Chapter 7

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After Hermione and Ginny fell asleep, I was able to sneak out. I had stayed in my uniform from earlier so I just grabbed my wand and put on shoes. I snuck down the stairs trying to figure out how I was supposed to get to the Slytherin Dorms. First off, I have no idea where they are. Secondly, I don't know how to get inside. And last, I don't know where Malfoys room is. So this should be interesting. I got in the common rooms and headed for the door when I heard an all too familiar voice and froze. "Camilla?" I turned to face Harry. Of course, as if tonight won't be difficult enough. He was sitting on the couch reading a book. I froze. What to do? Play dumb or act cool? "Hi Harry," I said plainly. "What are you doing? It's past curfew." he said. "I could ask you the same question." I said. "You could, but I asked first and last time this happened you were bloodied and bruised." he said. "Harry, I told you to forget that." I said looking down. "How am I supposed to forget something like that? You show up here with your brother, all secretive. And on the first night, you sneak out and return almost beaten to death? Cam, I need some answers." he said. I felt myself getting scared as he raised his voice. I know I probably shouldn't but I do. I never know with people, how far their anger will go. I glanced at my watch and saw that I had 6 minutes to get to Malfoys room and the panic set in. "I'm sorry Harry, I wish I could but I really have to go." I said turning to leave but he grabbed my wrist. I flinched and closed my eyes, waiting for a punch that never came. "Cam, I'm not going to hit you" he said softly, his eyes full of concern. "What are you talking about? I know that." I snapped. "Then why did you flinch. Cam, if someone hurts you I can help. Is it your brother, or-" he started. My mind flooded with a memory.



"Do it," Our father said. I was collapsed on the floor in a ball, shaking and covered in sweat. "Father, please. I can't." Nate said. His eyes watered as he pointed his wand at me. "Nathan Marvolo Riddle, do it right now or I will Crucio you both. And you know it will be so much worse from me." Father spat with an evil smile. Despite the ache in my body I lifted my head to look at Nate. "It's ok Nate. Just do it" I croaked out. "Camilla I-" he started. "I'll be ok," I said, blinking back tears. Nate nodded and closed his eyes. "Crucio" he said and a light flashed hitting my body. The pain overwhelmed me and I began to scream. I begged for him to stop, my brother sobbed, and my father laughed. We were 12 at the time.


