Chapter 37

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I was alone in this train filled with people who hate me. This should go great. I made my way down the aisle trying to keep my head down. Suddenly, I felt a foot swipe under my feet and I fell to the floor. I looked up and saw a boy I didn't recognize. "Death Eater" he mumbled and walked away. I stood up and found an empty compartment and walked in and shut the door. I sat down and sighed. This was going to be a long year. I looked at my watch and the train departed in 10 minutes. I pulled out The Great Gatsby and started to read. I was almost finished with it. I read it again because the first time I read it, it was fast. I got so lost in it, I almost didn't feel the train start to move. I looked out the window and saw as we went through the mountains. It was still beautiful. "Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me" I looked quickly and at the door stood Evan and 3 other Hufflepuffs. "She seriously came back." one said. They walked in and slid the door shut. My heart started to pound. "I'll just go. You can have this compartment." I said. I tried to walk past them but he pushed me back down. I fell back and my head hit the side of the window. "Are you going to kill anyone this year Riddle?" Evan asked. I stared at the floor. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him. "I asked you a question." he spat. "I didn't kill Cedric," I said. He glared at. The next thing I knew he slapped me, hard. My cheek stung and my eyes watered. "Don't fucking say his name. You don't get to say his name you fucking bitch" he yelled. "I'm sorry." I said. "What do we have here?" he said grabbing my book. "No!" I yelled. I reached forward to grab it back but his friend grabbed me and held me. He twisted my arm behind my back and pain shot through my shoulder. He flipped through the pages and saw Draco's note on the back. "Wow, what a surprise. Lucius Malfoy, the death eater's son and the Dark Lord's daughter." he said. "Shocker" the one mumbled. Then he ripped the cover page off the book. "No!" I cried out. They all laughed. "Please stop!" I yelled. He went through ripping the pages from the spine and tossing them on the floor. Tears fell down my cheeks as I watched my book be destroyed. "You should never have come back here." Evan said sharply. Then his friend let go and threw me to the floor. They walked out and I slid the door shut. I cried as I picked the pages up off the floor. I tucked them all into my bag hoping I can fix it. But I don't know. The door opened again and my head shot up. I drew my wand and quickly pointed it at the intruder. "Woah," Draco said, raising his hands in surrender. I lowered my wand. "Sorry." I mumbled. "Are you alright?" he asked. "I'm fine." I said quickly. "Why are you crying?" he asked. "I'm not." I said. He sat next to me. "Ok. Well, it's good to see you." he said. I nodded. "Are you sure you're ok?" he asked. I nodded again. He lifted my chin and I looked into his gorgeous blueish silver eyes. Come on Camilla. You have to do this. He looked so happy. Do it Camilla. "Draco, this, whatever this is, it can't happen." I said. His face fell. "What?" he asked. "Please just go." I said. "If this is about Nathan-" he started. "It's not." I said. "Well then what's it about?" he asked. "I just don't like you like that." I said. He grabbed my chin and I looked at him. "That's not what you said before." he said. "I know what I said before." I said sharply. I pulled away. "Why don't you just go fuck Pansy or Astoria? I'm sure they're all over you anyway." I said. He was silent. "That's all you wanted anyway. To fuck me." I said. He glared at me. "You know what, fine. Maybe I will. Have fun getting tortured by your brother and beat up by every single person here who hates you." he snapped. He got up and started to leave. "I need my book back." he said. My heart sank. I couldn't give him the book all torn up. I just couldn't. "I don't have it." I said. He looked so angry. "You know how much it meant for me to give that to you. You were the first girl I knew who not only read it but understood it. This year you have nobody. I don't know why you would push me away when I'm the only one who cared about you. But you know what, fuck it and fuck you." he yelled. He slammed the door and a tear fell. "I'm sorry. It's for your own good." I whispered. Then I just stared out the window until we arrived at Hogwarts. The train stopped and I waited until the very last second to leave. I walked over to the carriages and looked up. There was one carriage left. A blonde girl I didn't know sat there reading some magazine...upside down. I started to walk by. "Where are you going?" she asked in a light voice. "I'll just walk, it's fine." I said. "Why would you do that? It's terribly far." she said. I looked at her with confusion. "Do you know who I am?" I asked. She was probably new. "Camilla Riddle." she said plainly. I was shocked. "Don't you hate me?" I asked walking over to the front of the carriage. "Did you want any of what happened to happen?" she asked. I shook my head. "Then no." she said. I nodded and gave her a small smile. I climbed onto the carriage and sat next to her. "What's your name?" I asked. "Luna Lovegood." she said. "That's a pretty name." I said. "Thank you." she replied smiling at me. I heard voices and I looked up. My heart stopped as I saw those green eyes and the scar. Could this day get any worse?

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