Chapter 2

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It's been a week since I found out we are going to Hogwarts. I packed up all my belongings and we leave today. All I have are clothes, my wand, and a few books. It's amazing that my entire life fit in one single trunk. I got dressed in tan plaid dress and a cream turtleneck underneath. Then I added my favorite dark brown flats. "Cam," Nate said. I turned and saw my brother walking into my room. He wore dark grey dress pants and a grey button up with a blazer. "Here" he said and handed me my letter. I could feel the magic on the parchment as I read it. It was perfect, except for the name. Camilla Carter. That's not my name. That is the last name my father stole from a man he murdered. "Nate, Don't get me wrong, I hated being a Riddle and I'm glad nobody will know but It feels wrong using Carter. We stole the name from a man Father murdered" I said. He looked at me with sad eyes. "I know but-" he started. "I hope you two are not questioning my decision making" my father said as he walked in. Nate subconsciously took a step in front of me so I was behind him in order to protect me. "No Sir. I was just about to explain to Camilla that we do what we need to do to complete this task." he said firmly. "Is that understood Camilla?" my father hissed as he pushed Nate out of the way. I nodded. "Speak up little girl" he spat as he grabbed my face digging his nails into my cheek. I winced from the sharp pain. "Yes- Yes Sir" I said. "Good. It's time to go. You will be apperating to Platform 9 ¾ ." he said and left. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Oh shit" Nate said. "What" I asked. He pulled out a cloth and pressed it to the side of my cheek. "You're bleeding," he said. I touched the side of my face and looked at my hand and surely enough it was covered in blood. "Oh" I said softly. "It's ok," he said and pulled out his wand. I flinched at the sudden movement. "Hey, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. I just need to heal this before we leave. Ok?" he asked. I nodded and stared at the floor while he healed the cut on my face. Then we walked with our trunks downstairs. "Are you ready?" Nate asked, holding out his hand. "I guess" I said. He nodded and took my hand. Suddenly, I felt my body being snapped into what felt like a tube. It went every which way until we hit the grass just outside a huge building. It was amazing. I have been at the Riddle Manor my whole life. I have only left a few times and never gone very far. Whenever I'm allowed outside, I go to the garden but it's usually dark out and only for an hour or so. We stood on the grass and I took a deep breath inhaling the air that was so far from my father. I knew I still wasn't safe from him but it was nice to be somewhere new. "Where are we?" I asked Nate. "Kings Cross Station" he answered. "It's incredible," I said as I followed him inside. Finally we reached a wall in between platforms 9 and 10.  "Watch me, then do exactly the same," he said. Then he ran at full speed into the wall and disappeared. I gasped and my jaw dropped. I took my trolley and went for it, running at the wall. When I opened my eyes, there it was. The Hogwarts Express. Nate stood there waiting for me with a small smile but I could tell he was less focused on how cool it was and more on the task. This is the moment I've waited for my whole life. We put our trunks away and got on the train looking for a compartment. "Where should we sit?" I asked. "By ourselves. We don't need to meet anyone yet." he answered. We walked down the aisle trying not to bump into people. Finally we found an empty compartment and sat down in it. We were early so the train hadn't even started moving yet. I looked at Nate and he was staring out the window and playing with his rings. He always did that when he was nervous. "Have you made a plan?" I asked. "Don't worry about it." he said, refusing to look at me. "I told you we are doing this together so will you stop being stubborn and let me help." I said. He just rolled his eyes at me."No, you are to focus on your studies and making friends" he said. "Seriously Nate, I don't want you to do this alone I can-" I started but he cut me off. "Camilla, I said no!" he yelled. I flinched at his voice. In my experience, yelling usually ends with some sort of violence. My eyes immediately closed and waited for the contact. But it didn't come. "I'm sorry Cam, I didn't mean to scare you. I just want you to have a normal life ok." he said. "You are stupid if you think I could ever have a normal life" I spat. I got up and left the compartment walking down the aisle looking for somewhere else to sit. I heard my brother call my name but I needed space. I held onto the rails as the train had started moving. Suddenly I bumped into a body, I looked up and saw him. Bluish Silver Eyes, Platinum Blonde Hair, Black Suit. I knew this boy. Draco Lucius Malfoy. He looked me up and down with a strange look as I pushed past him. "Sorry" I mumbled.  "Watch where you're going," he yelled. I ran all the way back to my compartment and shut the door. Nate looked up at me, confused. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Draco Malfoy is here." I said gasping for air as I ran all the way here. "Yes, he goes to Hogwarts. "Draco only knows we are here for Dark Lord business. He knows not to reveal me so there's no trouble. I believe he was told you are my partner. He doesn't know who you really are. To the school we will be siblings. As far as he is concerned, we are just partners in the task." Nate said plainly. "Right. Ok, good" I said nodding. But there is. He has seen me. One day he was at Riddle Manor, I was supposed to be in my room but I snuck out. He was in the garden and so was I. He knows who I am. I can't tell Nate because then he might have to tell father, so  I just really hope Draco doesn't remember who I am. It was like a year ok so maybe it will be ok.

Oh how wrong I was.

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