Chapter 18

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It's the night of the Yule Ball. I'm so excited. Nathan left this morning because he was gone from all our classes. Ginny, Hermione and I are eating dinner and then we are going to get ready. I have never been more happy. Ginny did my hair in a curly half up half down look. Hermione's hair was curled and in a gorgeous updo. Ginny had her hair twisted out of her face. I wore my red dress with the gold heels.

"Are you guys ready?" Ginny asked excitedly. We all cheered and walked out. Ginny saw Neville and quickly ran over to him. He escorted her inside. Hermione and I stood at the top of the stairs behind the wall. "Are you going to tell me who your date is now?" I asked. Me and Ginny had been asking for days. She wouldn't tell us. I saw Hermione lock eyes with someone and begin walking down the stairs. She was greeted by none other than Viktor Krum. I knew he had his eye on her but WOW. Go Hermione. She walked by Ron and Harry smiling. Then I saw him. Cedric Diggory. My date. We locked eyes. He looked so handsome in his dress robes. I walked down the stairs and he took my hand and spun me around. "Wow, just wow. You look bloody gorgeous Camilla Carter." he said. I smiled. "You look really handsome yourself Ced" I said. He took my hand and walked me inside. I could feel everyone's eyes on us. I heard the whispers. "I wonder if they're dating." "No, he just wants to hook up with her." "They're cute together" "Look at her dress" I ignored them. All of them. Cedric and I started to dance and it's like everything else fell away. It was just us. Us and the music. We danced all night together. Me, him and my friends. It was so fun. I was having fun. Real fun. "I'm going to go get us drinks alright?" he said. I nodded and sat down. My feet were killing me. I bent down to rub the outside and when I sat up, Draco Malfoy was sitting next to me. My heart stopped for a moment as he looked at me with a smug look. I just stared straight ahead trying to ignore him. "If I'm not mistaken Riddle, you aren't supposed to be here are you?" He said, smirking. "Shhh. You can't say that here." I said. "What's that? Riddle." he asked. "Stop" I said firmly. "You know I'm having a problem." he said. I rolled my eyes. "What's that?" I asked sarcastically. "Well earlier, I think I was hallucinating because I saw you and that Hufflepuff dancing together. Didn't dear Nathan forbid that?" he asked. I looked at him sharply. "Draco-" I started. "Hello love, here you go" I turned around and Cedric was handing me a punch. He saw Draco and Draco looked him up and down and started laughing. "This should be interesting," he said. "Draco please-" I started but he had disappeared into the crowd. "Bloody Hell" Cedric mumbled. "It's fine. He won't say anything." I said. I tried to convince myself of that. Draco knew what Nathan was capable of. There was something about the way Draco looked at me the other day that made me think he's different. He won't tell Nathan because I don't think he would risk putting me in danger. I hope not.

The Yule Ball died out but Cedric and I kept dancing. He held his hands around my waist and I had mine around his neck. We swayed to the music along with a few other pairs. "I wish we could stay like this forever." I said. "One day, we'll dance whenever we want to, wherever we want to." he said. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." he said. This is too perfect...

Suddenly, I heard the back doors open. I looked up and I froze. No, No, No. This can't be happening. At the entrance stood Blaise, Draco and Nathan. He looked more furious than I have ever seen. I pulled away from Cedric but he grabbed my hand. "Wait Cam" he started. "It's fine. I'll be right back. I love you." I said. He nodded hesitantly but let go. I walked over to Nathan and he glared at me. "Nathan, it's not what you think-" I started. "Pick." he said darkly. "What?" I asked. "Pick." he repeated. I looked at him, lost and in fear. "One of you gets punished. Is it him, or you?" he said. My veins iced. I shook my head. "Please Nathan. It was one night. Just let me have one night. I'll end things with him. I'll do whatever you want from now on. Please, I'll do anything." I begged. "You wanted to make your own choices, well here you go. Now pick or I will." he said. A tear fell. I looked back at Cedric. "Me." I said. My voice cracked. "Let's go. Don't make a scene." he said. "Please, just let me say goodbye." I said. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away. Draco and Blaise followed us. He dragged me through the halls and to the Slytherin prefect's bathroom. We walked inside and he threw me on the floor. He locked the door and cast a silencing spell. "What are we doing here?" I asked. "Get up" he snapped. He took off his Slytherin robe and threw it to the side. He rolled up his white uniform shirt sleeves and stepped closer to me. "I'm sorry Nathan." I said quietly. He placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it gently. "I know," he said smiling. Then his fist delivered the first crushing blow to my stomach. I doubled over gasping for air. He grabbed my throat and pulled me to look at him. I saw Draco behind him. He ran over and grabbed Nathan's arm. "You said you wouldn't hurt her." he exclaimed. "I lied, now back off. Or I'll pay your mother a visit" he warned. Draco froze. Then he stepped back. He turned around and refused to watch. Blaise just leaned against the wall enjoying the show. "You stupid slut." he said laughing at me. He punched me across the face. I felt the tears pour down my face. "I told you to stay away from him!" he yelled. His kee connected with my ribs and I cried out in pain as I fell to the floor. "I warned you." he yelled. Kick one hits my body. "But you couldn't listen," he yelled. Kick 2. He grabbed my hair pulling my head up to look at him. "Did you fuck him?" he asked. I said nothing. "I swear, if you fucked him" he said. I tried to stand. He stomped on my hand and I screamed. I clutched my wrist and begged him to stop.He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit of one. He inhaled and blew the smoke at me. I was shaking. Death Eaters smoke a lot. I guess they got Nathan hooked. "I now have to tell father about this." he said. He knelt in front of me. "Just great" he said. Then he pressed the cigarette right below my collarbone. I screamed in pain as it seared my flesh. He and Blaise laughed. Draco squeezed his eyes shut. I was sobbing and apparently too loud. Nathan kicked me in the back again and I coughed blood. "Nathan please, enough. I can't breathe." I choked out. "We're just getting started." he said. He pulled his wand and pointed it at me. "Crucio" he yelled. The spell hit me and I screamed. The fiery pain ripped through my body. Then it suddenly broke.

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