C-26 River of wishes part 2

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"No! Shut up! That's not true!" Zuko continued shouting

"Zuko! What's happening to you!" I said shaking his shoulders 

"Don't touch me! I don't know you!" He said and stab me and fire bended my hand

"Ouch!" I exclaimed I winced at pain but I'm still stopping Zuko

"Zuko! Stop shouting! They're just hallucinating you!" I shouted at him 

"You don't know me!" Zuko shouted. "No I know you" I whispered at him

"BUT I DON'T KNOW YOU!" Zuko exclaimed. 

"Zuko! Are you insane I'm Katara! We're on a journey to find your Mother!" I exclaimed

Zuko glared at me "My Mother is dead! so shut up!" He exclaimed. I stop talking but Zuko continued shouting but suddenly I heard someone whispering me 



"What! Stop hallucinating me because you won't!" I exclaimed 

Katara.. The Fire Nation killed your mother and your going to help that Fire lord who's going to be an evil soon! 

"Zuko is not a bad guy! He helped us to end the hundred year war!" I shouted

But they still killed your mother. And soon your Father will be killed too. 

"No." I whispered and tears starting to fall in my cheeks 

Next to your Father is your Grandfather and mother Kanna and Pakku and lastly the New southpole Chief, Sokka. All of them will be killed Katara. ALL OF THEM!

I kneel and I started to cry 

They're going to die! Darkness and keos will encounter the world! No one can save it! 

"No that's not true." I whispered but I heard a soft voice and It reminds me of.... 


No Katara have faith

"Mother?" I said

Katara have faith.. Light will encounter you. There's always a light in the dark..

"Mom" I said

Have faith. Your key is the Light. Now go and save your friend

"Thanks Mom" I said

I stand up and looked Zuko 

"Zuko, I'm Katara the Water Princess of the South pole" I said

"I don't care!" He said 

I touched his right cheek and look to his Amber eyes.  "Zuko, Remember have faith. Don't let them hallucinate you" I said 

"Always remember that there's a light in the dark. Find the light Zuko and the dark spirit will never hallucinate you again" I said looking at him

"Katara? What happened?" He talked 

Thank goodness he remember me! "Thank goodness you remember me Zuko!" I said and hug him tightly I felt that Zuko froze

And then we saw a bright light and the Strong winds are starting to get weak and the fog is starting to fade. We saw the river down the bridge. The water is shining so bright like there's a diamond deep in the river 

"The River is very pretty" I said

"Katara, Thank you so much for saving me." Zuko said looking at my eyes. I smiled at him "You're always welcome Zuko" I said 

But I noticed that there's a tattoo on Zuko's palm Like a Yin and Yang but the symbol is only Yang "Zuko, Your palm there's a tattoo like the Yang symbol" I said

Zuko look at me "You also have one, In your palm  too but it's the Yin" He said and I look at it 

Me and Zuko looked each other. We raised our tattooed palms and we pressed our hand each other. A Bright Light was growing and a lady whispered 

"Thank you two benders. I will grant you a wish. Just one wish." The lady said and then the light faded

I smiled at Zuko "What?" He said 

"You're going to make a wish, Like it or not" I said smiling at him

"Arghh Fine" Zuko said.

I held Zuko's hand Tighter and I closed my eyes and made my wish.

I opened my eyes and smiled to myself. Soon I saw Zuko opened his eyes too.

"There? You Happy?" Zuko said glaring at me

But literally I just smiled "Yes. I'm happy" I said and his eyes widened 

"Come on, There's the end of the bridge" I said and we walk at the end of the bridge together.


Hey ^__^ Sorry for the Late Update. Hallucinations of Zuko and Katara. 

Hope you all like it :D 

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Keep reading muwaaaah! :***


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