Chapter 79

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"Legilimens" "Crucio" Screams. I felt my father dig through my mind for the 3rd time today while Nathan and 3 other death eaters tortured me. I felt myself screaming but it was quiet. I couldn't hear. Then the spell broke. I gasped for air. There were spots in my vision and I coughed blood. I felt it dripping from my nose and ears too. So much blood.

Then that same woman came in. Vera. "Run a full body diagnostic. I want to see how much more she can take." my father said. "With all due respect father, why do you want her alive?" Nathan asked. "You'll see. Once we break her, you'll understand it all." he said. Nathan just nodded. "My Lord, the results are ready." Vera said. "Go ahead..." he replied. She nodded and began to rattle things off the list. "She has very intense blood loss, malnutrition, and dehydration. 3 broken ribs, a bruised lung, a fractured collarbone, 2 different head wounds, one appears to be infected. She has severe concussion,and a ruptured eardrum. There is also bruising and cuts almost all over her body and lacerations to her back from what looks like a whip. I also see 3 carvings on her body. One on her shoulder, one on her ribs, and one on her thigh. The one on her thigh hit a vein which is probably what caused a lot of the blood loss." she said. My father just nodded. "What about psychologically?" he asked. "In my professional medical opinion, her mind cannot withstand much more. She has come to the point where you cannot control how you associate things and how she remembers things." she said. He glared at me. "So what are my options?" he asked. She looked confused. "My Lord, I'm not sure you understand. If you continue, you risk fracturing her mind. She might just not remember anything at all." she said. "Can you be sure that is what happens or is it just a possibility?" he asked. "Technically, it's a possibility but it's the most likely one." she said. "So?" Nathan scoffed. "So, you are risking her entire brain." Vera said. "That's enough Vera, you are excused." my father said. She opened her mouth to speak again but then closed it. She sighed and packed her healers bag and left.

My father walked over to me and I looked at him. "What to do, what to do?" he taunted. Tears fell to my cheeks. "Please, it already hurts so much. Just- just no more. Please." I begged. "If you are too weak to handle this, then maybe I don't want you after all." he said. I looked at him in fear. "Take her back to her cell. We will continue this tomorrow." he said. Then he was gone before I could beg him to change his mind. I didn't fight as they untied me. I didn't fight when they dragged me to my cell. I didn't fight when they pulled my dress up. I had no fight left.

Once they were finished, the cage door slammed shut. I dragged myself to the back of the room and laid down. They had ripped open the back of my dress a long time ago so it was always cold. I wanted to curl up in a ball to try and keep warm but it hurt. There were bruises all over my body. There were deep lashes on my back from this whip. The words worthless, whore, and death eater had been carved into my flesh and were just starting to heal. I ripped a section off my dress and tied it around my thigh where they carved the word whore. I used the bottom of my dress to wipe the blood I had coughed up from my chin. Then I wiped the fresh blood that was coming from my ear. I guess that's from the ruptured eardrum. Then I wiped my tears and laid down on the floor. It was freezing and I couldn't stop shaking but I didn't care. I just passed out.

I thought the worst part of being here would be the torture. And I guess it mostly is. The legilimency mixed with the cruciatus curse. It's a different kind of pain. But the physical pain, I guess I'm to the point where the hurt just doesn't hurt anymore. When they are raping me or beating me, I just close my eyes and wait for it to end. I don't focus on the sound of their laughter or whatever they are saying to me. I don't focus on the sound of my bones breaking. I just pick a spot on the floor or the wall and I focus there. Then when I get back to my cell, the worst of the worst comes. The isolation. The darkness and the cold and the silence. I have absolutely no idea what day it is. I don't know what time it is or the month. They bring me a slice of bread and water every now and then but that's it. There's no way to track it. No windows or clock. So time is funny. It's maddening in a sense too. Just like loneliness. And the dark. I don't move around my cell much, usually I'm in too much pain. But if I did, I'd have to keep my hands out to feel for walls. I started talking to myself but now I talk to Cedric. He's here too. I can see him in my cell. It's nice to have someone to talk to and I missed Cedric. He forgave me for obliviating him. Now we talk all the time so we don't get lonely or go mad. I wonder if he's coming to school.

"Cedric?" I called out. "Yeah?" he replied. "Are you excited to go Hogwarts?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "Of course. I hope they have another dance. We can go together again." he said. "That would be nice. Our last one didn't really end well." I said. He laughed. "I guess that's true," he said. "Do you know what day it is?" I asked him. "No, I can't see outside," he said. "Me either. I wonder what month it is. I want to go back to school soon." I said. "Me too," he replied.

I'm so glad Cedric is here with me. I would hate to be all by myself.

*For anyone who might be confused, Cedric isn't actually there with her. Because of the psychological torture her father is doing to her, she is kinda losing her mind. She is hallucinating he is there to cope with the trauma and stress she is going through.

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