Chapter 90

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Camilla pulled the leather diary from her trunk and we all stared at it. My heart was racing. That diary was filled with the horrors of her past. I can't let it be the only memories she has. "We aren't going to let her do this, are we?" Ginny whispered to me. I shook my head and stepped towards her. She looked at me with glassy eyes "Camilla, you can't read that diary." I said. She ran her hand down the spine and over the cover. Then she shook her head. "It's all I have. I need to remember." she said. "Your memories are coming back. I know it's not as fast as you want and I know it's scary but this diary, these memories, it's worse." I said. I held out my hand and she looked hesitant. "Give it until the end of the school year. Ok? If you still want to read it on the first day of summer, you can." I said. She looked at everyone and they nodded. "Do you trust me?" I asked. She nodded. "Then give me the diary." I said softly. She sighed and handed it to me. I smiled. "I'll keep it safe, I promise." I said. "Ok." she replied. "Ok, that's enough excitement for one night. Boys, to your dorm. We need to get ready for bed." Hermione said. Everyone walked out and Ginny went into the bathroom. I pulled Hermione outside and shut the door. "This is her first night back in her dorm, I'm going to stay, if that's alright." I said. Hermione gave me a small smile and shook her head. "I know how important she is to you but you can't be with her 24/7. You need to take care of yourself too." she said. "I'm fine." I said. "When was the last time you slept?" she asked. "I slept when Camilla slept." I replied. She chuckled. "Harry, you look wrecked. You are no good to Camilla like this." she said. I sighed. "Fine. But if anything happens, if she has a nightmare or another memory comes back, come get me. Ok? Do you promise?" I asked. "Yes. I promise. But she'll be fine. Nathan can't get her here. She's safe." Hermione said. "Nathan isn't her biggest threat right now. I can keep her safe from him. But I can't protect her from her own mind." I said. Hermione nodded. "I know. But if anyone can make it through this, it's Camilla." she said. "Yeah, Thanks Mione." I said. She nodded and went inside. I walked to my dorm and prayed that Camilla was able to sleep and that she was safe.


My life was shades of grey before Camilla. I woke up, existed, and went to bed. Then I met her. This girl I was supposed to hate or control, or bow to, I wasn't sure. I never figured it out because I fell so hard, so fast. I never knew the importance of her. I never knew the importance of waking up next to her, her touch, her laughter, any of it. I never knew the importance of her love, until I couldn't have it. So now, now that she's gone, now that I lost her, I thought my life would just go back to the shades of grey. The simple existence. But no. It's much worse.

Now I have a mission. An order. A legacy to fulfill. Only it's one I never wanted.

I just got back from fixing that bloody cabinet when I heard the knock on my door. I opened it and Nathan strolled in. "I haven't fixed it yet. I know that's why you're here." I said. He scoffed. "Couldn't I be here simply for the pleasure of your company?" he said smugly. "No." I stated. He rolled his eyes. "Are you close to fixing it?" he asked. I looked down and my silence spoke for itself. "That's a shame. Do I need to give you some more motivation?" he asked. "If you want to crucio me again, just do it." I spat. He laughed. "Oh, let me clarify for you. For every week that cabinet is still broken, that's a punishment for Camilla." he said with a cruel grin. My heart stopped. "No!" I exclaimed. "Yes," he said. "No. Leave her alone. I mean- fucking hell! You've wrecked her mind, destroyed her body. When is it going to be enough?" I asked. "When I kill her," he said. I glared at him. "I don't think so. You still underestimate her. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday, she's going to come for you. And you will suffer for what you did to her." I said. He just stared at me. "That's a nice thought. Too bad I don't care." he said. "I'll fix your fucking cabinet. Ok? Just give me some time and don't hurt her." I pleaded. He groaned. "Pathetic. You are still in love with her, aren't you?" he spat. "Undying." I said fiercely. "I told my father, I told him wrecking Camilla's memories of you two wouldn't be enough. But he didn't listen, She barely remembers you!" he said. "I remember for the both of us." I said. He just scoffed. "You have 1 month. Fix that cabinet, kill Dumbledore, do something to prove you aren't useless. If you haven't done something by then, Camilla will suffer for your shortcomings. Are we clear?" he spat. "Yes." I said. He just nodded and stormed out. I collapsed against the wall and buried my face in my palms. If I have to kill every last member of the order to protect her, I will. I don't care if I kill myself in the process.

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