Chapter 45

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"Call the head of the Royal Jeomjaeng-i" I said

(Jeomjaeng-i- Fortune teller)

"It's dangerous to call the Royal Jeomjaeng-i since they're fortune tellers of the palace they are loyal to the king." Zibo said

How dare he?!

"There will be a way. Just call her secretly at night. I'll talk to her"

"Yes, my Lord" Zibo said and left

I smiled to myself. Just wait Zuko. My daughter is in the competition and she'll be your Queen and I'll dethrone you.

-end of flash back-

While waiting for the Royal Jeomjarng-i

I am writing a letter to Zuko once again.

          Be ready

I folded the letter and gave it to my assistant.

Just be ready zuko. You'll end soon

"My lord, the Head of the Royal Jeomjang-i have come"

I just calculated it right. She will come.

"Let her come in." I said

The lady come in wearing a mask in her face.  And then she bowed

"What can I do to a Criminal being accused in High Treason to the firelord?" She asked

"You tramp! How dare you-" I retorted Zibo

"No Zibo, Leave us." I said

"Yes my lord" Zibo said

Zibo left. And I faced the the Head royal shaman

"You can remove the the mask now." I said

She removed the mask. "Now. What is your name?" I asked

"Misus." She said

"Misus, let me get this to the point." I said

"What is it?" She asked

I smiled evily.

"I want to know who will enter the top 3 and who will be the First Ladyship of the Fire lord" I asked

"I see that this man has bad intentions. Give me a reason why should I tell you?" She asked

This royal jeomjaeng-i is really good. No wonder why she's the head.

"Your powers are really good. Good guess" I said

She smiled. "The royal jeomjaeng-i's never guess. Nothing here is prediction. We saw future and that's the part of being a jeomjaeng-i" she said

I smiled once again.

"Too much blabber. You asked me, what should I do to you when you tell me the future about who's gonna be the first firelord's lady." I said

This jeomjaeng-i is not kind one. Begging for an exchange just for the future.

"Now Mr. For your information I'm not that kind of jeomjang-i you're thinking. I'm not begging for exchange I'm just asking." She said

Wow. What kind of supernatural this jeomjaeng-i has?

"I'm gonna make a grand royal jeomjang-i of the whole Fire Nation." I said

She was shocked. I smirked at her. "See?" I said

She looked sharply "There was a legend here in the Fire nation actually a tradition. The sun and the moon. The Sun represents the Crown prince or the King. And the Moon represents the Crown princess or the Queen. And as you can see the The Royal head of jeomjaeng-i is the one that sees the future Sun and Moon of the Nation." She said

Arggh. Too much talk. Sick and tired of it.

"I already know that. I'm asking who will be Queen?" I said

I'm losing my patience

"A maiden named Mai who's His Majesty's first tragic love." She said


"And what makes you so certain that she'll be the Queen?" I asked

She looked sharply "she wrote her own destiny. She decides to be the Queen even though she comitted a serious crime." She said

Glad that I called this Jeomjaeng-i
You fool tramp. You think I'm gonna make you a grand royal jeomjaeng. No way.

I smiled foolishly to her

"That's the answer I wanted to hear. I guess I predicted it so nice." I said "you may now leave." I said

"Behold those who live with Lie. Great Jade Emperor watch and guide them. But never doubt to send to them to the door of darkness as they try to change the five God's already written history." She said and left.

What does that mean?!
Anyways I already got the answer. No need to worry.

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