C32- Over

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He invited me to be his dance partner? Wow? But why? Why me? What about Mai?  But anyways Should I wear the dress that Zuko-- I mean Uncle Iroh gave? Maybe I should wear it. Besides it's a beautiful gown

I quickly washed my hair for the excitement, After I washed my hair I quickly wear my gown, My gown was composed of a Gold strands and flowers around. The maids straightened my hair and put a Hair loopie and a lotus flower at the back.. And the I saw my Mother's Betrothal necklace, I removed it and put another red necklace that would fit in my gown.. 

"You're now ready to go Princess Katara." The maid said. I stand up and go to the big Mirror. When I saw myself I was shocked 

I-I Look like Mom, wearing a fire nation Gown.

"Princess Katara, You forgot to wear the tiara." The servant said. She gave my the tiara and I put it up in my hair. The servants are shocked and then an old servant came closer to me "Princess Katara, You look like Princess Ursa, Same hair style and the gown It's almost the same, Except the eyes."   

I-I Look like a Fire Lady a-and Princess Ursa. 

I bowed to them "Thank you for helping me" I said and leave. I'm walking to the corridor still wondering what was the party for? My mind was bothered until I bumped on someone 

"Hey! Watch it!" I said. My tiara fell down and I was about to get it but he get it instead "Sorry Miss?" He said when he looked up we are both shocked 

"Princess Katara"

"Chao" We both said at the same time. "Chao?" I said

"Chao?" I asked him one more time "Chao!" I exclaimed "Ah-W-what?" He said stuttering 

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked. Chao smiled "It was just, Your appearance just changed. I never get used to it that your hair was straightened, You're Beautiful" Chao said shyly. I smiled "Thank you I appreciate the compliment" I said. He suddenly offered his right hand

"Can I escort you to the ball?" He said looking into my eyes 

I smiled at him Since... Zuko was not here, I guess Chao would be my escort this night. 


"Katara." We are both shocked when I heard a cold voice 


I look at the back, I saw Zuko leaning at the wall with his Royal robe and Top-knot, but his head down

"O-oh Hey Zuko" I said

Chao and I bowed to him "Fire Lord Zuko, What brings you here?" Chao asked 

He walked closer to us with his head down and then suddenly he looked at Chao sharply "I'm here to get my Partner." He said and pulled me closer to him "He-" I didn't talked because he held me tighter 

Chao was shocked "A-Ah Sure Lord Zuko." He said. Zuko didn't mind him and He just walked pulling me away from him without saying Good bye "Hey, Aren't we going to say Go--"

"Shut up" He said and we continued walking. I just shut my mouth and kept walking with the ice man Oh sorry I mean with Zuko. 

While walking "What's your problem?" I asked him

"You," He said coldly 

"Me?" I asked

"I asked you to be my dance partner, and then you're going with him?" He explained

"Hey, It's not my fault! I didn't see you over there Oh great Fire Lord! In fact you're eavesdropping to our conversation." I cried out

"This is over. I regret asking you to be my dance partner." He said and leave 

"I also regret why I said yes!" I cried out and He stopped walking 

"Then you shouldn't say yes from the first place." He said not looking at me and then He continued walking

"Yeah right Zuko! This is what you're good for! Leaving person alone!" I said and walked away

How dare He?

How could He  do this to me?!

I hate you Zuko!

I really Hate you For real! 

I-I Won't forgive you I said and tears starting to fall in my cheeks

"Don't cry Katara, He's not worth it" I said to myself 

"So what if I'm going to that stupid party alone" I said to myself again 

I said and continued walking. 


Curse you Zuko HAHA!

Sorry :)


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