Chapter 66

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After how many years we came back to the capital. The place where my parents left me and Misus took me and I was told that an exorcist was in me causing for me to be an Jeomjang-i I said to myself while the boat is docking and Wol tapped me

"Lady Arang, We're here" She said I looked at her and nodded Yeol, Wol, The Misus and I walked outside the boat. And Misus put the cover in my head.

Why do I have to cover my head always? I asked myself but I didn't complain, because she never left me and took care of me.

"Arang" misus said

"Yes Mother?" I said and looked at her

"You and Wol go to the house in the mountains and wait for me there" she said

Why mountains? "Mother, why do we need to stay in our house in the mountains? There are a lot of inn in the capital" I said

She looked at me "I am here to talk with someone and you decided to come. We are not here to have a vacation." She explained

Why so kill joy I said in my thoughts

"Wol" Misus said

"Yes Misus?" She answered

"Escort Arang now and Yeol will come with me" she said but Yeol retorted

"Misus! Why can't I be with them" she retorted

"Because you are a blabber mouth" Misus said

"Wol, Take Arang now. Yeol and I will be going" Misus said and Wol nodded

I said my farewell to Misus "Be careful mother and come home early" I said

She smiled and nodded we crossed each others way and now Wol and I are walking to the capital. Wol is holding a sword and wearing a man's clothes in short disguising as a man. She's not the Wol anymore that I used to know six years ago who's wearing a red dress and a yellow necklace

While walking I started the conversation

"Wol" I said

"Yes Lady Arang?" She said

Why are you always calling me 'Lady'?

I'm not a noble nor a princess

"Why don't you start wearing a dress? No one will harm me so you can stop disguising a man now." I said

She looked at me "Just get used to it Lady Arang" she said

"Why do you always call me 'Lady'? I'm no noble nor a princess. You can just call me Arang you know?" I said and then she looked at me again

"Too much questions. Let's just eat Noodles in there" she said pointing an inn

I nodded "And explore the capital?" I said excitedly

And she stopped walking and looked at me "No. Misus will get angry. After we eat we will head in our house in the mountains" she said and walked

I frowned and followed her we reached the inn and Wol ordered two noodles and we started eating while eating we heard someone talking

"Have you heard?" The first guy said

"What?" The second guy answered

"The royal procession of His Majesty and Her Majesty will be held today. They will have a vacation in the mountains for the Firelord to bear a crown prince." The first guy said

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