Chapter 134

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I could hear explosions and screams and people running everywhere. I got to the top of the stairs and I saw Harry and Neville talking. "Harry!" I screamed. He looked up and his face lit up as I ran down. I jumped into his arms and he held me tight. "I was so worried, Nathan came back and you-" he started. "I'm fine. I'm ok." I said. He nodded. "Did you find Draco? Is he alright?" he asked. "I don't know, Nathan was a dead end. He just locked me in the dungeons." I said. "Ok, we'll find him. But right now, I need you to come with me and help me find Rowena Ravenclaw's crown." he said. "Where is it?" I asked. "It's in the Room Of Requirement, somewhere," he said. "Then we better look fast," I said. We ran through the halls as the walls crashed down around us and dust filled the air and finally made it to the ROR. When we got inside, it was filled with junk. "Split up, but stay within shouting distance," he said. "Ok," I said. I looked through piles of junk and in boxes. Then I heard voices. I drew my wand and stood with my back to a wall. "Harry," I whispered. I walked closer and then I saw him and I froze.

"Well, well, what brings you here, dear sister? If I remember correctly, I locked you in a cage." Nathan said. "I got out, it wasn't too tricky. Maybe you should spend less time torturing me and more time practicing your charms," I said. He chuckled. "I see you have your Gryffindor bravery back. Don't worry, I'll make sure my death eaters rape that out of you before I kill you," he said. My face dropped and my stomach sank. "Your filthy friends won't ever touch me again," I spat. He smirked. "Do you really believe that? I thought you were smarter than this," he said. "I'm free, Nathan. We're going to win and they are going to die." I said. "Oh Camilla, you really have yourself convinced. Don't you?" he said. I stared at him. "Let's say there's a 50/50 chance you win, I'm feeling generous. What if you don't?" he said. "Then I'll kill myself," I said. "No, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to put you in a cage, and let whoever I want torture you and beat you and rape you and if you die then you're lucky. If you don't, then you'll spend the rest of your days in an endless cycle of hell and I won't kill you even if you get on your knees and beg me to slit your throat." he said. His words chilled me to the bone and I couldn't breathe. He walked closer and closer until my wand hit his chest. "And maybe if you're lucky, your zombie boyfriend can watch. It's not like he could fight back," he said. That snapped me back. "What? Where's Harry?" I said. "Not Potter, he'll be dead. I'm talking about your other boyfriend." he said. "What did you do to Draco? Tell me!" I yelled. "But that would spoil the surprise," he said smugly. "Where is he?" I said. Before he could speak, Harry came charging forward with Hermione and Ron. "Get away from her!" Ron yelled. They started firing curses and Harry pulled me behind them. Nathan fired back and I ducked. All of the sudden, the room got hot. I turned around and everything was on fire. "Bloody hell!" Ron yelled. One of the curses had backfired and set everything on fire. Ron and Harry, Hermione and I jumped on brooms. We began to fly and I saw Nathan climbing a stack of junk. It was falling into the fire and he wouldn't make it. I looked at Harry and his face fell. "No, Camilla! If you save him, he's just going to kill you! Don't do it!" he yelled. I looked back one more time and we locked eyes. "He's my brother, Harry!" I yelled back. I flew up and grabbed him. We made it out and landed on the ground. I stood up quickly and Nathan looked at me. "That was for our mother. But make no mistake, it will never happen again." I said. Nathan smirked. "I don't doubt that, too bad you can't save your precious wannabe father," he said. My face dropped. "What?" I said. "I know about the adoption papers, father isn't pleased. They are speaking about it right now." he said. I turned to leave. "I'll take you there, I want you to watch this," he said. He held out his arm and I looked at Harry. "Don't, Camilla. We'll find him ourselves." he said. "I have to. Snape saved me, I have to try." I said. Then I took Nathan's arm and we were sucked into apparition. We landed at the end of the docks and I heard my fathers voice shouting. I ran into the room and he was there with Snape. "Camilla, go. Now!" Snape said sharply. "No! Don't hurt him. Please, I'll do anything." I pleaded. Nathan ran up behind me and grabbed me. He held my arms behind my back and I struggled and fought to get free. My father walked towards me and grabbed me by the roots of my hair. "My Lord, please. The girl-" Snape began. "Don't." my father spat. Then he faced me. "How dare you? You have done nothing but defy me. And now you try to make him your father? I am your father! The most powerful wizard of all time is your father!" he yelled. I just stared at him. "Dumbledore was the most powerful wizard," I said. He slapped me across the face and Nathan laughed. Then he turned around and drew his wand. "No!" I yelled. Nathan clamped his hand over my mouth and held me back as tears streamed down my face. "Please, don't! Don't! I'll do anything, please!" I sobbed. But it was just a muffled noise. "You know what happens to those who betray me, Severus. Years of loyalty, given up for her. Why?" he said plainly. Snape looked at me with the smallest of smiles."She's my daughter, I had to protect her." Snape said. "I'm disappointed in you." my father replied. Then in a split second, Snape stumbled to the side and blood began to seep from his neck. He fell back and Nagini attacked him. I screamed and fought and cried. But he was dying. Then my father disappeared. Nathan let go and I dropped to the ground as sobs wracked my body. I crawled over to Snape and held my hands to his neck. "Please, don't go. Please," I cried. He smiled. "My robes, the papers," he said weakly. I grabbed the adoption papers and shoved them in my pocket. Then Harry, Ron and Hermione ran in. "Mione, please. Help me. You have to have something in your bag or-" I started. "You're too late. The old mans already dying," Nathan snapped. "Shut up!" I yelled. Harry knelt next to me and Snape looked at him. "Take them," said, gesturing to his tears. Hermione handed him a flask. "Take them to the pensieve," he said. Harry nodded. Then Snape looked back at me. "It's alright," he said weakly. I shook my head. "No, no, no. You said you would be my dad, you can't go yet!" I cried. He nodded. "Be strong, Camilla. I- I love you," he said. Then his head went limp and he exhaled. I shook him and cried. "No! Don't do this! Wake up!" I yelled. I rested my forehead on his chest and exhaled a shaky breath. Harry placed his hand on my back and pulled me into his arms. "He's gone," he said gently. And he was. I kissed him on the forehead and stood up as I wiped my tears. "I love you too... dad," I said quietly.

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