Chapter 55

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"Expecto Patronum" Ginny said. A beautiful horse flew out of her wand and galloped around the room. "Brilliant Ginny." Harry said. I stood in the corner and tried to think of a happy memory. "It's ok Cam, just keep trying." Harry said. I nodded. Finally I shut my eyes and thought of Draco. "Expecto Patronum" I said and suddenly a light flashed from my wand and a dragon flew through the room. Harry and I stared in awe until it disappeared. "That was incredible Cam, and a dragon who would've thought?" he said. My heart fluttered. My mind flashed back to Draco and I sitting in that booth at The Three Broomsticks.

"Did you know that my name is a constellation? Draco is Latin for Dragon..."

That can't be a coincidence. "Alright everyone. Good work today. We will work more on Patronus charms when we meet again. See you in 3 days." Harry said. Everyone packed up and we all began to sneak out. Ginny, Hermione and I walked back to our dorm and talked about the DA. "So your patronus is a dragon huh?" Hermione asked. "Yeah." I said. "Interesting." she said, smirking. "Why's that interesting?" Ginny asked. Hermione just laughed. "Ugh how do you know everything?" I asked. "What? What is it?" Ginny said. "Draco means dragon in Latin. I don't think it's a coincidence that my patronus is a dragon." I said. Ginny clapped as we all put on our pajamas. We all laid in our beds and talked some more. Eventually we fell asleep.

Lessons went by quickly today. I feel like whenever I'm not in DA lessons I'm waiting for them to begin. Dumbledore's Army is getting so strong. It's hard though knowing Draco is constantly trying to catch us. Draco and I skipped lunch and went to sit at the Astronomy Tower. "So how's the inquisitorial squad?" I asked. He shrugged. "Umbridge is getting annoyed at the lack of progress we're making. Potter is exceptionally sneaky." he said. I just nodded. "Have you heard anything? Maybe them talking about it in the common room or something?" he said. I stared at him. "Really Draco? After what Harry and the Weasleys did for us? Why do you have to be like this?" I asked. "I never asked for their help. You wanted to go there. You asked for Harry." he said. I stood up and started to leave but he grabbed my wrist. "You can't get mad at me for doing my job." he said. I pulled away. "Yes, I can. You have no idea what you're doing, do you?" I asked. "I'm doing what I'm supposed to. Potter is breaking the rules, like always." he spat. "You are unbelievable." I said. "Of course, I'm the bad guy and Potters the hero. We are going to find his little club, it's not too late to pick the right side." he said. I scoffed. "Shut up Draco. I can't deal with this right now." I said. "Gonna go run to Potter? He always seems to be your back-up." he said. "He's my friend." I said. Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah just friends right? Why don't you just fuck him instead? At least then I wouldn't be tortured for some girl who doesn't even mean anything to me" he yelled. My face dropped and I froze. I felt my eyes fill with tears. "I'm sorry." I said quietly. He realized what he said. He went too far. "Shit Cam, I didn't mean that. I just-" he started. "It's fine. You're right. You shouldn't be tortured for me. I mean nothing to you." I said. I rushed out before he could say another word. I walked into the bathroom and allowed the tears to fall down my face. Do I really mean nothing to him? I wiped my tears and walked into the Great hall. I sat down with my friends and Harry nudged me. "Are you alright?" he asked. I nodded. "Cam come on," he said. "Just a fight with Draco. I'm fine, really." I said. He just nodded. We all talked and ate and it was a good distraction. Then everyone went silent and looked up. "What?" I said. "Camilla, we need to speak." I turned around and saw Nathan and Blaise standing there. "No. She isn't going near you ever again. I know what you did Nathan." Harry said standing in front of him. He just rolled his eyes. "Do you really want to make this a big deal Camilla?" he asked. Think of Draco, think of your friends. Don't be selfish. Don't get them hurt so you are safe. I stood up and grabbed my bag. "Good." Nathan said. Harry grabbed my hand. "You are crazy if you think I'm letting you go with him." Harry said. "I'll be fine." I lied. "No. Absolutely not. You are staying here." he said. "Do we have a problem?" Nathan said in a bored voice. "No." I said. I pulled away from Harry. "Please, you're only going to make it worse." I whispered. I stared into Harry's green eyes and he caved. "Remember what you promised me." he whispered and I nodded. Then I followed Blaise and Nathan out of the Great Hall. My heart was pounding out of my chest as we walked to Slytherin. We walked all the way to Blaise's dorm and Nathan pushed me inside. He shut the door and locked it, then he silenced the room. Blaise sat down in a chair and relaxed. My hands were trembling in my pockets. "I'm assuming you know why you're here?" he asked. I nodded. "And why is that?" he asked. "Because the death eaters didn't finish punishing me." I said quietly. "Good. Now what do you think I'm going to do to you?" he asked. I shrugged. "Take a guess." he said smugly. "The cruciatus curse?" I guessed. "No. Guess again." he said. "I don't know. Whatever it is, just do it already. Get it over with." I said. He smirked at me. "So eager, don't you think Blaise?" he taunted. "Yes, although not for long." he said standing up. Blaise walked over to me and stood close. "Didn't your dear brother tell you?" he said moving my hair behind my shoulders. "Tell me what?" I asked nervously. "It's my turn." he said. My eyes widened and I ran for the door. Nathan grabbed the back of my hair and threw me to the floor. I crawled backwards in fear. "No. Please Nathan, anything else. The cruciatus curse, cigarettes, I don't care just please not this." I begged. He just laughed. "Now Camilla, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Blaise said. He towered over me and I looked up at him. "You don't have to do this. Please." I said. He reached down and grabbed my wrist and yanked me up. I cried out at the twisting and crunching of my bones. He threw me on the bed and my head hit the headboard. "I'll be outside. You can rough her up a bit, there's glamour spells for a reason. If she gives you too much trouble, just come get me." he said then he walked out and shut the door. "I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to." he said. My lip quivered and tears filled my eyes. "Now, do you want to make this quick and easy or do I have to tie you up and get a few punches in?" he asked. Tears fell down my cheeks. "Please Blaise, you don't have to be like him. You don't have to do this." I said. He scoffed and his fist connected with my face. I grabbed my cheek and I felt my eyes swell up. "Ok, ok, I'll do it. Just please don't hurt me." I said weakly. He smirked. "Fine, lay down." he said. I slowly laid my head back and closed my eyes. He climbed on top of me and began to kiss me. He left sloppy kisses down my neck and chest as he groped my breasts under my blouse. He pulled it open and the buttons flew off. He lifted my skirt and pulled my underwear down. Then he slammed himself inside me and I cried out in pain. I bit my lip until it bled and I choked back sobs. He thrusted hard and fast and his hands never left my body. He pulled out and came on my stomach. "Fuck, you know for a girl that's been passed around like a toy for the past 5 years you're pretty tight." he said. I wiped his sticky cum off my stomach and pulled up my underwear. "Can I please go?" I said weakly. "Sure, I hope you get in trouble again, it sure seems to benefit me." he said. I just buttoned the remaining buttons on my blouse and walked out. Nathan leaned against the wall twirling his wand in his hands. He tilted my face to the side with his wand and admired the bruise. "Can I please just leave Nathan?" I said, trying not to cry. He shrugged. "Go." he said. Then I rushed out.

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