Chapter 75

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"Just know the harm that may come to them because of it. And know that it would be your fault." Dumbledore said. "Albus!" Snape exclaimed. "What?" I said quietly. My eyes watered. "Well Camilla, it's like this. You know people already doubt whose side you're on-" he started. "I'm on your side. Harry's side. I swear! I didn't want-" I started frantically. "Let me finish." he said. I went quiet. Snape glared at him. "If you stay with Severus or the Weasleys and they get hurt, or Merlin help us, killed. It would be on you. Imagine how people would doubt you then." he said. "I-I don't want anyone to get hurt." I started. "Nonsense. Camilla, we can put protective wards around the Weasley's home, around my home. Nothing bad will happen. Something very bad will happen if you go home." Snape said. "Severus, don't lie to the girl. You of all people know what The Dark Lord's capable of. Tears fell to my cheeks as my heart beat out of my chest. I looked at Snape and then back to Dumbledore. "However Camilla, think about this. You go home. And what if you are able to learn something, get information and bring it back to me." he said. Snape scoffed. "I knew it. That's your ploy. You're risking her life because you want to send her to be a mole?!" he exclaimed. I looked at Dumbledore. "What?" I said. I was so scared. I was so confused. I didn't know what to believe, who to trust. What he said made sense, but if I went back there, I knew what would happen. "She is not going back there. No." Snape said. "Severus, think about-" he started. "She is not an active member of the order. You want a mole? Get any one of them to weasel their way in. Not a 15 year old girl. Not a child. Not Camilla!" he yelled.  "It's up to her." Dumbledore said. He looked at me and smiled. "Camilla, you say you're on our side. Don't you want to prove it?" he asked. "I do- I really do- but Sir, can't there be another way?" I said. "Don't you want to help the Order. Be a hero. Like Harry?" he said. "Camilla, don't." Snape said. I looked at them and then stared at the ground. Harry lost his parents, his godfather, Cedric. He's lost so much. He's suffered. "So many people have suffered at the hands of my father. I can do it if it means helping Harry. Helping you." I said. Dumbledore sat back and clasped his hands. "I'm so glad you made the right choice," he said. I looked at Snape and he had an unrecognizable look. "I'm sorry Professor. But some people are disposable. I'd rather die for something I care about." I said. Then I stood up and walked out. As I shut the door, I heard Snape start to yell at Dumbledore. "I didn't force her to do anything," Dumbledore said. "You manipulated her. Of course she'll do anything to prove herself. To help. Did you hear the child? She thinks she's disposable!" he yelled. "She'll be fine," he said. "That's not the point. She doesn't care whether she lives or dies. And it's because she thinks nobody else does either! You just reinforced that!" he yelled. "Severus, calm down," he said. "No! She isn't disposable! She isn't! She's just a child." he said. "Why do you care so much about her? Do you really want to play house with her. You aren't her father. Lily isn't your wife." he snapped. "This isn't about me. This is about her. This is about Camilla. The fact that you don't see that, or even care... it sickens me." Snape spat.  "Severus, you know why you cannot continue to shelter her." Dumbledore said. "You better hope she survives. Because if she doesn't, you just lost your greatest weapon." he said. I couldn't listen anymore. So I ran. I ran until I bumped into someone.

"Shit, look where you're-" they started. We both looked up and I stared into the stormy eyes with the blonde hair. "Camilla-" he said softly. "I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going." I said. "It's my fault. I'm sorry." he mumbled. I nodded and started to leave. "Are you ok?" he asked. I looked at him. "You're crying." he said. I shrugged. "I'm going home." I said. Then I kept walking. I didn't expect him to follow me. "What?!" he yelled. I kept walking, silently. "They can't- you can't- they can't do that!" he said. I stopped and looked at him. "I'm sorry. I know I said I'd stay away." he said quietly. "It's ok." I said. Softly. He looked at me. "You can't Camilla. You can't go back there." he said. His eyes were pleading. "I know you hate me. You should. I want you to hate me. I want you to stay away from me. I want you to do whatever you need to do to feel safe. To feel safe from me. But please, I'm begging you. Please, don't go back there." he begged. "Draco, I don't-" I started. "I let you go so I wouldn't lose you. But if you go there, you'll die. They'll kill you. Please Camilla. Please." he pleaded. I sighed and forced a smile. Then I wrapped my arms around him. He went stiff for a moment before melting into it and hugging me back. "Don't do this," he whispered. "I have to." I whispered back. He buried his face in the crook of my neck and I just held him for a moment. Then I let go and stepped back.

"Goodbye" I said. Then I kept walking. He stood there in the hallway, alone. I didn't look back.

Finally, I got to Gryffindor. I walked into the common room and Hermione, Ginny, Ron and Neville all sat there. I stood in the entryway, trying to focus on one thing. But it was like everything was flooding my head at once. I saw Hermione's face in front of mine and she was talking. "Camilla! What's wrong?" she asked. Quickly, Ron and Ginny got up and ran over. "Cam! Cam!" Ginny yelled. "Did Nathan hurt you?" Ron asked. I just shook my head. They took my hands and pulled me over to the couch and sat me down. "Go get Harry, quickly!" Ginny said to Neville. He got up and ran up the stairs to the dorms. I stared at the fireplace.

Then I heard Harry's voice. Soon he was kneeling in front of me. "Camilla, can you hear me?" he asked. I nodded. He took my hands and squeezed them gently. "I need you to tell me what happened," he said. My eyes watered and more tears escaped. "I just wanted to help. I just wanted to be useful for once. Instead of causing destruction and death." I said. Everyone looked at each other in confusion. "Camilla, what happened?" he asked. I looked at him. "I just wanted to be like you." I said. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked at Ginny. "Go get Snape," he said. I shook my head. "No! Don't. He already tried." I said. Ginny sat back down. I took a deep breath and exhaled shakily. "I'm going home." I said quietly. Harry's face dropped. "No." he said.

I nodded. "That's mad!" Ron yelled. "That has to be illegal!" Hermione added. "Everyone calm down." Harry said. "Calm down? Calm down? Are you dense? She can't go home. They'll slaughter her the second she steps foot in the door." Ginny said. Harry pulled eyeone aside and started to whisper but I could hear. "Yes, thank you Ginny. I know. But she is obviously already terrified enough without us listing every possible thing that could happen." he said. "Harry's right. We need to just stay with her. Be there for her, with whatever she needs until the very last second." Hermione said. They all nodded and walked back over. Soon enough, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Dean, Thomas, Fred, and George were all sitting spread throughout the common room with me. Harry sat next to me, just silently holding my hand. Eventually, I laid my head on his shoulder. "I'm scared, Harry." I whispered. "I know. But you don't need to be like me... you are braver. You are braver than all of us. I know you can survive. You have to. I need you Camilla." he whispered. I looked at him and nodded. "Ok" I whispered. Then I fell asleep.

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