Chapter 23

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Today is the day of the Second Task. I'm getting sick of Hogwarts. But soon it will all be over. My father will kill Harry Potter and my father will take over. I will be on top at Hogwarts. Dumbledore will be gone and my sister can rot for all I care. I just have to wait. The second task is today after classes, before dinner. I left my dorm and headed for the Slytherin table. I sat down across from Blaise and Draco. "Nathan" Blaise said, nodding his head at me. I nodded and began to eat. Then Pansy Parkinson sat next to me and placed her hand on my knee. I looked at her. This girl has some nerve. If only she knew who I was. "I think it is so mature of you to continue to be friends with Draco when he is fucking you sister. Really. It's so brave." she said. I clenched my fists. Draco's head snapped up and looked at me. I could see the fear in his eyes. Good. He should be scared. "Oh, you didn't know. Oops" she said all innocent. Then she stood up and walked away. I stared at Draco. "Nathan, it's not true. I just-" he started. I lifted my hand and he stopped speaking. "Get up, Blaise, you too." I said sharply. They both stood up and walked to the exit. I walked over to Gryffindor table when Camilla was sitting with the Mudblood and her blood traitor friends. I stood behind her and they all looked at me. Camilla turned around and saw the look on my face. "Get up." I said sharply. She stood up quickly without a word and followed me out. We left the great hall. "Nathan, what's going-" she started. "Shut up. I don't want one word out of either of you." I said as we walked to Slytherin house. I heard them whisper behind me. "Pansy told him we are hooking up." Draco whispered. "Why would she say that?" Camilla whispered back. "I told you both to shut up" I snapped. They went silent. We walked into our house and went to Draco's dorm. We stood outside his door and I was seething. "Open it." I said darkly. "What? Why?" he asked. "Open it." I repeated drawing my wand. He pulled out his key and opened the door. We all walked in and I shut the door behind me. "Mufflito" I said pointing my wand at the door. I stood facing the door, trying to keep myself from killing him. He is supposed to serve me. I'm in charge. But instead he goes and fucks my disgrace of a sister. I clench my fists as I hear him speak. "Nathan, Pansy is lying. All I did was heal her. Only so we wouldn't get in trouble. Nothing happened. Pansy just-" he started. "Petrificus Totalus" I yelled pointing my wand at him. He froze and fell to the floor. "Draco!" Camilla cried out. I stormed over to him. "You serve me! I'm in charge. I am the Dark Lord's son." I yelled as I kicked him. I could feel his ribs breaking under my feet. "Stop! Nathan, stop please!" she cried. She grabbed my arm. I tossed her off. "Blaise" I said sharply. He grabbed Camilla's and twisted it behind her back. She cried out in pain. "You do what I say. " I yelled. I stomped on his wrist just like I did to Camilla. I wanted him to feel all the pain. He needed to know what happens when he doesn't respect me. I kicked him again and he coughed blood. "Finite," I said , pointing my wand at him. The spell broke and curled on his side clutching his ribs. The blood from his mouth pooled on the floor. I knelt in front of him. "If you want to fuck her, fine. Frankly, I don't care about that part. But if it affects how you serve me in any way... I'll kill both of you where you stand. Understood?" I asked him. He nodded weakly. I walked over to Camilla. I grabbed her chin and forced to look up at me. "I know you know I mean what I say. Right?" I asked. "Yes." she choked out. "Good." I said. Blaise threw her forward and she landed on the floor. We both walked out and slammed the door. "Nathan, if I may... I thought you would be more angry about that. Why did you say it's ok?" he asked. "Because, love is a weakness. And weaknesses can be exploited." I said plainly.


Nathan and Blaise left and slammed the door. I crawled over to Draco. He was curled up on the floor and coughing blood. "Draco, Draco please open your eyes." I whispered, shaking him gently. He groaned. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry. Please open your eyes." I say. Tears fell onto my cheeks. I moved the hair from his face. He opened his eyes. "There you go, you're ok. I'm going to fix you. Ok?" I said. I rolled him over so he laid flat on his back. I unbuttoned his shirt and I could see the dark bruising starting to form. He cried out as I felt each of his ribs identifying the broken ones. "I'm sorry, it's almost over." I said. I pressed the tip of my wand to each rib gently and cast a spell. "Episkey." I said and the bones healed. Then I healed his wrist and the cut on his face. He had a black eye that I couldn't heal though. I wiped the blood from his face. Then I went into his closet and found his first aid kit. I got the pain potion and gave it to him. Then I helped him up and laid him on his bed. He stumbled but I held him up. "Thanks Riddle," he mumbled. Then his eyes closed again. I sat at the chair and waited for him to wake up, just like he did for me. I missed all my classes but I didn't care. This was all my fault. I wish he never met me.

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