Chapter 68

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I woke up to the sound of voices. I looked around and there were curtains around my cot. Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny sat in chairs around me and Harry held my hand. I listened closely to the voices and realized it was Snape and Dumbledore. They were arguing about me.

"He cannot stay here!" Snape exclaimed. "Camilla didn't even identify Nathan as her attacker." Dumbledore said. "We all know it was him. And regardless of this assault, Miss Granger told me about several other incidents. He has continued to beat and torture her here and she kept it a secret." Snape said. "That was her decision." Dumbledore said. "No it wasn't. It just goes to show how terrified she is of that boy. She is so fearful of him, she won't even speak against him despite the constant abuse! We are supposed to protect the students here. How much longer are you planning to make her suffer?" Snape asked. "She can handle it. She has handled it for years." Dumbledore said. Snape scoffed. "According to you, maybe. I, on the other hand, will not fail Camilla yet again by letting him stay for your personal agenda." Snape snapped. "If we send him home to his father, how are we to keep an eye on him or know what's coming?" Dumbledore asked. "It's not worth it. We can't force Camilla to live in fear of her brother and suffer his abuse for your hope that he might reveal his fathers plans." Snape said. "It's not up to you Professor. But I appreciate your concern for Camilla ans will put your fierce protectiveness of her on the record." Dumbledore said in a dull tone. "She's a child. She deserves for at least one person to care whether she lives or dies. If that's not you, then I'll make damn sure it's me." he exclaimed. I heard a sigh and footsteps.

The curtains opened and Snape walked in. "Camilla, I need you to tell me what happened. Who did this to you?" he asked. "It doesn't matter." I said. "Like hell it doesn't!" Harry exclaimed. I looked over and he was awake. Then they all woke up. "It was Nathan wasn't it?" Harry asked. "No." I lied. "Was it those Hufflepuff boys again?" Ginny asked. "No." I said. "Was it Blaise?" Harry asked. "No." I lied. "Was it-" Harry started. Then he stopped. "Mr. Potter?" Snape said. "Was it Malfoy?" Harry asked. "No!" I answered quickly. "Camilla, something happened. You didn't end up all bruised and bloody on your own. Tell us who did it." Harry said. "No." I said. "If they are threatening you, you don't have to be afraid. We won't leave you." Hermione said. "I'm fine." I lied. "Cam, why are you protecting them? Whoever did this doesn't deserve your protection." Ginny said. "I don't want to talk about it." I said. "Can I talk to her alone for a second, guys?" Harry asked. They nodded and left. Harry sat on the edge of my bed and looked at me.

"Who did this to you Camilla?" he asked. I shook my head. "Sometimes I feel like you don't care what happens to you anymore. I feel like you think since you were raped so many times, it doesn't matter anymore." he said. I looked down as my eyes water. "It does matter, Cam. It does." he said. I couldn't face him. "It's not ok for people to hurt you. I don't know why this keeps happening to you and I'm so sorry it does. If I could stop it or help you, I would. You deserve so much better." he said. He reached forward and wiped the tears from my face. "You need to tell me what happened," he said. "I can't." I replied. "Yes, you can. I know you're scared and you have every right to be. You almost died. But you didn't. And now whoever did that to you is going to pay. But I need you to tell me who that is." he said. "I can't tell you." I said. "Damn it Camilla, tell me!" he exclaimed. I flinched and he stood up. "I just lost Sirius. The only family I had left. I thought I lost you too." he said. "You didn't." I said. "But I almost did," he said. He sat back down and looked at me. "What if Fred and George never went to get their prank boxes? What if they never found you? You would be dead Camilla. You would be a corpse in the ROR. A rotting corpse we may have never found! Whoever did this was trying to kill you. Do you understand that?" he asked. "I do." I said quietly. "They knew you wouldn't survive there. They tied you up. You were beaten almost to death. You were dehydrated, malnourished. Madam Pomfrey said if Fred and George came a few hours later, they would have found your dead body. A few hours!" he yelled. "I know," I said. "Tell me who it is," he said. "I can't." I said. "Tell me who it is or I'll get Snape to dig through your memory and find out," he said. My eyes widened and my face paled. "No, please. Just- don't." I said. "Tell me." he said. My head started spinning and I felt sick. "Tell me Cam, please." he begged. I turned to the side and coughed blood onto the floor. "Madam Pomfrey!" Harry yelled. She ran over and laid me back. I looked at Harry who had fury and tears in his eyes. He wasn't going to let this go. And what if they look through my memory while I'm asleep. I don't want Snape to know what he did to me.

"Drink this," Madam Pomfrey said. I drank the blood replenishing potion and calming draught. Then I felt drowsy. "I'm sorry Camilla." he said. I nodded.

Right before I passed out I spoke. " It was Nathan, Blaise and Draco. They did this to me. You were right. I shouldn't protect them, not after what they did. I just- I thought Draco loved me-He doesn't"

Then it went dark.

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