Chapter 2✔️

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Zuko's POV:

I was in my room, laying on my bed, and staring up at my ceiling. This is so weird every time I talk to Katara something doesn't feel right and I don't know why. I feel s-so strange.

There was a sudden knock at my door interrupting me from my thoughts. I didn't answer though because I wanted to be left alone right now but apparently the person on the other side didn't get the memo, because they opened the door and started to enter my room. I was about to yell at the person who entered my room without permission but stopped myself when I saw my uncle Iroh carrying in a tray with a teapot and two tea cups.

"Hello Fire Lord Zuko. Would you like a fresh cup of this Jasmine tea? I made it myself and its very good for you and it can help you relax and clear your head." He said. I looked at him and sighed "Oh uncle you know that you don't have to call me that it's just Zuko to you... And isn't that what you say about all of the tea you make?" Then I laughed.

Uncle immediately put his eyes anywhere but on me before smiling and saying "Well of course I say it about all of my tea, but that's because it's true." Before he could go on he became serious as he came over to me and sat beside me on my bed. He then poured me a cup of tea and handed it to me.

"So Uncle, what do you really want to talk about?" I Asked.

The old man took a sip of his tea before starting.

"Zuko, my son- I have good and bad news"

It was my turn to take a sip of my tea. "Tell me the good News First."

"Somewhere in Ba Sing Se we heard news on your mother, Ursa."

I was shocked. "You're saying that my mother is alive?" Then before I knew it tears started to build up in my amber colored eyes.

"Yes, It was confirmed that Ursa is alive but the bad news is..." Uncle paused for a few moments.

"What is It Uncle?" I asked confidently.

I was greeted with more silence.

"Uncle wha-"

"Your sister Azula escaped from the boiling rock last night."

My confidence faded while the nerves began to build up inside of me until I felt like I was going to explode. I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. I just sat on the edge of my bed while staring down at my tea. All of these emotions were swirling around inside of me coming and going as they pleased.

"Before I told you the news I had a meeting with Aang, Sokka, Suki, Tylee and Katara."

I looked up when I heard Katara's name. "W-what did you guys talk about?"

Uncle got up and patted me on my shoulder. "Don't worry about it now, Zuko. We'll talk to you about all of this tomorrow in the meeting room. Now rest up because we have some serious things to talk about in the meeting tomorrow."

I looked up at him before he left "Will everyone who was there today be there tomorrow?"

"Yes everyone will be there who was there today."

"Oh... Okay." I couldn't help but feel a little nervous yet exited at the same time due to the fact that I would see a certain Water Princess tomorrow.

"Oh and Zuko, In case you forgot I made this jasmine tea for you to keep you head calm... So drink ALL of it." He added.

Uncle put the Tea on my Table and immediately left leaving me alone to deal with everything.

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