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They're hidding something. I know that. Inside the Dining area I feel their tension in the room. What's With them? There has to be an explanation.

I was walking through Uncle Iroh's room and I found him sitting in his small chair drinking his Ginger tea.

"Toph, come in dear" He said

"Uncle Iroh, I'd like to ask you something." I said

He stopped sipping his Tea "What is it?"

"About the winte- Wait! I feel something!" I said

Uncle Iroh is shock "What? No one is here." He said defensively.

"You're lying Uncle Iroh. Boomerang guy! Come out I know your here!" I exclaimed

Uncle Iroh sighed heavily "Sokka, son come out" He said

Sokka came out under Uncle iroh's bed. I'm glaring at him. I go to the door and shut it out.

"Why are you here Sokka?!" I cried out

"Ahh uhm Uncle and I are- are- talking about..... Life changing stories." Sokka said in a sarcastic tone

I push sokka to the wall "Liar." I calmed down and sit in font of Iroh

"Okay! Tell me the truth. Both of you are hidding something! In the Dining area I feel your heart beats and the tension in the room. You hidding something." I said.

Uncle Iroh and Sokka sighed at same time

"We have no choice." Sokka said

Iroh stopped sipping his tea and looked at me seriously "Before the Journey and before Azula escaped. I received a letter from my secretary of the White Lotus" He paused and proceed to the table

"And then?" I asked

Uncle Iroh showed a piece of paper I think? "This is a letter sent by my secretary." Uncle Iroh gave it to me.

"She can't read Uncle Iroh" Sokka said.

Iroh read it to me.

To Our Beloved Grand Master Iroh,

Greetings, Grand master Iroh, I have a news from The Old prophecy book Of The White Lotus, In the Book I saw Something Strange. A Paragraph That I never Forget. It Says That A Royal Highness From The Element of Fire And A Water Princess, Must be Together Or Else The World Will Encounter a Grave Danger. Grand Master Iroh, I have A Feeling that Firelord Zuko Your Nephew And Water Princess Katara of The Southern Tribe Is The One that The Prophecy Speaks.

Wan Yu

"So, your thinking that Sparky and Sweetness is the Prophecy?" I asked

"Exactly" Sokka said

"And then Azula escaped from prison. I realized that this is the perfect opportunity to give them time and to realize that they love each other."

That explains everything.

"Until Zuko confessed to Katara in the party." Iroh said

"Sparky confessed?" I asked

"Yes, When Uncle Iroh and Zuko throwed a party. Uncle Iroh saw Zuko bought Katara to a place. Uncle followed them and then He heard how Zuko confessed to her even though He's with Mai" Sokka explained

Sparky Loves Sugar Queen? Wow Destiny.

"Ohh. Next." I said

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