Chapter 4✔️

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Zuko's Pov

It was around ten in the morning when I finally got up. I opened my eyes and stretched my limbs awaiting someone to bring me some coffee because I really needed it. Last night I couldn't sleep. I kept on tossing and turning as images of Katara popped into my dream last night. I don't really know why I was dreaming of her when I should have been dreaming of Mai.

I was interrupted of my thoughts as my uncle came bursting through the door.

"Zuko get up you're late for the meeting. Get up and get dressed and meet us in the meeting room as soon as your done as we can not start without you.

Great. Just great. I was late to my first meeting ever. That only added to my frustration as I hurriedly scrambled to get ready before leaving my headquarters. Everyone was already awake and in the meeting room; The White Lotus, the Kyoshi Warriors and the Gaang were all waiting for me to arrive.

After a few more minutes of walking I opened the door and entered the room frustrated and with a tired face. The people surrounding me gave me worried glances but I brushed them off and walked to where I was to be seated.

After I took a seat In the highest chair a thought appeared in my head.

It has been three years since I entered this room and now I'm the one who is supposed to start it but I don't exactly know how to.

Well looks like I'm going to have to wing it.

"Ehem" I cleared my throat and everyone turned to stare at me.

"Thank you all for coming to this meeting. We have a lot to discuss so let's not make this longer than it needs to be." I Stated locking eyes with everyone.

"Look I have good news and bad news so I'm just going to come out and say it." I started.

"The good news is that I have cleared the information on Princess Ursa" I looked around as everyone started to smile. "But the bad news is..." I trailed off as I looked down and gulped.

"Azula has escaped the Boiling Rock" In less than a split second everyone's faces turned into looks of horror or anger.

Suki, leader of the Kyoshi Warriors, was the first to raise her hand.

"My Lord, what are we going to do?" She asked.

"We need to make sure every nation is safe so I will place some of my guards in every palace in each nation."

Toph, Princess of the Earth Kingdom, stood out of her seat and raised her hand.

"But Zuko, we have soldiers and guards too so we don't need your guards anymore."

I was about to interject but Katara decided to speak up as well.

"Yeah, we can just send a letter to our tribes and tell them to secure everything including the palace."

"No, Azula is seeking revenge and she's getting stronger everyday and her lightning is especially dangerous. We need to place fire and lightning benders to every nation just in case Azula arrives there." I said rather sternly.

Everyone's eyes looked anywhere else but me. They all seemed to be deep in thought with no one to disturb them until I stood and looked at all of them before saying, "The Kyoshi Warriors will go back to their homes with fire and lightning benders and you leave tomorrow. Suki, I'm assigning you to be the commander and chief of your town."

Suki bowed her head. "As you wish Fire Lord Zuko."

"The White Lotus will be in charge of Ba Sing Se so I will not be sending my guards there as I am sure you all can handle it. Your temporary commander will be Pian Dao. For the Northern Water Tribe I ask of your help master Pakku because you are the only reliable one there.

Pakku stood up and bowed. "As you wish my Lord."

"Toph will be in charge of everything in the town of BeiFong. If she needs any help the princess can message in the palace." I said.

Toph nodded her head. "Sure Sparky"

"In the Southern Tribe Chief Sokka and former chief Hokada will be in charge and take care of the palace especially for Katara."

Wait did I just say that out loud? Oh god that's so embarrassing.

Katara and Sokka both rose out of their seats and bowed their heads. "As You Wish" they said in unison as both of them made eye contact with me. Kataras eyes lingered on mine for a second longer than Katara's though.

"Here in the palace Aang and Uncle will be in charge while I go try to find Azula myself."

Gasps were heard simultaneously around the room as Uncle stood up with a stern look on his face. "No! Nephew you can't go and hunt your sister alone you need some allies!"

I looked at him and thought about it.

Well in the fire nation Aang and Uncle will be in charge. In the Norther Water Tribe Master Pakku will be in charge. In Ba Sing Se The White Lotus Will be in charge. Suki will be in charge of the Kyoshi Warriors. In Bei Fong's town Toph will be in charge. And in Southern water tribe Sokka and Hokada will be in charge which only means one thing...

The only person who would be available to accompany me would be Katara.

Could this have something to do with the prophecy? I wonder...

"You need someone to come with you Fire Lord Zuko, and since the Gaang is in charge of everything and the only person available is Katara, I insist that she goes with you as your partner. Besides you guys fight good together anyways and you really do need some help." Uncle spoke.

My eyes widened and I looked towards Katara. "Would you mind t-to terribly Katara?"

"Of course not," she smiled "I would be happy to assist you and besides I don't have anything better to do."

I clapped my hands together and stood up. "Okay! Everything is in place then. Katara get packed fast because we leave tomorrow. Thank you everyone this meeting is now over." I said Happily.

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