him and he held me in his arms for a while. Then Fleur and Draco came back in. "You should get cleaned up, I put some clothes in the bathroom for you." Fleur said. I smiled. "Thank you Fleur, I appreciate it." I said. She nodded and showed me to the bathroom. Then I got in the shower.


The second Fleur and Camilla left, I turned to Potter. "I'm going with her." I said. His face dropped. "What?" he said. "You and I both know it's far too dangerous for her to go by herself. No matter how brave she is." I said. He nodded. "I'm going to go with her." I repeated. "You know the risks. You know that the Dark Lord and Nathan are going to be after you. They won't kill Camilla but they will kill you." he said. "I know." I said. "Even after everything, you're willing to risk it all for her," he asked. "Yes," I said. He smiled. "I misjudged you, Malfoy. Thank you." he said. I nodded. "When this is over, I'll be sure the Wizarding World knows what you did," he said. "I didn't do it for them. I did it for Camilla." I said. "Ok, she'll know that," he said. I nodded.

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