Chapter 47

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I walked to Gryffindor and was going to go straight to my dorm and go to sleep. Then I remembered my promise to Harry. I went to the boys dorms and knocked on his dorm. Dean opened the door and his eyes widened. "Blimey, what happened?" he asked. "Where's Harry?" I said quietly. He opened the door and Harry saw me and jumped up. "Everyone out," he said sharply. Dean, Seamus, Neville and Ron left the room. Harry walked over to me and his eyes were full of concern. "Cam, what happened?" he asked. He pulled me to his bed and sat me down. "Nathan." I said. I pulled open the remaining buttons and revealed the burns. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. "Bloody hell" he said. He got his first aid kit and pulled out a potion. "Here, drink this" he said. I nodded and drank the thick syrupy liquid. "Lay down" he said as he rummaged through his bag. I just listened to him and laid down. I began to get drowsy. He began to put something on the burns and some bruise paste on my wrists. My eyes felt heavy and I started to fall asleep. I felt him pull a blanket over me."It's ok, just get some rest" he whispered. I nodded then everything went dark.


I wanted to go kill Nathan. But I couldn't. If I did anything, I knew she would never trust me and come to me again. I should have never made that stupid promise. I just went to Ginny and Hermione's dorm and knocked gently. Hermione opened the door. "Harry?" she said. She stepped outside and shut the door. "Ginny is sleeping, what are you doing here, it's past curfew." she said. "Ya, I just wanted to let you know that Cam is asleep in my room." I said. She raised an eyebrow. "Not like that. Promise this stays between us?" I asked. She nodded. "It was Nathan." I said. "What did he do?" she asked. I sighed. "He tied her up and burned her with cigarettes." I said. Hermione's eyes widened. "We have to tell Dumbledore." she said. I shook my head. "I made her promise me that if anything like this ever happens she'll tell me. She said yes but only if I promised not to tell anyone." I said. Hermione sighed. "I don't know Harry..." she said. "What if we do tell? And Dumbldore just gives him detention or something. Then next time it's worse. But Cam won't tell me because I broke our promise." I said. "At least this way I can heal her and make sure she is ok." I said. She shrugged. "I don't like it but ok" she said. I nodded. "Neither do I but it's the only plan I've got." I said. She nodded. "Goodnight" I said. "Goodnight" she replied. Then the door shut and I went back to my dorm. I don't know what to do. This can't keep happening but how do I stop it. Can I?


"Wonderful job everyone, really. Now enjoy your winter break and practice will resume when we get back." Harry said. We all clapped. As we all walked to the Great Hall, Fred and George ran up to all. "Did you hear?" Fred asked. "There's a party," George added. "Cool, when?" Ginny asked. "Tomorrow, since Winter Break is in a few days." George said. "I guess it's to celebrate," Fred said. "Awesome!" Ron said. "Cam, will you go?" Hermione asked as we sat down. "Not bloody likely." I laughed. "Come on" Ginny whined. "No, really. I don't think a party with the school is the best place for me. Plus if I go, I guarantee there will be a fight and I don't want to ruin it. " I said. They sighed. "Fine, but next party, you're going." Ginny said. I just nodded. "At least that means I can go to the library and have it all to myself." I said. "That's Hermione's dream" Ron teased. She smacked him upside the head and we all laughed.

"Which dress do you like better?" Ginny asked. She held up a red one and a gold one. "The gold" I said. She nodded. They were getting ready for the party while I did my homework and helped them decide what to wear. "Are you sure you don't want to come?" Hermione asked. "Mione, we talked about this. It's better if I don't." I said. She sighed. "Fine." she said. "Oh, I almost forgot." Ginny said. She pulled out a piece of parchment and handed it to me. I read it and it said I could come to the Weasley's for Winter Break. "I can't, it'll be-" I started. "They already know everything Cam. Just come." she said. "I don't know.." I said hesitantly. "Do you really want to spend christmas here with your brother?" she asked. "Well it's just Draco's also staying." I said. Her face made a smug grin. "Don't give me that look." I said. "No, I get it. You want the gift of shagging Draco all break." she said laughing. "Thanks anyway," I said. She nodded. "The offer stands if you change your mind" she added. I nodded. Then I gave her and Mione both a quick hug and started to leave. "You guys have fun, I'm off to the library." I said. "Have fun," Ginny said. "And be careful" Hermione added. "You guys too. See you later." I said. Decided not to change so i was still wearing my uniform. I wore my white button up and skirt. I tucked my wand into my waistband and grabbed my bag. Then I headed for the library.

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