I ripped my arm from Harry's grip and glared at him. "Nate would never hurt me. This stuff doesn't concern you. So stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. Shouldn't you be focused on not dying in that competition you were stupid enough to get entered in" I spat. Harry back up clearly shocked by the side of me he has never seen. I turned on my heel and left the room. I wiped away the tears because he was right Nate did have to hurt me but it wasn't his choice and I know he feels guilty about it everyday. I finally found the Slytherin Dorms after 15 minutes of searching. As I walked down the hall, I saw a figure leaning against the wall. I got closer and saw it was Draco. He glared at me as I approached and my heart raced. "You're late," he spat. "I couldn't find the dorms, you didn't tell-" I started but he grabbed me pinning me against the wall. His minty breath fanned my face and he stared into my eyes. I swear I could feel his heart beating on mine. "I didn't ask," he said slowly. You would think after everything I have been through Draco Malfoy wouldn't scare me, but it's actually the opposite. Everything scares me. I'm pretty good at hiding it but I don't trust anyone. Draco kept himself pressed against me, staring at me like a puzzle he couldn't solve. I got scared so I closed my eyes. "Open your eyes." he demanded and I did. He was giving me a death stare like never before. "Pathetic. You are absolutely pathetic." he spat. I felt my eyes water as I realized he was right. I trembled under even the slightest touch, I couldn't even look at him. "Let's go," he said. He stepped back but kept a firm grip on my wrist. "Parseltongue" he muttered and the door opened. We walked in and he began dragging me through their common room. His grip on my wrist twisted and I winced. "Please Malfoy, that hurts" I said. He stopped abruptly and I bumped into him. He towered over me and I looked up at him. "I don't care, now shut up and let's go" he snapped as we kept walking but his grip loosened. We walked all the way past the boys dorms and to a private room with the name Malfoy on a gold plaque on the door. Of course he would have his own room. He opened the door and pushed me inside. My back collided with the floor and he shut the door. I quickly stood up only to be pushed back down again. "No, you stay on the floor." he spat. I took in my surroundings and I'll admit it was beautiful. His room was all shades of black and emerald and green. Lots of snake decor. It was very elegant. "What do you want from me Malfoy?" I asked. He laughed and began to casually stroll around his room. I stayed on the floor, the fear made me unable to move. "You know my father is a loyal follower of your father. He does whatever is told. You would think that would be met with some sort of forgiveness, but no." he said. I was confused, I have no idea what my father does. I'm not a death eater or even an apprentice like Nate, I don't know anything. "I'm sorry Draco, but I don't know what-" I started but he knelt in front of me and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. "Don't interrupt" he spat and I nodded. "My father failed one order, just one. So my mother was tortured. And despite that my father has to continue to bow down to that coward who makes everyone else do his dirty work." he said. I could see the rage building as he paced faster. "Now you and your brother want to come to Hogwarts and destroy this place too huh?" he yelled. I stayed quiet, I didn't know what to say. He grabbed my throat and yanked me up slamming me against a wall. He only held the sides of my throat so I could still breathe though. "Answer me!" he screamed. "I don't want to. I swear." I said as the tears poured down my face. "Why are you here? Why not just Nate?" he asked. "I don't know. Please Draco." I said, grabbing his arms. He grabbed my wrists pinning me back up against the wall and forced his leg in between mine. "I'm sorry about your mom, she didn't deserve that." I said. "It doesn't make any sense. Nathan is the death eater. He is crazy." he said and his face softened. It was like he was talking to himself. He looked at me and our faces were inches apart. His eyes still stormy and I could hear his heartbeat with mine. He leaned in as if he was going to kiss me. My heart fluttered but suddenly the door burst open and Nate stormed in with his wand drawn. Draco immediately stepped away and drew his and they were pointing them at each other. "Cam are you ok?" Nate asked. I nodded but I was just confused. "What the fuck did you do to her?" Nate snapped. "Absolutely nothing, we were having a little chat about your business here." Draco said casually. "Is that right?" Nate said, trying to calm his anger. "Yes, it would be unfortunate if Dumbledore found out who you really are or about the real reason you are here." Draco threatened but Nate just laughed. "And it would be very unfortunate if my father found out you were interfering in our plans don't you think?" Nate said. Draco just scoffed. "I would hate to have to crucio you poor sweet mother again. She is almost as pathetic as you." Nate teased. I froze as I watched them fight. "You bastard, Expe-" Draco started. "Stupefy," Nate said and Draco went flying back into a mirror. It shattered and the shards landed on Draco as he hit the ground. Nate pressed his wand against Draco's chest and laughed. "Now now, what would my father do if that happened?" he thought out loud. "Oh I know, maybe the cruciatus curse should teach you to respect the Dark Lord's children." he spat and I snapped back to reality. I ran over and stood in front of Draco's collapsed body. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled. "You tortured his mother and now you were going to torture him." I said. "Cam moved out of the way," he said. "No. " I said standing my ground. "Move Cam, I won't ask again." Nate said. "No. I don't take orders from you. You are need to leave. And if you ever harm Draco or his family again, I will go straight to Dumbledore and tell him everything." I said. Nate rolled his eyes and scoffed. "No you won't. You know what will happen if you do. We both die." he said. "That's true. But I don't care if I die. And as for you, the person you are becoming... I don't know if you deserve to live." I said. "Now leave, and remember what I said because I'm dead serious." I said and Nate stormed out and slammed the door. I tried not to cry at the version of my brother I have never seen before. He was cruel, it was like he wanted to torture Draco, like he enjoyed it. That scared me more than anything else.

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