Chapter 123

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It's been 3 days locked in Draco's room. I haven't left once. Draco only leaves when Nathan comes to get him. It's happened twice. Each time when he came back, he was quiet.

When I woke up today, I was laying on Draco's bed with a blanket laid over me. I sat up and Draco was gone. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Tears filled my eyes as I scanned myself. I was covered in dirt, blood and bruises. There were cuts and scars and burns all over me and I was horribly thin. I hadn't eaten more than a piece of bread and an apple in days. Draco tried to sneak me food but he couldn't do much. I was taking big gulps of sink water when I heard the door open. I went out and the door shut and locked behind Draco. The second I saw him, I froze. He stood there, and his face and clothes were splattered with blood. He looked at me and I could see streaks of blood in his hair. My eyes widened and I limped over to him.

"Draco, what happened? Whose blood is that?" I asked. He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. "Not mine," he said quietly. My stomach sank and I took his hand and led him into the bathroom. I sat him down on a stool and I pulled off his blazer. I turned on the water and the tub began to fill with warm water. Then I pulled off his shoes and his belt. He just stared at the floor. Once the tub was full, I helped him up and sat him down in the tub. His white shirt was soaked and stuck to his skin. He looked at me and his eyes watered. "I killed them," he said. I knelt down next to the tub and looked at him. "Who?" I asked. "They kidnapped Luna Lovegood because of what her father was saying in his papers," he said. My heart stopped. "Luna is dead?" I asked as my voice cracked. "No. But there were members of the order who tried to stop them. Nathan told me to kill them, so I did. I had to. I killed 2 people. Innocent people." he said. Tears fell to his cheeks and I wiped them away. "Draco, none of us are innocent." I said. He looked up at me and smiled. "You remember that?" he asked. I nodded. "I remember everything. Everything about us." I said. He nodded. Then I wet a rag and began to clean the blood off of him. Then I got some clean clothes and left them in the bathroom. I shut the door and waited outside. He killed people. 2 people for me. And Luna is a hostage. I have to help her.

While Draco was in the bathroom, I banged on the door and called for Nathan. A few minutes later, he opened it with 2 death eaters behind him. "What do you want?" he snapped. "I want to see Luna. I want assurance that you won't hurt her." I said. He laughed. "Assurance?" he said. I exhaled a shaky breath. "I need to know that you or anyone else isn't going to rape her like you let them rape me." I said sharply. He gave me a cruel grin. "Well, aren't you brave?" he said. "I'm a Gryffindor. Just like our mother" I said. His face fell. "Very well, You can see your friend." he said. "I know you, Nathan. What's the catch?" I asked. He smirked. "You have to attend Fathers meeting tonight," he said. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists. "Fine. I'll go to fathers meeting." I said. "Good. If you live through that, you can see Loony Lovegood after." he said. "Why can't I see her before?" I asked. "Because I said so. This is the deal. Take it or leave it." he said. I sighed. "Ok." I said. He nodded. Then he tossed me my bag. "Go shower and change. You look vile." he said. Then he shut the door. I turned around and Draco was standing there. I could immediately tell by the look on his face that he was worried. "I know what you're going to say." I said. "You can't go to that meeting!" he exclaimed. I sighed. "Draco, I have to. I have to protect Luna." I said. "No, you don't." he said. I stared at him. "Luna is my friend. She was there for me when nobody else was. When I came to school in our 5th year, after everything happened, I had nobody. Cedric was dead, Harry and my friends hated me and-" I started. "I left you too." he said. I held his hand. "Only because I made you. That day, on the train, I made you hate me, on purpose. I was trying to protect you." I said. "Of course you were. You always try to protect everyone else but what about you? Huh?" he asked. "I'll be fine." I said. "No, you won't. They are going to torture you, and beat you and rape you! Again!" he yelled. I stepped back and my eyes watered. His face softened. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say-" he started. I shook my head and headed for the bathroom. Then I stopped in the doorway and looked at him.
"Better me than Luna." I said quietly. Then I went inside and shut the door.

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