C28- City of Quen

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Author's Note: Guys! Sorry for the late update :(( 



After Katara and Zuko made it to the river they continued their journey to the City of Quen 

"Zuko?" Katara asked. "What?" Zuko said

"These past few days, do you think that there's someone watching us?" The teen said with a confusion. Zuko look at her "No. Why?" He said.

"Nothing. I just felt it." Katara said. Zuko nodded and they continued walking "Hey Zuko, How did you know that Azula is in that City?" Katara asked

Zuko was tensed he don't know what to say 

I can't say that Azula gave me the Letter!

She'll be mad! 

I can't let that happen! No! 

Zuko said in his thoughts 

"Ahh uh-, I don't know I just felt like she's there" Zuko said rubbing his Neck. Katara looked at her with a confusion in her face but she just smiled "Okay. I trust your instincts." She said

Trust but I lied to you.

Zuko said in his thoughts

We kept walking until we reached the City

"Zuko, we're here" Katara said pointind at the sign says 

'Welcome to the City of Quen'

"You never told me that this is an Eart5h Kingdom city" Katara said looking at her Fire Nation disguise

"I didn't knew!" Zuko exclaimed. "Okay okay, will you please calm down"

The two entered the city peacefully

The villagers are looking at them chattering about the enter of the two Fire nation people 

Zuko whispered to Katara "Help me to find the abandoned beach, We'll meet outside that hall" Zuko said to Katara while pointing the City of Quen's Hall. Katara nodded and they both seperated ways. Zuko go to the South part while Katara goes to the North part. 

Katara and Zuko kept walking and kept asking where does the abandoned beach is located but the villagers just avoid her question with a frightened face

"Miss, May I ask you something. Where does the abandoned beach is located?" Katara asked holding the girl's right arm. The girl got scared anjd let go of Katara's hand "I-I d-don't k-know" the girl said and walked away so fast  "Woa-wait! Miss! I just need to know where the Abandoned beach is located!!" Katara exclaimed and other villagers heard her.

The villagers looked at her suspiciously and frightened. Katara was shocked "I-I s-sorry I shouted" Katara said bowing and she ran away.

Katara run through the Hall waiting for Zuko and then she saw Zuko walking towards her direction. Katara ran towards her "You got any leads? Where the beach is located?"He asked 

Katara frowned "No leads, the Villagers just avoid the question and their face seems to be frightened." Zuko's amber eyes widened "Same as mine, What are we going to do?" Zuko asked 

"In think your Insti-- Wait."Katara said looking at the other side of the hall. So Zuko also looked at that direction but seen nothing just the statue standing "What?" Zuko asked

"I saw a man, Watching us." Katara said still looking at the statue "There's nothing--" Zuko was cutted "There! There He is!" Katara said pointing behind the statue.

Zuko and Katara chased the man, until Zuko caught him. Zuko held him tightly "Why are yu spying us?!" Zuko exclaimed. Zuko pushed the man into the wall "I'll ask you one more time. Why are you spying us!!!?" Zuko exclaimed.

"I-I didn't mean to spy on you Sire and Miss. The abandoned beach is not allowed to mention here even though it is located here. If you're here to visit the beach yoy should go! No one is allowed there!" The man said.

Zuko just stared at him with a confusion. The Man sighed "come one let's go in to my house" The man offered

Zuko and I decided to agree going inside the Man's house. He offered us Jasmine tea and sit with us. "You two should know about the abandoned beach" The Man paused "By the way I'm Shing. I'm a retired council man" He paused again "You know No one is allowed to go to that beach. Everyone is traumatized, When the war is still ongoing, That beach was supposed to be an tourist attraction, But the Fire nation invaded them and they  burned the trees and beach houses at the abandoned beach. That beach was supposedly known as Wide Beach, because it's big and beautiful until the fire nation invaded them. After they burned them we tried to revived them but it's no use. That's why we called them Abandoned beach" Shing said frowning 

"I'm Sorry Shing." Katara said. 

Zuko look at Shing sharply 

"Where is the Abandoned beach located?" Zuko asked 

Shing nodded. "Just go behind the wall. Go straight and go left when you saw a sign named 'Private' then go straight and you'll see the Abandoned beach. But be careful guards are surrounded there If youtwo are caughyt you'll be imprisoned forever" Shing said. 

Zuko and Katara Stand up and bowed respectfully to the Old man. 

"We thank you Shing. We owe you so much" Katara said still bowing 

Shing bowed back  "My pleasure to help the Firelord and the Water Princess" Shing said smiling

The eyes of the two teens widened"How did you know?" They both said simultaneously

Shing smiled "Your Eyes." He said "Now go!" Shing said. 

Zuko and Katara immediately run outside Shing's house


Keep reading. 

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Mwuaaah :*

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