Chapter 50

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Mai's Father

"Zibo!!!" I exclaimed

"Yes, your Excellency?"

"Call Misus" I said

"Yes?" Zibo said

"NOW!" I exclaimed

Misus you wench! You damn wench!

You pretty liar! I'll break your bones you wench!

"Yes." Zibo said and left

You. Dare to lie! You dare. You little Head of the Royal Jeomjang-i

"Your Excellency the Head of the Royal Jeomjang-i is here" Zibo said

"Let her come!" I exclaimed

Misus came. And sit down in front of me

"My Lord, What do you want? What happen? Why so urgent?" She asked

I slap her. Liar!

"You.. Dare to lie!" I said

"You told me that Mai will be the moon! You pretty liar! You wench!" I exclaimed

"I'm sorry My Lord. I wrongly saw the future." Misus said

I smiled "What a shame." I said "You're serving that wench Firelord and then you are seeing future in a wrong way? I think your getting old Misus." I said

"Pardon My Lord" she said

"I think it's time for you to step down in your position" I said

She bowed down and cried out "Spare me My Lord" she said

I smiled evily "Fine." I said

She sit again "I'm very grateful" Misus said

"But" I paused "I think you should take the responsibility of what you said." I said

"What?" Misus said

"I can't kill that peasant Katara, east quarters are surrounded by guards. And she has an excellent skill of water bending. So you're taking responsibility" I said

I pulled out my dagger "Use black magic to her" I said

Misus looked sharp "The black magic is only used when His Royal Highness is in danger. Being a Royal and official Jeomjang-i means you are seeing future in a good wayscour talismans and our power to control the magic is only for the good." She said


"Then I guess I have no choice." I said

"Prepare to be beheaded." I said

"For what reason?!" Misus exclaimed

"For telling me that Lady Mai is the crown princess. You supported her than that peasant, Katara. I think it's a treasonous." I said

"You misunderstood!" She cried out

"You are at the edge of the cliff Misus. One wrong move and you'll fall or one push to you you'll fall." I said

"But" I paused

"Just do the deal and your life will be spared" I said

She looked sharply to me "Fine."

"Do it tonight" He said

"Make sure no mistakes will be made" I said

"Y-yes, My lord." She paused "But I have one request" she said

"Anything" I said

"After I perform black magic to Lady Katara, I want to leave for being the Head of the Royal Jeomjang-i for how many years" she said

Suspicious. Why?

"Why?" I said

"I perform black magic to kill someone. My powers will be weak. I need to regain them and I need to go to the mountains to pray and pray until I regain my powers." Misus said

"I see." I said "Fine. But make sure you will never fail." I said

"Yes." Misus said

"Once you cheated. One word from me and you are over. Say good by to your precious head" I said

"Yes." Misus said

"Then I will be taking my leave now" she said

"Go. And prepare for tonight" I said

She stand up and bowed "I wish you good health My Lord." She said and left.

"Zibo! Eacourt the Head of the Royal Jeomjang-i at the palace!" I exclaimed

"Yes. Your Excellency" Zibo said

"No! I will go on my own. I can handle myself" she said and left

"Very well" I said

I smiled evily.

Prepare to die Katara, the last water bender of the South.


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