Chapter 60

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Wol accompanies Lady Katara, No Arang with cover in her face and Yeol as they board a ship bound for destination unknown. I told her to be hurry

"Hurry up Arang" I said

But she lingers, worried that if she leaves this place, she might never see her family again.

"I may never see my family again." She said

I held her hands "You are a jeomjang-i now. Forget everything even your parents, they left you. Start a new life as a jeomjang-i" I said

She nodded. I asked Yong to handle things here for them especially for Arang, as she leaves with girls.

The man in the boat waves for kata- Arang, hoping that the next time he sees her, she will be smiling.

"Lady Kata- Oh!" Wol exclaimed who's already in the boat together with Yeol

"What?" Arang said looking at her

Lady Arang! We need to go!" Wol said

Arang looked at me. "I'm going Misus." She said

I smiled at her "Be careful. I will be there. I just need to go somewhere. Take care until then" I said

She smiled "Yes Misus" She said

I held her hand once again "Call me Mother from now on." I said smiling at her
She was overwhelmed and looked at me "Yes Mother" Arang said and hugged me

"Now, go. They're waiting for you." I said

"Make it faster Mother. So that you can go to us quickly." She said

I nodded at her. And Yong assisted her going in to the boat. The boat started to move away from the mainland the three girls waved at me. I waved back

The destined moon is gone. She enters a new chapter of her life and forgetting the past that she didn't know. And now the moon is hiding and this country is plunged into darkness. But a waning moon is part of nature, and one day moon will find itself and become full once again

I said to my thoughts and started walking out of the Port. I go to the palace and into the chambers of the Royal Jeomjang-i

I fixed my things I need to bring. I attend to the wedding first and then immediately leave. I temporary leave my things here and go outside the palace

I was walking outside the palace and accidentally walk through the east quarters I stopped by for awhile looking the sign 'Strictly prohibited to enter' I sighed

"They never knew the truth, They all thought that she has a contagious diseases. He treated the Moon like a criminal." I whispered and I was about to walk when I heard two servants talking

"Have you heard?" The servant said

"What is it?" The other one said

"That His Majesty ordered to open the case to her former crown princess" She said

He's opening an investigation
How can he find trace of black magic?

"Really?" The other one reacted

"Yes. It was told that after an hour the Head Police Palace bureau will arrest all the guards, servants that served the former crown princess and even Head Mistress Lee Sol Im they will be interrogated personally by the Firelord." The servant said

"I guess His Majesty really loves his former crown princess. This is the only thing His Majesty can do to her dead love ones." The other one said

"What a tragic love story of His Majesty and her lady" the servant said and they started walking away

He really loves her
I'm gonna live with conscience

I sighed and walked out of the palace and headed to the house of the Traitor.

I walked about an hour and reached his house

A guard pointed sword at my neck

"Who are you?" He asked

"I came to see your exellency" I said

He put down his sword "Follow me" he said

I reached his chambers "I want to talk to him alone." I said

"Yes." He said and I entered his chambers see him drinking

"What bring you here?" He asked

"I'm here to tell you to fulfill your promise. Leave me and The Royal Jeomjang-i's alone." I said

He nodded "I will. Trust me." He said

I glared at him "I merely don't trust criminals" I said

"I see, you shouldn't trust yourself. You killed someone making you a murderer so you are a petty criminal." He said

"I have my own conscience" I said glaring at him

He smiled evily "With or without conscience you still killed someone and that makes you a criminal." He said

I clenched my fist "Someday heaven will be the one responsible for your consequences" I said and leave

You have no rights to live in this world.

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