C21- Omashu

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A new day has begun, After the real talk last night Zuko haven't talk to me lately

"Umm, Zuko?" I said in a nervous tone.

"What?" He said plainly

Why is he so Cold?!

"Nothing. Never mind!" I said. and we continued waking

After hours and hours we reached Omashu "Zuko." I paused "How can we enter Omashu If---" 

I was cutted by him "If the Omashu is not yet constructed, The City of Omashu is not yet recovered after the Hundred year war." He said frowning. 

"Anyways, Let's just try maybe the guards will allow us to enter." I said trying to encourage him

"Okay, C'mon"

We wear disguises just Like old days and then the great Oh Fire lord Zuko talked "Remember Katara, Act normal don't try to act weird and odd" He said.

"I'm not Like you." I said laughing quietly

"What did you say?" He asked glaring at me

"Never mind" I said still laughing at him

When we reached the Gates of Omashu  2 guards spoke "Who are you?" The 1st guard ask

"Uhh we- we-- were--" I said stuttering. But I was cutted by Zuko

"I'm Lee, She's Kiyuki. My Fiance." He said Looking at me

My eyes widened FIANCE?!


"What do you want in the city of Omashu?" The second guard said. 

"We just want to explore the great City of Balance." Zuko said.

"The City is still under construction, No Visitors can enter until the City is not yet fully constructed." The Guard said. 

"But---" I said but I was cutted by the guard

"We said No!!" The Guard said.

"I'm sorry. We'll just Visit next time" Zuko said Pulling at me. 

"Let Go of Me!" I exclaimed 

He let go of me "Katara, we've got nothing to do! The City is still under construction We need to find other way to go to the City of Quen" Zuko said looking at me.

The Questions is. Why do we need to go across the Omashu?!

"But why do we need to cross over Omashu, Instead we can just go to the sides and Find that City of Quen." I suggested

"No." Zuko bring out out his Map he put it on the floor and Pointed at the City of Omashu "As you can see this is the Omashu we are here right now, Behind that we will gonna cross the River of wishes and after we cross the river of wishes that's were the City of Quen is." He said pointing at the River of wishes and the City of Quen

"What's your Point?" I asked "My Point is, if we go through the sides of the wall It will take a Long time to go to the City of Quen, We will be going through many Cities and that will take a long period of time! The only shortcut we have is the Omashu that is the shortest way we have!" I said. 

If we can't cross to the Omashu. 

And if we will take the Long time to travel if we never go through the Omashu

There's only one way to go through 

"Zuko. I know where we are going now." I said 

He looked at me seriously "And where is that?" he said

"At the cave of two Lovers." I said

His eyes widened "Are you insane Katara?! The Cave has a cursed and no one can survive in that Cave. NO ONE" He said

"No. We survive, Aang, Me, Sokka survive inside the Cave." I said.

"No. We are not going to that Cave Katara!." she said

"Zuko! Your Pride is out of control, Can't you see?! That's the fastest way we need to go through! We have no choice! If you want to catch Azula as soon as possible we need to enter that cave!" I exclaimed

Zuko Look down "Fine. We are going to the Cave of two Lovers."


Updated again ^_^ :D

They are going to the Cave of two lovers!!!

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?! Kidding. :D

Wait for the next chapter. Please Vote and Comment <3


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