XII- Rejection

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I was walking downstairs. And I still can't see katara. Were the Hell is She!


My words were cutted because I heard a very Familiar voice


"Hey!" Katara said, I was about to go to Her direction but I heard a guy's Voice.

"Sorry" He said. Katara Answered  "I'm Sorry too" she said softly

"It's Okay, by the way I'm Chao, from the Northpole" he said

So.. Chao It is.

"Katara, Of the Southpole, By the way why are you here?".

She said

Yeah why are you Here. Chao?!.

"Wow. It's a Pleasure to meet the Southpole Princess, I'm with my Cousins were on a Vacation. What about you Princess. Are you With Someone?" He asked

"Yes. I'm with Z-"

I cut Katara's words and Immediately go beside Katara.

"Yes, I'm with her."

Katara was shocked I can see that in her Eyes. "I'm Zuko." I said Plainly

"Lord Zuko! what brings you Here?" Chao Asked.

"Me and Katara are off to Lunch. So we better get going." I said and get Katara Holding her wrist.

While walking We heard Chao. "Bye Princess and Lord Zuko!, have a nice Lunch"


In the Market

"What the Hell, Zuko. Why did we go away to Chao!" Katara said Shouting

I'm asking the same Question to myself Katara. Why?

"Will you Please Stop Shouting Katara!" I said Glaring at Her.

"But why Zuko?! Why?!" Katara exclaimed

"Because he can't be trusted!" I said Seriously

"No, That's not true." Katara Said. But eventually She Just Smiled and Crossed her Arms.

"Are you Jealous?" She Asked

My Eyes Widend

Am I Jealous? Maybe I am J-- No I'm not I don't Like her. So there's no Reason to be Jealous.

"No. I'm not" I said.

"Yes You Are" Katara Said

"I said I'm Not" I said.

"Yes You Are." Katara Smirked.

"I Said I'm not" I Answered

"It's Obvious Zuzu, You're Jealous" She said Smiling At me.

"I'm more dead Serious over here Katara. I'm not Jealous" I said Glaring at her.

"Fine Fine. I'm just joking Zuzu. Don't Take it Seriously" Katara Said Laughing Out Loud

"It's not a Funny Joke." I said crossing my Arms

"Fine Sorry Your Highness Azuzu. C'mon Let's just find a place to eat, I'm Hungry" Katara Said holding my wrist and walking away

Am I Jealous? Ye- No I'm not!

I'm Je- I'm not Jealous and I don't Like Her It will Never Be.


Poor Zuzu. Rejection :((

Umm Guys I'm planning to make a New Story It's an ATLA too but it's Modern. Just Planning =)))

guys Please Spread this to your Zutara Fans/Friends Please tell them to read my Story Please:)) Thankyouuu

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Love lots Muwaaah ♥

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