Chapter 1✔️

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Zuko's POV:

The Painted lady...

"In the prophecy, fire and water must be together or else the world will be in grave danger."

That's the last thing I remembered when I woke up.

"Kinda Strange" I whispered to myself as a knock came to my door.

"Come in." I said rather loudly as one of my maids entered my room.

"My Lord, you need to get ready quickly. The Avatar and his friends are waiting for you in The Royal Garden." she said while opening the blinds so that the bright sunlight would seep through my windows.

I groaned but got up anyways and did my regular morning routine quickly because I couldn't wait to see my friends. I walked out of my bathroom and saw the outfit that was picked out for me to wear today laying on the bed. I quickly put it on then started my journey to The Royal Garden.

On my way to the garden I walked past several maids and guards who bowed their heads at the sight of me and said "God morning My Lord." I gave each of them small smiles but it made me feel uneasy because I was not yet crowned. As I approached my destination I saw Aang and Sokka playing with the turtle ducks, while everyone else was laughing because one of the ducks just bit Sokka's finger.

"Aang, Sokka!" I yelled over to them, laughing as well. The Gang Looked over at me surprised and then immediately ran up to me.

"ZUKO!" Aang shouted running up and tackling me in a huge man hug that almost made me fall to the ground.

"How's life Mr. Fire lord hot man?" Sokka asked punching me lightly in the arm while smirking at me. But then Katara Punched Him while saying "Oh stop is Sokka, that's not a funny joke to say to the Fire Lord!"

"Sorry" Sokka looked sheepish rubbing the back of his neck while Katara looked at me."Zuko!, It's So Good To Se You again!" then she hugged me. I stiffened in her embrace and thought to myself This is Awkward and when I couldn't bare the building awkwardness anymore I broke the hug.

"Life has been pretty good thanks to all of you." I said in reply to Sokka's earlier question.

"Thats good. Well hey, how is it being the new Fire Lord?" Aang Asked. I looked at him and laughed while scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh no Aang, I'm not the Fire Lord yet, thats actually why I invited you all to the palace because today is my Coronation."

"Oh cool. Well when does it start?" Tops asked

"Well we've got a couple of hours to kill, so why don't you guys come inside?"

The gang all nodded their heads then entered Zuko's home awaiting the hour in which Zuko would become the next Fire Lord.


The ceremony had begun.

I stood there on the stage looking down at all of the people who came to see me get crowned today. There were so many people here that my heart swelled with joy. I smiled on the inside as I thought to myself In just a few short moments I will be the Fire Lord.

The ceremony was almost done when I looked over and  I saw my friends at the front of the crowd all smiling at me. Then my eyes locked with Katara's and I felt something in the pit of my stomach but I wasn't quite sure where to place it. There was a certain emotion swirling in her eyes as well but before i could place it I got snapped out of my thoughts when the leader of the Fire Sages said the final words to make me the Fire Lord.

"And now I crown your new Fire Lord Zuko of the Fire Nation!"

The crowd cheered and clapped as the gold flame was put in my hair. I stood up and smiled to the crowd before leaving to go meet my friends inside.

As I was walking through the hall I spotted Katara approaching me. "Congratulations Fire Lord Zuko!" she exclaimed while bowing her head slightly.

"Thank you Katara, but you can still just call me Zuko"  I smiled at her.

We looked at each other as an awkward silence fell upon us, and just as she was about to say something she got interrupted by an all too familiar feminine voice."Zuko! I've been looking for you everywhere!"

The feminine voice turned out to be my girlfriend, Mai. I looked at her and said a simple "hi Mai" before looking back to Katara to see if she was going to finish talking from before. Mai's smile turned into her usual balance expression. "Wow, you surely didn't miss me" she said as she stepped in front of Katara.

I 'Smiled' "Why of course I missed you Mai." She then wrapped her arms around my neck while I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her back. The hug only lasted a couple of seconds before Katara coughed causing Mai and I to break apart and look at her.

"I should be going now-" The water Princess started "It's nice to see you again Mai-" Katara said in a very serious voice that almost sounded angry... Almost. "-And Fire Lord Zuko" She finished in a teasing but yet seductive tone before she turned on her heels and left, leaving me speechless.

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