Chapter 78

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"I am Princess Katara, the last waterbender of the Southern water tribe. Firelord Zuko's crown princess." I said to myself

I am her. She is me.
Arang and Katara are the same.

I finally remember. Everything.

I clenched my fist.

"I don't deserve to be treated this way" I said to myself and I suddenly heard the door is being unlocked and I cleched my fist more.

"It's already dawn. They're here." I said. And I sit down properly just glaring at the door.

All of you are the responsible of this. And they won't get away.

"Never" I whispered and I saw the minister of science walk towards me.

"You did a good job" he said and smiles foolishly. I looked at him he was startled a bit when he saw me with a messy hair.

"I really did" I said in a different tone. I stand up. And they made me walk first. While walking outside the east chambers I noticed suspicious movements behind me.
I look back and one of the men in black cover me in a sack.

"LET GO OF ME!!" I exclaimed
And the minister of science just laugh "Sorry. You are a big threat Lady Katara." He said and my eyes widened

H-how? I clenched my fist and tried to get out

"How did you know?!" I exclaimed
And he laugh foolishly "Our queen is smart." He said and he exclaimed


"LET GO OF ME!!" I exclaimed repeatedly. And something popped in my mind.

The dagger. I immediately get the dagge hidden in my white robe. I pulled it out looking at it.

"Thank you Mother" I said and ripped the sack in to two making the men shock. I fell in the ground

"Arghh" I winced in pain. I stand up even though it is hard to. I pointed the dagger at them and they just laugh

"You think you can beat us with your dagger?" One of the men said and they pulled out their sword which made me more startled.

And something popped into my mind..
"I-I a-am a w-waterb-bender" I whispered and I smiled foolishly and pulled back the dagger.

"Yes I can beat you." I said and look to the trees. I started to move my hands and water surrounding me. I quickly dodge them with the water and freeze them at the trees.

I quickly ran and noticed that they brought me into the woods. I keep on running and tears falling to my cheeks.

Where am I?


I keep on running and someone pulled me and covered my mouth shut. I looked up and he just held me tighter.

"Katara" he said and my eyes widened.

"Wh-who a-re y-you?" I asked stuttering
He removed his straw hat and I saw his eyes glowing gold. Amber eyes

"Z-zuko" I said and tears burst in my eyes and I just hugged him and he embraced me "Shh" he said "I'm here" he said and everything just went black.
I slightly opened my eyes and saw a two man sleeping. I sit down and Noticed it was Zuko and Sokka. They were startled and woke up.. I just looked at them and my eyes turned to Sokka. I smiled at him. Zuko look at us and he stand up.

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