Chapter 137

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"Cam, what did you do?" Harry said in shock. I looked at him as tears fell to my cheeks. "I wanted to want him to suffer. I wanted to like it. His pain. But I didn't." I said. He pulled me into his arms. "I thought I wanted him to suffer, but I couldn't do it. So I ended it. I was weak," I cried. Harry shook his head. "No, you aren't weak. You aren't." he said. "I am. He tortured me, he let people rape me, he killed Draco by making me kill Draco and he got Snape killed. He's destroyed my life and caused me nothing but pain. But still, I let him go without suffering." I said. Harry held my face. "No, I'm proud of you. I don't want you to become him. To like hurting people. That's not who you are and that's a good thing. It's a good thing, Camilla." he said. He wiped my tears. "Do you understand?" he asked. I nodded. "Are you alright? He hurt you, didn't he?" he asked. I nodded. "Just a little, but I'm ok." I said. He looked at me and nodded. "Go in with Ron and Hermione and check in with Madam Pomfrey. I'll be right there," he said. "Ok," I said. I turned to leave when he hugged me one more time. "I love you so much, Camilla. Don't ever forget it. I love you," he said. I nodded and went into the Great Hall. I sat down next to the Weasleys and stared at Fred. He was gone too. Him, and Remus, and Tonks, and Lavender, and Colin, Snape, Draco, Cedric, Gavin, and so many others. Gone because of this war. Madam Pomfrey came over and began to look over my injuries. I just stared at the floor. When she finished, I went outside. Harry wasn't there and Ron and Hermione sat on the steps crying. I walked over and they looked at me. "Where's Harry?" I asked. They didn't speak. "Where's Harry?!" I repeated. "Cam, it has to happen." Hermione said. I froze. No, it doesn't.

"Tell me where he is!" I yelled. "He went to the forest," Ron replied. My heart stopped. "No," I said. They were quiet. "How could you let him do that? What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled. "Cam, listen to me. We don't have a choice." Hermione said. "That's bullshit and you know it!" I snapped. "We thought we destroyed all the horcruxes but we were wrong. There's one left. Harry." Hermione said. I stared at her. "As long as Harry lives, so does Voldemort." she said. Tears fell to my cheeks. "So this was all for nothing?" I asked. They just looked at me. "I killed Draco, I killed my brother, Snape is dead, I lost everything trying to end this. And you're telling me Harry is going to die anyway." I said. Tears filled Hermione's eyes too. "I'm sorry, Cam." she said quietly. She just pulled me into her arms as I cried. She pulled me to the ground and held me and stroked my hair just like Harry used to. "I have to find him," I cried. Ron sat next to me and held me too. "We can't let you do that, Cam. We promised him we would keep you here. He needed to know you were safe." Ron said. "I didn't get to say goodbye. He didn't say goodbye," I said. "He knew you wouldn't let him go," Hermione said. I cried harder until I couldn't anymore. 2 people picked up Nathan's body and took him into the Great Hall with the rest of the deceased and Ron told them where to find Draco and they got him. I just sat there.

Then we heard footsteps. And her cackling laughter. Bellatrix. I stood up and started to run outside. "Cam! Wait!" Hermione yelled. I got outside and my father was there with all the death eaters. Everyone came out too but I was just staring at Hagrid. "Who's that Hagrid's carrying?" Ginny said. It was Harry. Tears fell to my cheeks. "Harry!" I yelled. I started to go forward but George grabbed me. "No, Cam," he said. I ripped myself from his grip and ran over to Hagrid. He was holding Harry in his arms and I looked at him. "I'm sorry, Camilla. He's gone." he said gently. I hugged Hagrid. "Harry Potter is dead!" my father yelled. I turned and faced him. "I'm going to kill you!" I screamed. I ran towards him and drew my wand. Before I could do anything, I was hit with a spell. I fell to the ground and two death eaters grabbed me. They held my arms and my father just glanced at me. "Nathan, come join me," he called out. He scanned the crowd for Nathan and I stared at him. "Nathan, my son! Join me!" he yelled. I just started laughing. My father's head whipped to face me. "He's dead, you bastard." I said as I laughed. His face went blank. "I stabbed him and watched him bleed out on the fucking linoleoum!" I spat. He walked towards me. "Shame about Nathan but I knew you had it in you." he said. "You never even loved him either, did you? You just needed an heir?" I said. He nodded. "Rot in hell!" I spat. He just ignored me. Then he faced everyone. "From now on, you put your faith in me," he said. It was quiet. "Come forward and join us...or die," he said. "Don't you get it?" I said. He looked at me. I jerked from their grip and stood up. I walked over and stood in front of him. "You won't win, it's not in your nature." I said. "It is, you will bow, you will all bow to me." he said. "We will never bow to you," I said with a smirk. He drew his wand and pointed it at me. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. "Let my daughter be a lesson to all of you. This loyalty to Potter will not be tolerated, your foolish bravery will not be tolerated." he said. He shoved me to my knees and pressed his wand to my back. I locked eyes with Ginny and gave her a small smile. Then my father looked at me. "Any last words?" he said. "You will never be a God," I said. Then a light flashed and it all went dark.

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