Chapter 70

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I felt the morning light. I slightly opened my eyes happily. I saw Sokka on the other side just sitting on the corner.

I looked at him and he bowes to me. I touched my forehead

Why do I feel like someone touched it. I looked at him still touching my forehead.

"Sokka" I said

"I'm at your service your majesty." He said I sighed. I miss him calling me Zuko. He ruins my day by calling me 'Your Majesty'

"Did you find the lady we encountered in the mountains?" I asked

He looked at me wide eyed "As soon as I get into the house. They're not their anymore." He said

I sighed but still smiles "I didn't even gave my gratitude to her." I said.

I'm too cruel to her that day. While she's being too kind and generous to us

I noticed I'm still holding my forehead. I really feel like someone touched it.

And it may be strange but that touch made my sleep more comfortable and my nightmares are gone. Sokka noticed my confusion in my forehead

"A jeomjang-i entered in your room last night. It seems like her skills had a good effect on you." He said

He knew?

And did nothing?

"You know it's forbidden to enter a jeomjang-i in my chambers and you know it's not allowed for them to touch me especially when I'm unconscious" I said

He bowed "I'm sorry your majesty, But it seems like that it's not jeomjang-i real purpose. She really wants to cure you. She even told me.." He stopped looking down.

"Told you about what?" I asked

But still he didn't answered

"Sokka" I said but still no response

"Tell me. It's okay. I know it's hard but I want you to tell me." I said

He sighed. "That Lady." He said

"Continue." I said

"Arang. The lady that resembles Katara so Much." He said

My eyes widened. "Wh-what about her?" I said stuttering

"She's the jeomjang-i who entered your room last night. And..." He said

I sighed heavily "and what?" I said

"I'd let her touch your forehead. Because for 6 six years you never slept smiling. Until this comes. She even.." He said stopped and looked down and frowned

"what?" I said but still he didn't answered

"AND WHAT?!" I asked losing my patience

"When she saw me. She saw visions of me and Katara on Southern Tribe." He said

"Sh-She's pretty amazing. I searched her profile right after she left last night" he said and I just look at him waiting for the next statement

"She's a registered jeomjang-i six years ago. She is adopted six years ago. Her mother is the past Leader of the Royal Jeomjang-i named Misus." He explained

Six years ago...

Katara's funeral is held and at the same time there is a lady that resembles Katara registered as a jeomjang-i. I said to myself.

I just nodded blankly and entered the bathroom. I dressed up and straighten my clothes and top knoted my hair. This will be a good day. I said to myself

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