C37- Deal

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Everyone is preparing for the GRAND WEDDING. I was walking at the middle of the venue and I saw Mai's Father. My Father-in-law

"So there you are. My Son-in-law" 

Son-in-law pfft. Shut up please. Traitors. 

"Hi. Father, we need to talk privately." I looked at him sharply

 "Sure son. Is there any problem?" 

Yes there is.

"Please. At my room" I said. 

Me and Mai's father proceed in my room.

At the room Mai's father is looking at the window seeing the view of the Garden 


"What is it son? Why does it have to be so private?" 

No it's not THAT private the gaang already knew. 

"Father, Let's stop the wedding. I know what you're planning.. No. You and Mai planning. Let's get this over with and stop the preparation." 

Mai's father smiled. Evily. 

"So, You already knew?" 

"Yes. So Stop this. No one wants a war" 

No one.

"No one? I want, Mai wants, Ozai wants, Azula wants, Rebellions wants." He said

Because you're all evil. 

"Do you think it would be all that easy to end the preparation and arrange marriage? Do you think I would deal with you? Oh come on! Basically No!" He said. 

I was about to Hit him but...

"Lord Zuko! You're going to hit me! Or I'll kill your Mother!?" He said. I stopped. I froze. It made my mouth shut

"No." I said

He smiled. He circled around me. 

"Here's the deal. Your mother and I arranged this marriage. You will accept the deal and pretend that you don't know anything. Pretend that you love my daughter. If you accept the deal. No one will be hurt even Ursa." He's said.

He's using my Mother! Arghhh

"You're using my Mother." I said glaring at him.

"That's life. If you don't stick to the deal it will be over. Ursa will be gone. I know you love The South Princess choose wisely young fire lord. The Princess or your mother?" He said.

I-I'm Sorry Katara. But I also love my mother

"Fine. I'm with the deal. You will never hurt my Mother if you ever hurt her! I'll hurt your daughter!" I said 

He smiled

"It's settled then." He offered his hand. I gave the forced pleasure

"The wedding will continue. There's nothing to be cancelled" He said and leave my room. 

I'm doomed. The world is doomed. 

I opened the door and walk at the room corridors with my head down thinking if I made the right decision. Suddenly someone pulled me. It's not that strong because she's a girl. No a lady. Same hair color and same dress. She brought me to her room. The room is themed with light and dark blue. 


"What?" I said in a cold tone

She looked at me. Her eyes is lonely. She's concerned

but why? 

"I saw you and Mai's father entered the room? and I saw Mai's father walked out tour room smiling He's so happy. What was that all about?" She asked. 

"Why do you care?" I said

She just sit down in the bed and look down "Nothing. I just one to know. The world will be in danger because of him. I just want to know why. " She said.

I sighed I looked at her even though she's not looking me. 

"We've have a deal" I said. She looked at me. Sharply. 

"What?" she said

"We have a deal. The wedding will continue and no one will be hurt." I said

She stand up. I looked down. 

"No one?! Are you that insane?! Zuko! Everyone will be hurt! Think about it Zuko! Why did you accept the deal!" She cried out. 

I know. I know. I'm Sorry. 

"It's not about the deal. It's because I love her. Mai." I said

I'm sorry I lied. I'm very very Sorry Katara

She was surprised "I-I s-see. Y-you still love her even though she's a traitor." 

No I love you Katara. Not her.

I stand up and come closer to her. 

"Yes I do. We will have a meeting tomorrow with the gaang. I will tell them we have a deal." I said. 

"You-" She was about to slap me.

I held her hands tighter and pushed her to the wall and kissed her with out any warning. 

I stopped the kiss. A tear fell into my eyes. 

And hug her tighter

even though she's trying to get away.

I let go...

Even though I don't want to. 

"I-I'm Sorry Katara f-for everything." I said and immediately leave her room, leaving her standing alone.  

I'm very Sorry Katara. If-If you only knew.


Sorry for the late upate.. 

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